Sorry for taking so long, I`ve been really busy. Hope you enjoy, comments are greatly apperciated.
“Ok guys we`re gonna divide you into three teams, yellow, black, & white. You`ll practice with your team & scrimmage against the other teams. By the end of camp we have to have the roster cut down to twenty-three people. So have fun & good luck we want a good team this year,” Therrien said while standing on the bench.
Everyone stood at center ice & scattered as their names were called. Each guy was given a jersey & went to a section of the ice to practice. Jordan & Nik were put n the black team which got to sit on the bench & watch first. Miriya & the other announcers were also on the bench, Michelle & Cassie were sitting about ten rows behind the glass.
Michelle went to the locker room before the guys came off the ice & found Ray Shero.
“Hey Michelle by any chance are you looking for a job?”
“Yes, why?”
“We`re looking for a new team doctor--"
“I`d love to,” she said cutting him off.
“Ok then, well you should probably go talk to management so that they put you on the payroll.”
“Now all we need is Cassie to work here.”
“She does, assistant equipment manager, she got the job yesterday.”
“Oh yea,” she said laughing at herself.
“We`ll show you everything tomorrow, you can hang out with all the trainers.”
“Ok sweet,” just then the locker room was flooded with sweaty hockey players.
The next day Michelle, Miriya, Jordan, Sid, Nik & Ryan Stone walked into the locker room about half an hour before the days activities were supposed to begin. Miriya went to go skate before all the guys got there & Cassie & Geno were sitting on the bench making out. Back in the locker room Jordan & Sid were suiting up for they could get out on the ice early to get some extra warm-ups in.
“So Nik do you like muffins?” Michelle asked in German.
“I love muffins.”
They continued to talk about muffins for a while & only in German. Ryan Stone who was sitting at his stall suiting up thought that they were talking about him & tried to concentrate on putting his gear on.
“Ok guys I`m really sorry, I can`t take it anymore, what are you guys talking about?”
“Oh sorry Ryan, we were talking about muffins I swear,” Michelle said. “Did you think we were talking about you?”
“Just a little.”
“I`m sorry,” Michelle said & gave him a hug.
Some of the guys started trickling into both locker rooms to suit up. Miriya skated until some of the guys started coming out of the runways, she then went to the bench & opened the door.
“Hey love birds, you may wanna break it up, the guys are here.”
They pulled away & sat up like nothing happened. They talked to Miriya until coach Therrien got up on the bench & said to divide into two “teams”.
“Alright guys everyone to Jordan’s left stay on the ice, everyone to his right sit on the bench,” Mike Yeo said. A bunch of the guys went & sat down. “On the goal line,” he said putting the whistle in his mouth.
“Good old suicides, I love those,” Jordan said in a sarcastic tone to Miriya who stool behind him on the bench.
“Oh I know babe & you get to do then next,” she said with a smile.
The first team was finally allowed to stop to get water & the second team went to the ice. After warm-ups & drills were over the black & yellow team scrimmaged.
“Roster changes are up boys, some of you will be going home,” Cassie said when the scrimmage ended.
The guys scattered to the locker rooms & looked at the long list posted by the door. Jordan was one of the last into the locker room knowing from years of experience that there was always a big pile up of rookies.
He was looking at the list when Miriya came & tapped him on the shoulder. “Baby why are you looking at the list, this is your eighth year in the NHL, do you really think you`re not gonna make the team?”
“You never know babe,” he said with a smile.
“It`s only the second day of training camp, I think you`re gonna be on the list.”
He finally found his name, “Oh there I am…YAY I made the team!”
“Such a little kid, did Nik make it?”
Jordan scanned the list & the very last name on the list was ‘Nik Vandershmut.’
After showers & everything they headed back to the house, Jordan sat down on the couch & Nik went to his room, they both fell asleep.
At dinner they were sitting at the dinning room table when Jordan decided to break the silence. “So Nik so far you`ve made the team.”
“Yea, but I was the last name on the list.”
“Don`t worry about that, it`s in alphabetical order. You`ve been amazing especially during the scrimmage today.”
“I`d say that you`re gonna out right make the team, but I`ve spent too much time with Miriya & have gotten even more superstitious than the normal hockey player.”
Miriya smiled at Jordan & they all finished their dinner. Miriya & Jordan did the dishes while Nik watched a tape from last year’s championship team.
“You guys were really good,” Nik said when they walked into the living room.
“McGuire to Malone, Staal open in front of the net. Staal he shoots & scores to give the Guins a two nothing lead early in the second.” Both Miriya & the announcer on the TV said.
“Wow, I take it you`ve watched this game a couple times?” Nik asked.
“Nope I was there & got to announce it. That`s game seven where we beat the Hawks for the cup.”
“Best day of my life so far, I lived every hockey players dream by winning the cup & found out that my baby was gonna have a baby.”
Miriya smiled as Jordan put his arm around her waist. She put her hands on his & they laced fingers.
“So guys you wanna watch a movie?” Nik asked.
“Sure,” Miriya said. “Do you mind if it`s a little kid movie?”
“I love little kids movies, & if I make the team I`ll have to watch them all the time. So I might as well get used to it.”
Jordan went over to the movie shelf & picked up Aladdin. They watched it for a while then it came to the part where Aladdin snuck up onto Jasmine’s balcony with the magic carpet. Miriya sang along with Aladdin when he sang “A Whole New World”.
“I love this song,” Jordan said.
“Babe believe me I know” she looked over a Nik who had a confused look on his face. “You wanna hear the story?”
They were on their honeymoon & had just come back from the bar. Miriya was sitting on the bed & Jordan was brushing his teeth.
He walked up to her & started singing. “I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me princess when did you last let your heart decide? I can open your eye, take you wonder by wonder. Over sideways & under on a magic carpet ride. A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say we`re only dreaming.”
“A whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew. But when I`m way up here it`s crystal clear, that now I`m in a whole new world with you,” Miriya said then paused. “Baby you are so drunk, you should not have had that second Guinness.”
“I love you baby,” he said putting his arms around her.
“Love you too.”
Back at the house the scene had ended & everyone was concentrating on the story. “Yea that`s all of the story you need to know.”
“Oh sounds like fun.”
“Yea, so on a new topic. You`re birthday’s in couple days, you ready to be eighteen?”
“Yep, but I can`t wait for the season to start even more.”
“I`m sure, I remember my first season,” Jordan said.
“How bout you, you ready to be twenty-six?” Miriya asked.
“I guess.”
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
Oh I love. and I totally loved the part about muffins. I'm excited about the baby and how you're gonna write your way up to it. Please post more soon! =]
loved ittt =]]
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