The next day Miriya was walking through the store trying to figure out what kind of chips she wanted. After finally picking up a bag of sour cream & onion chips she stepped back and ran into someone.
"I`m sorry," she said turing around.
"No it`s my fault," someone said with a familiar voice.
"Haley, Haley Brown?"
"Yea, Miriya?"
"Oh my God I haven`t seen you in years how have you been?"
"I`ve been good you?"
"Same I didn`t know you still lived in Pittsburgh."
"I don`t, I`m living in Chicago now & am engaged to Patrick Kane. I`m just here to visit."
"When are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow actually."
"Oh, are you busy tonight?"
"No we should do something, we need to catch up."
"Dinner with me & Jordan?"
"Sure why not."
They talked for a little longer than both went to check out. Just like every time as soon as Miriya walked out of the store & into the parking lot she was asked for her autograph. When she got home she put the groceries away then sat down on the couch next to Jordan & kissed his soft check.
"You wanna help me make dinner?" she asked.
"Sure, what`s the occasion?"
"My friend Haley's in from Chicago & I haven`t seen her in years."
"Ok what do you wanna make?"
And what would I do, you don`t let me touch the grill."
"You can make your special fries."
"Ok," he said & kissed her.
At Michelle & Sid`s house Chelle was sitting on the couch watching TV, & Sid was doing laundry in the basement.
"Oh shit, goddamn washer!"
Michelle ran downstairs where she found the laundry room covered in soap & water. "Baby I`m not gonna ask, just clean it up."
Sid cleaned up the mess then went back upstairs & found Michelle sitting on the couch. "I`m sorry about the mess baby, but it`s cleaned up & I re-washed the clothes that got all soapy.
"Good you should be sorry," Michelle said in a bitchy tone.
"Baby I think you should take a nap."
"You think I need a nap, why am I bothering you?"
"No baby, that`s not what I said."
"Maybe I will go take a nap," she said then stormed off to the bedroom.
An hour later Michelle came back into the living room where Sid was watching Rocky. She sat down on the couch next to him & kissed his check placing her hand on his chest.
"I take it you`re in a better mood now?" Sid asked putting his arm around her.
"Yea, I`m really sorry for being a bitch before, I`m not mad at you about the mess."
"I know baby, I guess I should get used these mood swings. I wonder how Jordan`s dealing with it all?"
Back at Jordan & Miriya`s the doorbell rang & Mo of course ran to the door barking.
"Mo down," Jordan said opening the door. "Hi Haley how are you?"
"I`m good, this is my fiancée Patrick, but you two already know each other."
They went into the living room & waited till Miriya said that dinner was ready.
"Can I get you guys drinks?" Jordan asked.
"Sure two beers," Haley said.
"And water right?" Jordan asked Miriya.
"Yep, thanks babe."
"Water, you`re lame," Haley said with a laugh.
"That`s about all I can drink with the baby coming."
"Aww you & Jordan are having a baby."
"Just another Staal to add to the league," Jordan said with a laugh.
After dinner they decided to go for a swim. Miriya mostly stayed in the deep end with Jordan & Haley & Patrick were splashing & dunking each other in the shallow end. But after a while they got bored & decided to play Marco Polo then just chill in the hot tub.
"So Jordan how's you cheek?" Haley asked.
"Good it healed pretty well actually."
About half an hour later they got out & got dressed. Miriya went to the kitchen to make hot chocolate while Jordan, Haley, & Patrick went & sat in the living room. Miriya was about to put the hot chocolate mix into the water when Jordan`s arms slid around her waist, then up to her stomach.
"How's my baby?" he asked.
"I`m fine."
"I wasn`t talking to you," he said & spun her around. "I was talking to the baby."
"Oh well the baby is fine," she said then Jordan kissed her.
"I love you baby," he said pulling away. "That time I was talking to you."
"Oh well I love you too."
"Hey guys are we gonna get hot chocolate soon?" Patrick said from the living room.
"Sorry about that." Miriya said hanging Haley & Patrick their hot chocolate.
"Well it was great catching up with you, but we really have to get going," Haley said.
"Ok I`ll see you guys at the start of the season," Jordan said.
"You`ll be the first to get an invitation the wedding."
"Thanks, bye guys," Miriya said.
Everyone hugged then Haley & Patrick left, Miriya went to start cleaning up.
"Baby don`t worry about it, I got it."
"Thanks babe, I`m gonna go take a shower."
Miriya showered while Jordan cleaned up then went & lay down. Her eyes were starting to close when Jordan walked in & sat down on the bed next to her. She crawled over to him & sat on his lap.
"I love you Miriya," He said & pulled the hair tie from her hair. Her long, black, wavy hair fell to her shoulders & Jordan smiled. "I love you hair."
"I love your`s too," she said running her fingers through his long dirty blonde hair. They stared into each others eyes then their lips met. "I love you," she said pulling away briefly.
"I love you too," he said as Miriya slid her hand up his thigh. He slid her shirt over her head & she did the same with his then ran her hand along his smooth muscular chest. She kissed his cheek, then his lips as he smiled; she pulled away & kissed down his chest & stomach to his belly button. He ran his hand down her arm, grabbing her hand she looked & kissed his soft lips again. He ran his hand along her cheek & pushed her hair to one side then kissed her neck. Up until this point Miriya had been straddling Jordan, she got up, slid further onto the bed, and laid down. Jordan crawled over & straddled her hips. He kissed her stomach, put his hands on the bed by her head & kissed the tip of her nose.
"I love you," he said then left a soft kiss on her smooth lips. She of course kissed back & deepened the kiss.
"You too," she said without pulling away from the kiss.
He pulled away & left a gentle kiss on her shoulder. She rolled over to her stomach & he started massaging her shoulders. He kissed down her back to the top of her shorts; she smiled & moaned into the pillow. He lightly slapped her ass & she turned her head so she could see him. They both smiled then he massaged her back, while doing so he kissed her neck & shoulders. He left one last kiss on her right shoulder blade after finishing the massage then kissed her cheek.
"You are the most amazing man I`ve ever met in my life," she said turning to lay on her back.
"I try," he said & kissed her. "You`re not too bad yourself."
"Oh, that`s how you feel about the person who's carrying your baby?" she asked with a smile.
"No baby, you are my pride & joy, you mean everything to me & I don`t know what I would do without you."
"Let`s hope we don`t find out anytime soon."
"Well you know that I will never leave you & I plan on spending the rest of my life with you, no matter how long that life may be," he said before kissing her.
"Goodnight baby," she said after pulling away.
"Goodnight love of my life," he said & kissed her cheek.
The next morning Jordan walked into the living room rubbing his eyes & found Miriya sitting on the couch.
"Morning baby, why are you wearing a hoodie, it`s the middle of July."
"Cause I found it this morning. I haven`t seen it in years & it used to be yours," she said with a smile. She uncrossed her arms to show him the front of the dark blue hoodie that said 'Thunder Bay'.
"I remember giving that to you."
They had been going out for about three months so it was early January, right before the Cats, Bolts, & Thrashers road trip. Jordan had picked Miriya up to take her to the game & was wearing a dark blue hoodie. When he got there he got out of the car to give Miriya a hug.
"Hey baby how was your day?" he asked as her walked into the driveway.
"Good your`s?"
"Good," he gave her a hug & kissed her.
When she pulled away she rested her head against his chest. "You smell so good," she said with a smile.
"Thank you."
They got in the car & went to the Mellon. Once they got into the locker room Jordan took his hoodie off & threw it to Miriya who was leaning against the counter in the lounge.
She smelled it again then asked, "What do you want me to do with it?"
"Keep it so you can always have a part of me with you."
Back at the house Miriya put her head down on his shoulder after he put his arm around her.
"I wore this hoodie all the time, until I moved in & I never remembered where it was."
"Well not that you found it you can start wearing it again."
"Sounds good to me," She said with a smile. "But for now I`m gonna take it off cause it`s hot, but I just wanted to show you that I found it."
'Buzz' Miriya`s phone vibrated on the coffee table.
"Hey Scotty what`s up?"
"Nothing much Underwood you?"
"Um nothing really, what are you doing today?"
"Gonna go swimming you guys wanna come over?"
"Sure we`ll be over in a little bit."
Michelle & Sid got there about ten minutes later & everyone changed into their bathing suits. Everyone walked out to the pool & did a cannon ball into the deep end. After a while of messing around playing games, dunking, & splashing each other they got out of the pool & went over to the hot tub.
"You guys got plans for tonight?" Miriya asked.
"Nope," Sid said putting his arm around Michelle.
"We could have a movie night & you guys could stay here, we can lend you some clothes & there`s the spare bedroom.
"And there`s food left over from last night when Haley & Patrick were here," Jordan said.
Later they ate dinner at the table on the patio & had Kool-Aid.
"So that new guy they drafted this summer is coming over at the beginning of the month to get used to the city," Sid said.
"Dominik Vandershmut right? Jordan asked.
"Yep & he needs a place to live during training camp," Michelle said.
"Well he could live here, but if he makes the team he better like kids," Miriya said with a laugh.
"I`m sure he will, he doesn`t turn eighteen until September," Michelle said.
After dinner Sid & Jordan cleaned up & did the dishes while Miriya & Michelle went to the living room to pick out some movies. Jordan & Sid came out of the kitchen with chips, popcorn, & some IBC root beer.
"So what are we gonna watch?" Jordan asked sitting down on the couch next to Miriya.
"Pirates of the Caribbean & Miracle," Michelle said excitedly.
They watched Pirates of the Caribbean first & ate all the food & each drank two bottles of root beer.
"You guys wanna go for a swim before we watch the other movie?" Miriya asked while standing up to stretch.
They all changed into their bathing suits, turned on the patio lights, & jumped into the pool. They spent about half an hour in the pool then went inside to change. Everyone went to change into their pajamas before watching the second movie, Michelle & Sid borrowed some clothes from Miriya & Jordan. Miriya was wearing her old CAPA gym shorts & a t-shirt, Jordan was wearing a pair of blue Reebok sweat pants & a white t-shirt. Michelle had borrowed a t-shirt & a pair of Penguin pants, now Sid on the other hand walked back into the living room & everyone else just laughed. His shirt was Miriya`s favorite of Jordan`s it was gray, had a shamrock on the front & said LUCKY on the back. But the shirt was not what was so funny; the pants that he has borrowed were black & about four inches too long.
"Very sexy Sid," Miriya said looking at the pant legs that hung over Sid`s feet.
"I know right?"
"Hey it`s not his fault he`s like five inches shorter than me," Jordan said with a smile.
"Ok, let's just watch the movie," Michelle said sitting down on the couch.
They put the movie in; well Miriya did when she was forced to not be lazy. Instead of sitting back down on the couch next to Jordan she straddled his legs & put her arms around his neck.
"I have to say that that shirt look so much better on you," she said with a smile.
"Thanks, the pants do too."
"No Scotty, the pants look better off," Michelle said with a laugh.
"Very true Underwood, very true."
Sid picked up the remote to push play & they decided to watch the previews just to make themselves feel old. Think about it the movie did come out in like 2004.
"I love you baby," Miriya said then kissed him.
"And that is why you`re pregnant," Michelle said with a laugh.
"That's very true," Jordan said after pulling away.
"Ok guys let`s watch the movie," Sid said as the movie started.
Miriya got off Jordan`s lap & sat down next to him & rested her head on his chest. The movie ended at around mid-night, everyone was still awake but there was no food left on the table.
"I`m hungry," Miriya said when the credits started.
"Me too," Michelle said. "Ice cream?"
"Sounds good to me, boys you want some?"
"YAY, mid-night snack!" Jordan said jumping up off the couch.
"I`ll take that as yes," Miriya said with a laugh. "Sid?"
Sure, why not."
They all went to the kitchen & got four bowls & spoons. Jordan got the ice cream out of the freezer & Michelle opened up the fridge.
"YAY...chocolate syrup."
By the time they were done looking through the cupboards & the fridge there was a ton of stuff to pick from. Of course there was ice cream & chocolate syrup, but there was also sprinkles, cherries, pineapple, marshmallows, M & M`s, whipped cream, peanut butter, bananas, strawberries, caramel topping, gummy bears & chocolate chunks. All four of them piled everything on top of four scoops of vanilla ice cream.
"You boys are gonna have to work this off tomorrow," Michelle said taking a bite of ice cream.
"Yep, training camp is coming up & you need to be in shape," Miriya said. "We`re supposed to be fat."
"Scotty you got," she said pointing next to her lower lip.
"I`ll fix that," Jordan said then kissed her.
"Whoever said you get less sexual after you`re married didn`t know us," Michelle said with a laugh.
"Well guys I`m really tired, so I`m gonna go to bed," Miriya said after finishing her ice cream.
She put her bowl into the sink & headed to the bedroom. Jordan walked in & took his sweat pants off after closing the door.
"My favorite boxers," she said looking at his blue & white plaid boxers.
He smiled & got into bed next to her. He kissed her cheek then turned out lamp next to the bed. "Goodnight baby, I love you."
"Night babe, love you too."
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
great job, once the appearence by Mr. Kane :)
loving the story!!! keep it coming
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