“Happy anniversary baby,” Jordan said walking into the bedroom with breakfast on the morning of August seventeenth.
“You too, two years,” she said with a smile.
“You ready for the trip tomorrow?”
“Yep, I just need to finish packing Scott’s stuff.
The next day everything was packed up, Miriya, Jordan, Scott, Michelle, Sid, and Christiano waited for Colby, Mel, and Jamie to show up. Finally they pulled up and Miriya and Jordan pilled their stuff into the car as neatly as possible. After checking to make sure the front door was locked everyone got into their cars and was on their way.
“Daddy are we there yet?” Jamie asked after about twenty minutes in the car. “No.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Are we there yet?”
“No Jamie you’ll know when we get there, just watch the movie.”
“Yea Staalsy?”
“Are we there yet?”
“Actually yes,” he said as they pulled onto the gravel road that led back to Jordan and Miriya’s cabin.
It was an old cabin, but was very nice. The outside was logs and had a decent sized front porch with wooden rocking chairs. There were two bedrooms, but three king sized beds, and the couches in the living room also folded into beds. Outside the back door was a fire pit and a rocky path that lead through the pine trees to the lake. At the lack there was a sandy beach and a few chairs made from smooth rocks. Basically the cabin and the surrounding area was beautiful.
“Mommy I wanna to the lake,” Jamie said pulling on her hand.
“Colby you do want to take your son to the lake?”
“Sure, Jamie go put your swim trunks on.” Jamie ran to the bathroom to change.
“Guys you wanna take the boys down and they can splash in the water a little?” Miriya asked.
“Sure,” Sid said looking over to the boys.
“Be careful baby,” Miriya said hugging Jordan.
“I always am,” he kissed her than picked up his son and started down to the lake with Sid and Colby, Jamie was running ahead of them.
“How long you think they’ll be down there?” Michelle asked.
“Knowing Jamie, a couple of hours,” Mel replied.
“Who wants to get the fire wood?” Michelle asked.
“I’ll do it and set up the fire if you guys want to start cutting the vegetables and stuff.”
“Alright, don’t get lost in the woods,” she said with a laugh.
“Thanks Chelle, I’ll try.
Miriya made her way to the woods path and took a moment to take in the scent of the woods. The path wasn’t completely cleared so every few steps there was a crunch of snap as a twig broke up her foot. After a bout five minutes she came upon a fallen tree and started to chop it into reasonably sized pieces for fire wood. Once it was piled by the fire pit and a decent sized fire built she went into side to help wrap dinner in foil.
As she was taking the last foil ball out of the low fire the boys were coming up the path from the lake. “Jamie go wash your hands!” Colby yelled ahead.
Jamie ran into the cabin. Army put his arm around Mel and in a whisper asked, “Do you want to tell them tonight?”
“Sure,” she said with a smile, “After dinner when we’re just sitting by the fire.”
Dinner was finished and everyone sat around the camp fire talking about everything from the upcoming season to when Miriya and Michelle were in high school. “So guys,” Colby said with a smile.
“We’re gonna have another baby, Jamie you’re going to be a big brother.”
“Arms, Mel I’m so happy for you!” Miriya said standing to hug them. “When did you find out?”
“This morning, I’m a month along. I’m due in late May.”
“Mommy, can I have a marshmallow?”
“Sure Jamie,” she pulled one from the bag, placing it on a stick and handed it to him.
The next morning Jamie woke up to fine pancakes with HAPPY BIRTHDAY written in whipped cream. A smile came to his face as he sat down at the table. “Happy Birthday Jamie!”
Thanks again guys, Mel I know you just don’t like the lake, but Colbs I’ll make it up to you later.”
“Really Staalsy, its fine.”
“No Arms, you take care of Scott so much I’ll make it up to you.”
“Are the boats down by the lake already?” Michelle asked.
“Yep,” Sid said putting his arm around her.
They got down to the beach and there sat two blue kayaks. After putting their life jackets on everyone pushed the boats into the water and jumped in.
“Left, right, left, right, there you go Michelle… bye boys!”
“Kayaking in high school was so much fun.”
“There was that one time junior year they let us go twice in one week.”
“Oh CAPA gym class, good times.”
“There were some good times, that time they tried to make us run to the point, ha."
SPLASH! Sid and Jordan’s boat flipped. Miriya and Michelle made their way over to try to help them. “One, two, three!” And the girls fell out of their boat and into the water.
“Sorry girls couldn’t resist,” Sid said putting the paddles into the boats.
“It’s fine, I would have done the same thing,” Michelle sawn closer to Sid and ran her fingers through his wet curls.
“I love this lake,” Miriya said running her fingers through Jordan’s hair.
“I love you.” He ran his hand along her cheek and his lips met hers.
They spent a little longer swimming and then got back into the boats and kayaked up and down the lake a few times. Having lost track of time they made it back to the cabin around six. Michelle, Sidney and Jordan all showered before sitting down for dinner. Miriya figured that since she would be kayaking with Army later she wouldn’t bother to shower just yet. Dinner was finished around seven, Miriya kissed Jordan, Colby kissed Mel and then they made their way down to the lake.
“Yep, just so you know you’re getting into a boat with me so this may not turn out so well.”
“Well then we better but our life jackets on, huh?” she asked with a laugh.
Once their life jackets were on they pushed their boat into the water and got in. Everything was in and they watched the sun set. They looked off at the beautiful mix of yellow, red, orange, and purple and with one wrong move by Colby they were in the water. “The second time today,” Miriya said with a laugh.
“Sorry, well while we’re here you wanna swim?”
The sun was completely gone and had been replaced by the moon when they decided to get back in the boat. Miriya put her seat down so that see could go sit in the back with Colby. They stared at the moon as they sat in the center of the lake. “Arms?
“Staals, you ready to coach this year?”
“I think so, I’m kind of nervous. I mean I’ve been doing coach like things for as long as I can remember, but games never depended on my line combinations.”
“I’ve seen some of your stuff and it Shero thinks you’ve got what it takes then you’ll be fine. All of the guys believe in you.”
“Thanks Arms.”
They made their way back to shore and up to the cabin. Colby pulled her into a hug and she couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks Colby, I really appreciate everything you do for me, and for Jordan.” She kissed him on the cheek, in a friendly way and turned to go to the bedroom.
“Goodnight Army.”
“Night Staalsy.”
“You smell like lake,” Jordan said when she walked into the bedroom.
“Colbs and I fell in.” She sat down next to him. “So I’m gonna shower.” She slowly got up off of the bed and headed to the bathroom. Once the water was at the perfect temperature Jordan’s strong arms wrapped around her from behind. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he spun her around and hips lips found hers for a passionate kiss.
“Could you guys have been any louder last night?” Colby asked at breakfast the next morning.
“First of all it’s my cabin,” Miriya stated with a smile. “And yes we probably could have.”
After a week had passed everyone packed p and hit the road. They had left around six after one last trip down to the lake and stopped at Cracker Barrel for dinner on the way home.
“Thanks guys, I had a good time.”
“No problem Colbs, thanks for the ride.”
“No problem Staalsy, see ya.”
They hauled their stuff into the living room where they found a familiar face.
“Hey guys.”
“Nik!” Miriya said and threw her arms around him.
“Coach, how are you?”
“The season hasn’t started yet and we’re at home, I’m still Staalsy.”
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
awh love the little vacation.
im so happy jamie's going to be a big brother!
just like jacoby!
and colbs is just jealous he cant make mel that loud at nigjt. ;]
haha. great chapter.
Aww, that was a cute chapter. I just love vacations! I adore Colby and miss him dearly. And yay Jamie'll be a big brother.
Please post more soon! :]
Aw, so cute. That was quite the vacation, lol. And yay for Jamie becoming a big brother! :)
Awesome chapter.
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