Sorry for making you wait so long, but here it is. Please comment.
Miriya, Jordan, Ray Shero, & Therrien stood in the airport waiting for the plane from Germany to land. It was August third & training camp would be starting in a month & the season in two. The plane finally landed after they had been waiting for an hour & people started to file out of the gate. A guy who looked to be about seventeen walked out & you could tell that he was a hockey player. Miriya knew who he was because she had been there when he was drafted. He was about six foot two with long brown hair, about the length of Geno`s now & deep blue eyes.
"Hello everyone I`m John & this is Dominik," the man with Dominik said.
"Hi," everyone said.
Once they got Dominik`s stuff they made their way to the car. They threw the bags in the back of Miriya`s car, John & Dominik got in the back & they were off to Miriya & Jordan`s house.
"This will be your room, make yourself at home," Miriya said after taking Dominik to the guest room.
"Thank you very much," he said in very good English, but with a strong German accent.
"You`re welcome, is there anything you need Dominik?"
"Please call me Nik & when's dinner?"
"Not for a while Nik, there`s a five hour time difference from Germany. But do you want to go out for dinner or do you want me to make something?"
"Either one is fine with me."
"Ok, well I`m gonna go make dinner, but you can unpack & watch TV if you want."
"Ok, thank you again."
Miriya walked out to the kitchen just as Jordan was walking in the front door from dropping John off at his house.
"So what have you been up to since I left?" he asked.
"Just helping Nik get settled in."
"Dominik, the kid staying in our guest room, he told me that he wants to be called Nik."
"Oh, I didn`t know he spoke English."
"I didn`t either."
Miriya made chicken & pasta for dinner, which the three of them ate out on the patio.
"This is very good Miriya, thank you."
"You`re welcome Nik, so I was thinking, that we could show you around town tomorrow & maybe go down to the arena soon."
"So you can get used to the ice," Jordan said.
Miriya & Jordan did the dishes then gave Nik a tour of the house.
"And this is my favorite part of the house; the backyard," Miriya said walking back out to the patio. "But you already saw it during dinner."
"Would we be able to go swimming?"
"Sure, go ahead & get changed & we`ll meet you back out here in a few minutes," Miriya said heading back to the house.
Everyone changed & went back out to the pool; Miriya & Jordan were the first into the pool & were sitting on the wall in between the deep & shallow ends. Nik walked out in a pair of black swim trunks, Miriya when she heard the kitchen door close & was surprised with what she saw. Nik was built; he had a six pack & looked good for only being seventeen.
'Oh my God, if he wasn`t five years younger than me & I wasn`t married...damn!' Miriya thought.
The next day Miriya, Jordan & Nik got ready & after breakfast went to explore the city. Over the next few weeks they went to all the museums, on a Gateway Clipper ride down the river, & on the incline.
"I would have taken you to Kennywood & Sandcastle, but Miriya wouldn`t have been able to go," Jordan said.
"But that`s something you can look forward to if you make the team," Miriya said with a smile. "Training camps next week, do you wanna go down & practice today?"
"Sure, has been awhile since I was out on the ice."
After breakfast everyone changed into their practice clothes, threw some sticks & pucks into the trunk & went to the arena. They parked in the player parking lot & went in the "locker room door".
"In all the time the arena's been here I don`t think the door's ever been locked," Miriya said with a laugh walking into the hallway.
"Some crazy fan could get in," Jordan said.
"Wouldn`t affect me, I`m never down here."
They walked into the locker room & were about to sit down to put their skates on when Miriya looked up & saw two people laying on the bench at one of the stalls.
"Jamesy?" Miriya said walking over to him.
He jumped & almost fell to the floor, "Hey Staalsy, what`s up?"
"Nothin` much, who you got in my locker room?"
"Oh this is my girlfriend Brooke Myers, Brooke this is my good friend & the Pens announcer Miriya Staal."
"Nice to meet you," Brooke said.
"You too."
Brooke was a pretty girl; she looked to be about seventeen or eighteen, which was good because James was nineteen. She was about five foot five, had long blonde hair & dark brown eyes; she was wearing Hollister jeans, a pair of black & white Converse & a short-sleeve ACDC shirt.
"Well we`ll let you get back to what you were doing, we`re just gonna let the rookie get used to the ice before training camp," Miriya said with a laugh.
"Oh Dominik right?" Brooke said. "I watched the draft this summer."
"Yea," Miriya said. "Nik this is James McGuire he`s a Pens defenseman & his girlfriend Brooke. Guys this is Nik Vandershmut & he`s this year`s first round draft pick."
Everyone talked for awhile then laced; Brooke & James laced up too just to help.
"Alright guys, no contact, that means you Jordan, we`ve got a baby to worry about."
Later that day after they had skated they went back to the house & each picked a bathroom to shower in. Jordan used the one attached to the bedroom, Nik the one attached to the guestroom, & Miriya used the one in the main hall.
Miriya was just getting out of the shower when the door creaked open. She quickly grabbed the towel next to her & wrapped it around herself.
"Oh Nik!"
"I`m so sorry," he said looking up."
"No it`s fine, do you need something?"
"There`s no shampoo in my bathroom."
"Oh," she handed him a bottle of shampoo.
"Again I`m so sorry," he said & walked out of the room.
Later that night Michelle & Sid were over for dinner, & they were all eating out on the patio.
"Michelle, I walked in on Miriya when she was getting out of the shower," Nik said in German.
"You did WHAT!?" she replied in German.
"Do you guys have any worst shire sauce?" Sid asked.
"No sorry, we`re out," Miriya said.
There was a long pause & Michelle & Nik looked at each other.
"How bout A1?" Sid asked again looking up from his steak.
"Nope sorry," Miriya replied again.
Again there was a pause.
"Sid I think I might have something in my purse, why don`t you go look."
"Michelle why do you have steak sauce in your purse?" Miriya asked.
"Always be prepared."
Sid & Jordan got up from the table & took their plates with them. They looked in Michelle's purse where they found a bottle of A1. They decided to let Michelle, Miriya & Nik talk so they stayed inside & ate at the coffee table in the living room.
Back out on the patio nobody was saying anything until Michelle decided to speak up, "So guys?"
"Yea that was really awkward," Miriya said.
"Miriya does Jordan know?" Michelle asked.
"No, but it`s no big deal. I`ll tell him later & I`m sure he`ll understand."
"I swear it was an honest mistake," Nik said.
"I know & Jordan`s an understanding guy."
"When Jamesy was hittin' on you last year," Michelle said with a laugh.
"Yea, he`s cool with Jamesy & I`m sure he`ll understand this."
Later that night Jordan was lying in bed when Miriya was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. She walked into the bedroom & sat down on the bed next to Jordan.
"Baby what was up with you & Nik at dinner?" he asked when she put her head down on his shoulder.
"Oh`s not really a big deal," she paused. "This afternoon," she paused again. "Promise you won`t get mad at him?"
"Yes...wait did Nik do something?"
"No, well kind of. He walked in on me when I was getting out of the shower."
"WHAT?!" he paused. "He needs to go stay with someone else."
"Baby no, he`s a good kid & didn`t mean to. Training camp hasn't even started, baby just let him stay."
"I don`t know baby."
She moved so that she was straddling him & pushed him gently so that he was lying down. She ran her fingers through his hair & smiled. She kissed his cheek & he put his arms around her neck. He smiled, then their lips met & they both smiled into the kiss.
"Ok, he can stay," he said without pulling away.
The next morning Jordan rolled out of bed, put on a pair of Reebok shorts & a Bauer shirt & went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
"Morning baby," Miriya said putting her arms around Jordan`s waist.
"Hey baby," he turned to face her & gave her a hug. He kept his strong arms around her & looked into her eyes. "Baby you get more & more beautiful everyday."
She smiled & rested her head against his chest. "You smell good."
"That`s what you said when I was wearing my hoodie & you ended up with that, you wanna end up with this shirt too?"
"I wouldn`t mind, because then you would be shirtless."
"Thanks Captain Obvious," he said with a smile.
"You know what?"
"What?" he asked before kissing her.
"Morning guys," Nik while walking into the kitchen.
"Morning Nik," Miriya said after pulling away from Jordan`s soft kiss.
"So I head you guys talking last night & I`m all packed up, so who am I going to stay with?"
"Oh you head that?" Miriya asked & looked at Jordan.
"Well don`t worry about it, you`re staying here. So after breakfast you can go & unpack."
"Thanks Jordan for understanding."
"I know it was a mistake, it`s all good."
Which Planet Is Responsible For Eye Problems
8 months ago
Hmm. This new character intrigues me. Lol.
I finally got up some info for my fan fic. It's a Red Wings story, btw.
I really like this story, probably because I adore the Pens. Anyway, you are a great writer and please update soon, whenever you get the chance.=]
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