Sorry for the lack of updates reccently, I`ve just been so busy with school and Pens games. And this chapter took me forever to type because the first time I got through the first four pages and my computer said it didn`t recognize my flash drive so I had to start over again. I hope that you guys enjoy this one, please comment.
Chapter Forty-Eight
"Ladies and gentle men tonight is a very special night, there`s a fresh face in the line-up and a brand new face in the crowd."
"That`s right Bourquey, Evgeni Malkin who missed eight weeks with a broken leg is back in the line-up tonight. Jordan Staal should be motivated tonight, his son Scott Patrick Staal is in the crowd to cheer him on."
That night after the game it was back onto the road again. Once on the plane Nik sat across from Miriya and Jordan who was holding Scott sat next to her.
"So Miriya I know this is really random, but how did the you and Kris thing start?"
She looked at Jordan then back at Nik, "Story time?"
"Fine by me," Jordan said repositioning Scott.
It was the summer after Miriya`s junior year and she had been going out with Jordan for nine months. Everyone was at her house, in her room, but she was with Jordan in the family room.
"Baby you know we`re going to be playing seven minutes in heaven right?"
"Yes I know."
"What do I do if I don`t get you?" she asked with a concerned look on her now abnormally pale face.
"Then you kiss whoever you walk into that closet with, I promise I won`t be mad."
"Are you sure baby?"
"Yes, I know you won`t feel anything like when you`re with me, but try to enjoy yourself."
"Ok, you too baby, I love you."
"I love you too," he said and pulled her close. He placed a kiss on the top of her head and smiled, "Let`s go do this."
They walked into Miriya's room where everyone was sitting in a miss-formed circle. Some people were sitting on the floor and others were on the bed which was surrounded by Penguins' posters. Jordan sat down on the floor with Miriya on his lap resting her head back against his chest.
"Guys when you go in there please don't mess up my display or the posters."
"Ok Mir since you're so paranoid why don't you go first?"
The hat that sat in the middle of the circle was filled with emblems from different NHL teams. She picked up the hat, closed her eyes, and picked out an emblem.
"Alright, which one of you hot shots has the Habs?"
"That's me," Kris said standing up. Miriya walked into the closet and Kris followed. They both sat down because there was a bit of a height difference. "Ok I know you`re dating Jordan and everything but…"
He was cut off when Miriya's full lips pressed against his. Kris pulled away breathing heavily. She looked into his dark brown eyes then moved to his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. They both smiled and their lips found their way back to each other. Miriya's tongue grazed his lower lip and he granted her entrance.
'This is so wrong, but it feels so good,' Kris thought.
"Times up!" Lauren's voice was heard from the other side of the door.
Miriya placed one last gentle kiss on Kris' cheek and they both stood and made their way back to the circle.
"Way to go Tanger!" Colby said looking at Kris who was trying to hide his smile.
"Ok who's next?" Haley asked.
"Why don't you go?" Miriya asked laying her head against Jordan's chest.
Haley picked an emblem, "Leafs?"
Sid stood up and walked to the closet with Haley close behind. "So is Michelle okay with this?"
"Yeah, I think the whole thing was her idea."
"Okay," she said placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Is that all I get?" he asked pouting his full bee-stung lips. She shook her head as his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. She looked up into his honey brown eyes and her lips made their way to his. The next few minutes went the same as the first.
"Times up!" Michelle said as soon as the timer on her phone hit seven minutes.
"Wow someone's anxious, why don't you go next." Lauren said handing her the hat.
"Eww, Boston?"
Colby smiled, got up off the bed, and reached for Michelle's hand. He led her to the closet and slowly closed the door waving to everyone in the other part of the room. He sat down on the floor and brought Michelle down onto this lap. She rested her hand against his chest while his thin lips pressed hard against hers.
Michelle briefly pulled away and managed to say with a wide smile, "Damn Army."
All he could do was smile and place his lips back on Michelle's. His hands which were wrapped around her waist made their way to her hair tie and her perfect curls bounced as they hit her shoulders.
She turned so that she was facing him completely, briefly breaking the kiss. She straddled his hips and ran her bright red finger nails through his curly brown hair. Her juicy lips found their way to his as she gently pushed him to the floor.
The door quickly opened, "I said times up, get off of each other," Laura said with a laugh.
"Laura's turn," Miriya said from Jordan`s lap.
"The Crapitals, I mean Caps."
Geno who was leaning against the wall said, "That's me," in his sexy Russian accent. They made their way to the closet then both stood their awkwardly. "We should sit down there's a bit of a height difference," he said in almost perfect English.
They sat down and stared into each others brown eyes. She noticed his chain and used it to pull him closer. He smiled and gently pressed his lips against hers.
Her cell phone started to buzz in her pocket, "Sorry, hello?"
Geno sat there contently. "Times up!" Lauren said from outside the door.
"Ok, I love you too, bye."
Lauren opened the door just as Geno was standing up from against Miriya's dresser. "Again I`m sorry." Laura said putting her phone away.
"Well no where near as much action as Chelle and Army," Miriya said with a laugh as Geno made his way back to his spot against the wall "Lauren," she said from across the room, "you made the last interruption."
"Me," Jordan said giving Miriya a hug. He quickly kissed her and made his way to the closet. They sat down because as with everyone else there was a bit of a height difference.
"So I know you're my best friend's boyfriend, but what the hell," she said just before she pushed her lips against his. She ran her fingers through his long blonde hair and smiled into the kiss.
She briefly pulled away for air. "Miriya wasn't lying, you are a really good kisser." Her lips were back against his in a matter of seconds.
"Times up!" Miriya said knocking on the door.
Lauren made her way back to her seat on the bed and Jordan wrapped his arms around Miriya. They sat back down against the wall, Miriya on his lap and his arm tightly around her.
"I love you," Jordan whispered in her ear before kissing her cheek.
"I guess it's just you and me," Cassie said to Marc-Andre who sat directly across from her. She took his hand and led him to the closet.
"I think that we're the only ones who this isn't awkward for," Marc-Andre said in his sexy French-Canadian accent while sitting down. He pulled Cassie into his lap and placed a kiss on her cheek.
"You're an amazing goaltender now let's see how good of a kisser you are," she said with a sly smile.
His lips pressed hard against hers. His tongue grazed her upper lip and she quickly smiled granting him entrance. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled away for air.
"How's that?" he asked.
"Amazing," she said still trying to catch her breath. But within seconds their lips found their way back to each other and this time is was somehow more intense.
"Times up!" everyone in the other room said.
Back on the plane Miriya said, "Yeah thats how Kris and I got close."
"Oh, I take it that's when the Chelle and Army thing started?"
"Yeah, but I think they had something for each other before that."
"They just never did anything about it until then," Jordan added.
Scott woke up and started to cry. "Here babe he's probably hungry."
Jordan handed him over to Miriya who starting feeding him right there.
"Looking sexy there babe," Kris, who was walking past, said.
"Just wait til I work all this fat off and get my figure back."
"I can't wait," Kris said with a smile and rubbed her shoulders. "What were you guys talking about before Scott started crying?"
"When we played seven minutes in heaven that one time," she said as Scott fell back asleep. She pulled her shirt down and Jordan offered to take Scott back. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'll put him in his car seat."
"Thanks baby," she handed Scott to Jordan. "God my back hurts."
"Come here & I'll make it feel better," Jordan said after putting Scott down.
"No Jordan you need to sleep while you can, while Scott's asleep. I'll do it," Kris said.
"Thanks man."
Kris sat down in the empty seat next to Nik and Jordan moved over to where Miriya had been sitting. Kris pulled her onto his lap and started massaging her shoulders.
"Good night Jordan I love you."
"Love you too baby," he said before drifting off to sleep.
"Good night Miriya," Kris said after finishing the massage.
"Good night babe," she kissed his cheek and fell asleep in his arms.
The plane landed in Vancouver and everyone started waking up. Miriya was still asleep on Kris' lap when Colby came to wake them up.
"What do we have here, Kris getting more action than Jordan," Colby said with a laugh.
"It's okay Army I'll change that." He picked Miriya up off of Kris' lap. "Kris could you grab Scott?" After leaving the airport and getting off the bus Jordan gave her a piggy back ride until they got to the hotel lobby. They waited till Kris brought Scott in then they headed to their room and put Scott's car seat on the bed.
"So Kris is getting more action than me?"
"You know all I did was fall asleep."
"Yeah, so glad the game's not til tomorrow," he said with a wide smile. He put his arms around her waist and brought her closer, "I love you."
"I love you too more than anything in the world," she said just before his lips were pressed hard against hers. She started breathing faster as his hands went to her shirt and lifted it over her head. She pulled his Bauer shirt over his head and ran her hand over his muscular chest. Her lips found their way to hers and just then Scott started to cry.
"He probably needs changed, I'll do it. He's probably hungry too." She walked over too the bed and lifted Scott out of his car seat. "You're only three days old and already you've gone to a hockey game and now you're in Canada."
"We're just exposing him early, he may fall in love with the game at a younger age than you did."
"Well baby it's not my fault I was born in the summer when there's no hockey."
"It's okay, you love it more than I do and it's my job."
"Speaking of your job, practice is in an hour."
"Shit I forgot about that, what would I do without you?"
"Be completely lost," she said closing the diaper bag.
Once she was done feeding Scott she threw on a Staal shirt and it was off to practice. After practice was over the team went to lunch and then everyone went their separate ways. Army had taken Scott and Miriya and Jordan walked up to the railing along the water.
"I love it here," she said looking out at the sun sparkling on the water.
"It's so peaceful, and beautiful; like you."
Back at the hotel that night Miriya and Jordan had gotten the alone time that they had been waiting for. Jordan was just starting to fall asleep when Scott started crying again. Miriya got out of bed and picked him up, but he didn't stop crying.
"Baby do you need any help with him?
"No, try and get some sleep, you need it for the game tomorrow," she kept trying to get him to go to sleep but he didn't need changed and he wasn’t hungry. Jordan was still wide awake, "Jordan I'm sorry, I don't know why he's still crying. But do you want to go sleep in someone else's room so you'll be awake during the game tomorrow night?"
"Are you sure you don't need anything?"
"I'm positive, it's my job and I'll be fine. Go get some sleep."
"Ok, I love you baby," he kissed the top of her head and went out into the hall to find somewhere to sleep.
He knocked on the door three doors down and waited for an answer. Marc-Andre opened the door and his hair was a mess.
"So this is what you look like in the morning," Jordan said with a laugh.
"Funny Jay, what's up?"
"Scott's really fussy and Miriya said that I should go find somewhere else that I can actually sleep. So can I crash here?"
"Sure, I know the feeling."
Jordan walked in, fell on the bed and was asleep in a matter of seconds.
The next morning Miriya didn't show up to breakfast or the morning skate. Jordan went back to his room for his pre-game nap to find Miriya sleeping peacefully and Scott sitting contently in his seat.
"You're so cute when you're not crying," he picked him up and sat down on the bed next to Miriya. "Good morning baby," he said after placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Hey babe, you have a good sleep?
"Yeah, you?"
"Once the little angel fell asleep yeah."
"Aww you gonna be okay for tonight?"
"Yeah I'll be fine, you need to take your pre-game nap."
"Okay baby, I'll see ya later."
"Yep," she kissed his cheek and took Scott from his arms. "I love you."
"Love you too babe," he said just before drifting off to sleep.
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