On the twentieth back in Pittsburgh all the girls were at Miriya`s & all the guys were at Sid`s having a good time. Of course there was drinking by everyone, everyone that is but Miriya.
"Miriya will you drink just one shot with us?" Michelle & Cassie asked.
"No guys I`m sorry, I`m enjoying my Pepsi, but I`ll drink a little champagne tomorrow during the speeches." At Sid`s house at about seven someone walked in who none of them had seen in a long time. Some of the younger players who had come in the last few years just looked as he walked into the kitchen where Sid, Geno, Colby, Flower & Jordan were.
"Ruuu," they all said & smiled.
"Hey guys how's it going?"
"Not bad, haven`t seen you since my wedding," Jordan said & hugged him.
"It has been a while."
They all talked & drank & everyone had a good time at both parties. The next morning everyone woke up & got ready for Cassie & Geno`s big day.
"You nervous big G?" Jordan asked.
"I didn`t think that I would be, but yea."
"If you`re nervous wonder how Cassie is?" Army asked.
Back at Miriya`s house all the girls were going each other's make-up. "You ready for your big day?" Sam asked.
"Yea, but this is a special day for you too, Happy Birthday."
"Thanks, but this is your day."
At three it was time & everyone was at St. Sebastian's; the same place where Miriya & Jordan got married. Geno was waiting while all the groom's men walked out. Marc-Andre Fleury, Georges Laraque, Ryan Malone, Colby Armstrong, Brooks Orpik, Ryan Whitney, Jarkko Ruutu, Max Talbot, Mark Eaton, Sid Crosby, & Chuck all stood in front of the church & looked handsome in their tuxes. The tuxes had black jackets, white shirts, silver vests & a black tie. The ushers who all sat in the front row wore the same tuxes & they were; AJ, Nathan, Big John, & the entire rest of the team. The bride's maid's dresses were silver, floor length, & had a silver satin strip across the top. Their bouquets were of red roses & some other flowers; the bride's maids walked down the aisle next. They were Lena M, Katie Custer, Sam K, Amanda K, Rachel T, Hannah R, Vicky S, Laura N, Lauren & Michelle. Miriya of course was the maid of honor like they had promised in fifth grade. Geno Jr. was the ring bearer & Marc-Andre's daughter Brittany was the flower girl. Her dress was white, poofy at the bottom, & spaghetti strap. Once they were half-way down the aisle everyone stood & Cassie started to walk down the aisle with her dad. Her dress was a white A-line, floor length, strapless dress, it had a long train, was sparkly on top & lacey on the bottom. Geno stood next to Jordan his best man & smiled as Cassie got closer. During the wedding as old friend named Mitch sang; then it came time for the exciting part.
"Cassie, at the moment I saw you, my heart skipped a beat & at that moment I knew it was meant to be. You were so beautiful in your 'Pens gear.' Since that moment I couldn`t imagine spending my life with anyone else, but you, I`m so glad that you came into my life." He paused then started speaking in Russian. "Cassandra Kristine Miller, I love you & I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Both Cassie & Geno smiled then Cassie started her vows, "Evgeni, I remember the first time that I met you in the locker room. I was so nervous, but when our eyes met I knew that it was love. These past two years have been amazing, & I can`t see myself with anyone else but you for the rest of my life. You surprised me at the point when you got down on one knee & asked for my hand in marriage. I love you Evgeni Vladamirovich Malkin, & I will always love you until death do us part."
"Do you Evgeni take Cassie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, in good times & in bad, in sickness & in health, for richer or poorer, til death do your part?"
"I do."
"Do you Cassie take Evgeni to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, in good times & in bad, in sickness & in health, for richer or poorer, til death do your part?"
"I do," she said & looked at Geno; neither of them had stopped smiling the entire time.
"...I know pronounce you husband & wife, you may kiss the bride."
Cassie put her arms around Geno`s neck & their lips met. "I love you," Cassie said when they pulled away.
"I love you too."
As everyone was leaving the church Miriya`s brother Thom & Miriya`s dad played bagpipes & everyone blew bubbles as Cassie & Geno walked out. As with the pervious two weddings the close family, team, & bridal party stayed for pictures while the rest of the guests headed to the reception which was being held at Blueberry Hill Park. Once pictures were over everyone else headed to the reception hall.
At the hall there were circle tables, every other table cloth was either white or silver alternating throughout the hall. The chair covers were white & the whole atmosphere was very formal. The food was from Sam`s catering service, but Sam didn`t have to do any of the work & she was happy about that. On a side table sat a three layer marble cake, it had white icing & red roses in random places, there was also cookies & other baked goods. The cake had been made by Miriya`s grandma & the rest of the backed goods had been made by the cookie day people, AKA Miriya`s family. There was also an open bar.
"Ladies & gentlemen please join me in welcoming for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Evgeni Malkin," Army said as Cassie & Geno walked in hand in hand with smiles on their faces; everyone stood & clapped.
They walked to the center of the dance floor & a slow Russian song started to play. "I love you Evgeni," Cassie said.
"I love you too Cassandra," he said & kissed the tip of her nose.
"Don`t call me that," she said just before Geno`s lips were pressed against hers.
The song ended & they were first in line to get dinner. Shortly after people started getting in line the "waiters" filled the minor's glasses with non-alcoholic champagne & everyone else's with the real stuff. About ten minutes later Miriya & Jordan put their silverware down, picked up their glasses, & walked to the DJ's table.
"Geno & I were rookies together, we went through training camp for the first time, made the team together, played on the same line, & that year we both fought for rookie of the year. But because he`s a crazy Russian superstar he beat me & won the Calder." Everyone looked at Geno & laughed. "He is an amazing players, a great friend, & the perfect match for Cassie. Now Cassie, I met her before Miriya & I started going out. I was hanging out with Miriya & she asked if it was ok if a friend came to meet me." Miriya smiled as Jordan put his arm around her. "Since that day we`ve been great friends, Miriya considers her to be a sister & so do I. So Geno I guess this makes us brothers-in-law." Everyone laughed. "You two are amazing friends who are perfect for each other. I wish you both the best of luck in the future, but with the way you`ve hit it off I`m sure that you guys won`t need it. I love you guys."
"When I look back there`s one friend who`s always been there for me & that`s Cassie," They both smiled. She was there for me during the hardest time in my life. When I was in tenth grade I had my heart broken & she was there for me." Jordan tightened his grip around her. "She was the first person I told when I met Jordan, the first to know that he had asked me out & she was there when he proposed to me. We`ve made so many memories & have so many inside jokes. In I think it was sixth grade I invited her over to watch a Penguins' game & look what happened, now she`s marry one." Everyone laughed. "She would come over & watch games with me & we would stay up until five am talking. The first time she saw Ian Moran in a towel, yea that was my fault." Miriya & Cassie laughed. "The first time I met Geno was great, he towered over me just like the rest of the team, but he was so sweet. Though his English wasn`t great he would always talk to me whenever he got the chance. I remember helping him with his English on road trips & I guess it paid off. The first time Cassie & Geno went out it was a double date with Jordan & I, they were so cute together. I knew from that day that they were going to be together forever. Geno thank you for making my best friend so happy. Cass I`d say call if you ever need a baby-sitter, but that'll be kinda hard with me being on the road all the time; but I`ll take you up on your offer. "Again everyone laughed. "Congratulations to the both of you & best of luck. I love you both."
Everyone took a sip of champagne including Miriya, then everyone finished eating. Cassie & her dad walked to the center of the dance floor & 'Because You Love Me' By Celine Dion played. When the reception was over Cassie & Geno went to the house, grabbed the bags, & went to the airport. They got the airport at three-thirty am, checked their bags & went through security.
"Babe do you wanna get something to eat?" Geno asked.
They found a tiny store, Cassie got a large apple Danish & a pack of gum, Geno got a Danish & a bag of assorted fruit snacks.
"Baby can we get some coffee from Starbucks?"
"Whatever you want."
They went to Starbucks & Cassie was waiting for her Vanilla Bean Frap when a group of girls walked up to Geno & started asking for autographs & took pictures with him.
"So are you seeing anyone?" One girl asked.
But before Geno could say anything Cassie turned around, wrapped her arms around his waist & said, "Hi babe!" They kissed then Cassie turned to the girl, "Does that answer your question?"
The girls walked away angrily without a word.
"Sorry babe, but I couldn`t help it."
"It`s ok, I think it`s kinda sexy that you`re jealous," he said then kissed her.
They got their drinks & went to their gate to wait for their flight. Once their flight was called they got on & slept the whole times, since they had been up since early that morning. They landed in Honolulu at about three-thirty pm Pittsburgh time & eight-thirty am Hawaii time (there`s a five hour time difference.) They got to the hotel after finding their bags & unpacked. They found a little restaurant by the hotel & decided to get some breakfast. They both decided try something Hawaiian & had pineapple pancakes. After breakfast they went back to the hotel & up to their room.
"I know we just ate, but I`m hungry," Cassie said sitting on the bed next to Geno.
"Ok, we can call down to room service, what do you want?"
"I`m actually in the mood for bagels."
"Can I help you?"
"Yes could you please send two bagels to room three twenty-one."
"Faygo sir, like the soda?"
"No bagels."
"I`m sorry sir, I can`t understand you because of your accent, so if you want to come downstairs & get it," she said in a bitchy tone.
He put the phone down & walked out of the room slamming the door. Cassie followed but when she walked out of the room he was nowhere to be seen.
"Geno," she called after him & finally found him sitting on a bench on the hotel's beautiful garden. "Baby are you ok?" she asked sitting next to him & grabbing his hand.
"I hate it when people can`t understand what I`m saying because of my accent, they`re always so bitchy about it."
"Baby I love your accent & Miriya does, & Michelle too," she said, by this time they had started walking through the garden hand in hand.
"Michelle...that reminds me."
One day a couple of months before & before the playoffs had started Michelle & Geno were in the locker room waiting for Sid, Miriya Jordan & Cassie who were skating & they were playing checkers.
"King me," Geno said once getting his piece to the other side of the board.
"What, could you say that again?" Michelle said with a smile.
"I said," he paused. "Wait I know what you`re doing, you`re making fun of me & my accent."
"No Geno, I would never make fun of your accent, I love it," she said as she stood up.
Geno picker her up & carried her up to the end of the runway, her arms flailing all over & of course she was trying to get down. Everyone who was out of the ice laughed then Geno took Michelle & threw her in the dirty laundry. Michelle made a sad face & at this Geno started to laugh, now knowing that Geno was ok Michelle started to laugh too.
Back in the garden however Geno had started to tear a little but laugh at the same time, finishing the story of the checker game.
"Baby you now that Michelle loves you & your accent, & that she only messes with you because she knows that you`re sensitive," Cassie said stopping & turing towards him.
Geno grabbed her other hand & looked at her, "I know, but this lady was a real bitch about it.
"I know but don`t even worry about it. She`s not worth it & we`re on our honey moon, let`s enjoy ourselves."
"You`re right," he said & gave her a hug.
They walked back to their room & sat down on the bed.
"So what do you wanna do today?" Geno asked.
"I don`t know," she paused. "How `bout we got down to the ocean & play in the water like little kids."
"We could do that," he said as he pulled her closer & kissed her. "I love you Mrs. Malkin."
"I love you too Mr. Malkin."
They changed into their bathing suits, put t-shirts & shorts on top & walked down to the water. They played in the waves for a while splashing & throwing each other in the water.
"Excuse me, but could you help me make a sandcastle?" a little boy asked.
"Sure, why not," Geno said walking out the water & up to place that the boy had picked.
Geno & the little boy made an amazing sandcastle, Cassie on the other hand watched & took pictures. They got back to the hotel at about five-thirty.
"Babe, I`m gonna get a shower," Cassie said from the bath room.
"Ok, be quick. I have a surprise for you & we need to leave at seven."
When she got out of the shower there was a blue Hawaiian shirt, jeans, & a pair of sandals sitting on the bed. After she got changed she looked up there was Geno wearing a grass skirt, coconut bra, woven hat, & dancing to invisible music.
"Baby I love you , but please go change."
Geno put on a pair of khaki shorts, a Hawaiian shirt & sandals, then they went to the "secret place." That secret place happened to be a Luau. They ate dinner then dancers came out & had people come up & dance with them. Geno went up & started dancing.
"Well this explains that grass skirt & coconut bra."
When they got back to the hotel Geno closed the door & pushed Cassie up against it.
"I love you Geno," Cassie said just before his lips closed down on hers.
Later that night clothes were scattered across the floor & Geno lay asleep with Cassie`s head resting on his chest.
The next day they were hiking up a mountain to watch the Hawaiian sunset.
"I`m so happy to be here with you, you make me happier than anyone in the world. And I`m glad that I made you my wide, forever & ever," he said in Russian.
"What?" she asked unsure of what he said, but he just nodded his head. "Geno I really need to learn Russian."
He giggled, picked her up & spun her around. "I love you Cassandra," he said once they got to the top.
"Sorry," he said in his sexy Russian accent.
This gave Cassie butterflies, he arched her back & laughed. They started off into the sunset & went back down the mountain to their suite. Geno picked her up & looked into her eyes. "I what you so bad," she said in German, she had learned this from Michelle. She wrapped her legs around his hips & he stumbled into the room.
"God Cass I need to learn German."
Cassie laughed as Geno hit the door closed & walked over to the white fluffy bed. He lay her down, unbuttoned her skirt & slipped her pink shirt over her head. Tiny beads of sweat ran down their bodies. She reached up to his shirt & slipped the green polo over his head. He kissed her neck & grabbed the strings of her bikini top with his teeth, untying it. The top fell to the floor & before long everything was on the floor.
About five minutes later there was a knock at the door, "House keeping."
"Come back," Geno tried to yell, but was completely out of breath, so she couldn`t understand it.
The person used their room key thinking that someone was in trouble. She first looked down at the scattered arrangement of clothes, worked her way over to the comforter that was sliding off the bed, then the smooth reflective surfaces of the two sweaty bodies. She slammed the door & ran. Cassie & Geno on the other hand completely ignored the interruption & continued doing what they were doing.
Sunday July fifth Cassie & Geno boarded a plane & got back to Pittsburgh that night. Once they got to their house they crashed.
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