Hey all, I`m very sorry for the lack of updates reccently. I`ve been so busy with school work and had even fallen behind on writing game reviews because case of the mass amounts of homework. However I found a little extra time today to type up a chapter and I hope you all enjoy it. Comments would be greatly appreciated, and I`m not sure when I`ll find time to update again. Thank you all for reading!
March nineteenth came and the team was having breakfast at the arena. The game that day was set for an unusual time, one thirty, so everyone had planned on just staying until game time. Everyone was in the lounge and Kris was making breakfast. "Scrambled or sunny-side up?" he asked Jordan.
"Well Kris can you make sunny-side up or does it all just end up scrambled with you?" he asked jokingly.
"All scrambled, but I thought I would give you a choice."
"Well scrambled it is."
"Hey Bugsy you bring the bagels and cream cheese?" Michelle asked.
"Yep, strawberry cream cheese," he said pulling it from his bag.
"You`re so adorable."
After everyone had finished eating Michelle started cleaning up and couldn`t help but laugh when she saw Kris doing the dishes. "You`re just like Jordan, no wonder Miriya loves you."
At around quarter to twelve everyone was just about to start getting ready when Michelle stood up from her seat next to Sid. "I don`t feel good, I`m gonna go for a walk." She left the lounge and started into the locker room.
Miriya got up from Jordan's lap and started after her, "I`ll be back guys." She saw Michelle walking slowly down the hall and caught up with her. "Let`s go for a nice, slow walk."
They made it about one hundred yards before Michelle screamed and fell to her knees. "Contraction?" Miriya asked holding her hand.
"Yea," she said as all the guys ran down the hallway to see what was wrong. Jordan and some of the other guys were telling her what to do having gone through it all with their wives as Sid stood there worried and excited. Miriya pulled her cell phone from her pocket to see what time it was and turned to Erik.
"Michelle this is our baby, not just Sid`s," he said looking at Sid who smiled. "We`re all coming with you."
"But what about the game?" Mark asked.
"They don`t let people in for an hour," Miriya said. "Crush call up to the ticket office and have them tell people the game is postponed until tonight and that we`re really sorry."
Erik called the ticket office upstairs as Jordan called Sid and Michelle's parents and Miriya and Sid helped Michelle out to the car. Sid jumped into the driver's seat after helping Michelle into the back, Jordan and Miriya were in the back with her to help keep her calm and breathe through the contractions.
At the arena ticket people walked out the door to make the announcement, "Ladies and gentlemen the game has been postponed until tonight at seven-thirty. You make stay out here and wait if you would like to, I`m sorry for the inconvenience."
The pre-game show started at one like it was supposed to and Bourquey was all alone. "Ladies and gentlemen today's game has been postponed and will start at seven-thirty; so we`ll be back for the pre-game show at seven."
Back at the hospital Kris was with Sid and Michelle in the room, "Sid I`m so glad we`re having our baby."
Sid laughed saying, "Tanger I`ve told you a thousand times, not really your`s, maybe Colby's." Michelle shrugged. "But you can be like a father to it like you are with Scotty."
Michelle started to cry as sweat poured down her face, "Michelle you`re doing so well, you couldn`t make me happier."
She smiled, then let out a scream, and after many pushes the little baby boy came into the world. The nurse took him to get cleaned up; she wrapped him in a blanket and place him gently in Michelle's arms. The whole team came running in with smiles, who knows how all twenty-three guys, Cassie, and Miriya all fit in the little hospital room.
A tear ran down her cheek, Sid wiped it away with his thumb, kissed her cheek and then the baby's forehead. Sid had one of his old practice jerseys and wrapped the baby in it. He had Michelle's lips and eyes, and had brown peach fuzz.
"What's his name?" One of the guys asked.
She looked at Sidney and said, "Christiano Patrick Crosby, Patrick like his incredible daddy."
"Hey Sid, he looks just like me," Colby said with a laugh.
"You know what Arms," he paused. "Congratulations."
After a while most of the team had gone to get something to eat and Colby sat on one side of Michelle and Sid on the other. "Colby did you ever sleep with Michelle?"
"I wanted to."
"I`ve wanted, but no I`ve never slept with her, the baby's all yours."
Colby decided to go get something to eat & Miriya & Jordan stayed behind. Miriya stayed in the room with Michelle while Sid and Jordan went for a walk. "Pretty amazing huh Sid, holding your first child in your arms," Jordan said with his hands in his hoodie pocket.
"Right up there with meeting and marrying Michelle, it was without a doubt the happiest moment in my life. That night paid off," he said with a laugh. "But really, she worked so hard and when she was feeding him and tears were running down her cheeks she was so," he paused, stopped walking, and turned to face Jordan. "So beautiful. I love her so much Jordan."
"I know man, I feel the same way about Miriya. When Scott was born it was the happiest day of my life. It was two weeks ago and I still can`t get over how small he is and how hard Miriya worked."
Back in Michelle's room Miriya was holding Christiano. "Two weeks ago Scott was born and it is amazing how good Jordan is with him. When we got home from the hospital he said the sweetest thing, 'This beats the Stanley Cup any day, when I raised that over my head it was my greatest day as a hockey player, this is my greatest day as a father!'"
"Aww," Michelle said trying to sit up in bed. "Oh that wasn`t bright, I don`t feel well at all."
The doctor came to check on her and her temperature was rising quickly. Miriya started to get worried and lay Christiano in his little bed, before sitting back down beside Michelle and holding her hand. The doctor looked into her eyes and then called in a specialist. Sidney came back into the room to see Michelle with a crimson red face and shivering.
"Baby what`s wrong?"
"I don`t know, the doctor called in a specialist."
Sidney wasn`t the only one worried, Miriya was wrapped tightly in Jordan`s strong, protective arms.
Michelle didn`t know what was happening until she woke up with two IVs in her arm. "Hey baby."
"Hey Sidney," she said sitting up in bed.
"Feeling better?"
"Mmhmm, what happened?"
"Well at first we all thought it was some post delivery thing, but that was only part of it, you were allergic to something, but everything's ok now."
"When's the game?"
"Not for a while, it`s only three, but I`m not gonna play tonight, I`m gonna be here with you."
"Thanks baby, but are you sure?"
"Yea, they can live with you me tonight."
"Where is everyone?"
"I`m not--"
"Mommy!" she said as her mom walked into the room with Christiano in her arms.
"Told you it was going to hurt," she said with a laugh. "Everyone at the church can`t wait to see the baby." She turned to Sid, "Not sure they know it`s yours, but Sid I`m so glad you`re in our family. I`ve considered you my son since you two started dating. I`ll always be here and I`ll help you out along the way. I do want Christiano to call me Sito."
"It`s Arabic for grandmother habibi," Michelle said to Sid.
"Schmoops," Michelle's brother and dad said as they walked into the room.
"Daddy it hurt so much, worse than when I bruised my ribs."
He walked over and took Christiano, "Hey lil squirt."
"Oh Sid I forgot to tell you I gave him two middle names, Patrick like yours and Robert like his grandpa."
Sidney smiled, "I love it."
A little while later the boys came back with balloons, flowers, and baskets of stuff. "Well Michelle, Sid, the guys and I are gonna get going. But I`ll make sure that everyone knows all about what caused the game to be postponed."
"Thanks Mir, I`ll see you tomorrow."
Miriya gave Michelle and Sid a hug, and then left with the rest of the team to go to the arena. Miriya got into the front seat of the car with Jordan and smiled. "He`s so cute," she said changing the radio station.
"Just like Scotty, oh are we picking him up from your mom's house after the game?"
"Yea, it`s been two weeks & I still can`t believe how good you are with him. You`re a natural and I`m so glad that you help out with him so much."
"Anything for you baby," he said pulling into the player parking lot. All of the fans that had been there earlier were still there and waiting to be let in. Both Miriya and Jordan signed autographs on their way into the arena, kissed, and then went their separate ways.
"It`s a hockey night in Pittsburgh, good evening everyone we`re sorry for the delay. This afternoon the team was getting ready for the game when team doctor Michelle Crosby went into labor. The whole team went to the hospital for the birth of the second new Penguin in two weeks. My son Scott Staal is at his grandmother's house tonight and baby Crosby is resting in the hospital along with his mother. Sidney will not be playing tonight, he is spending time with his wife, and new son."
"Well Staalsy you were at the hospital, tell us a little more about the baby."
"Christiano Robert Patrick Crosby was born at around one-thirty this afternoon. He looks like both of his parents, he weighs eight pounds one ounce and is twenty one inches."
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
awhh i loved it. =]
i picture sidney's baby to just like him.
haha. xD
cute story. =D
i wanted to... but i didnt.little crosby squirt. miriya and the guys are so incredibly nice. i wish i had friends like them! (and colby, deffinently colby)
i absolutely LOVED the part with Colby. ;]
Sid's baby is going to be the luckiest and prettiest little squirt!
Please post more soon! :]
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