The season had started off well, and Miriya & Michelle started to get fatter. The team was doing well, but Michelle was pretty stressed, and Sid wanted to do something nice for her. She walked into the locker room & saw a note taped to Sid's stall, 'Turn Around' She turned around to see Sid standing across the locker room from her. He was humming a familiar tune; he then began to sing and started walking towards her.
"Michelle my belle these are words that go together so well, my Michelle. Michelle my belle sont les mots qui tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble," he stopped & walked to the black penguin head in the middle of the locker room. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you that`s all I want to say. Until I find a way I will say the only words I know you`ll understand...or Fleury will, & Kris, & maybe Miriya too."
Michelle laughed at the incredibly cute way to try & make her feel better.
"I will say the only words I know you`ll understand, my Michelle," he continued in perfect French, "Je t'adore," he said as he lowered his lips to hers & ran his hand over her belly. "You needed a pick me up & I know you love that song."
"Cause it`s about me," she said jokingly.
"I know, je t'adore."
Fleury walked into the locker room looking as if he had missed something. She winked at him, he flashed his signature smile & said something in French that she didn`t quite understand. She did pick up that he thought Sid is lucky to have a girl like her.
Sid ran his hand over her belly again, and then they danced while humming. Later they left hand in hand & went to Michelle's favorite restaurant.
"And the Penguins lose by a score of 4-1," Miriya said trying to keep her voice at a normal speaking level. "After some poor officiating, missed penalties, calls that shouldn't have been penalties, and goals that were waved off."
"We`ll see you back here Wednesday..."Bourquey said.
"I`m sorry Bourquey, but I need to see Jordan," she said as soon as it went to the first commercial & she stormed out of the commentator's box.
Once she made her way to the locker room she went straight for the Penguin in the center of the room& let out a scream. Everyone looked at her, but not in the way one would think. They all understood why she was upset & shared her anger. Jordan still in all of his gear but his jersey put his arms around her.
"Baby it's ok."
"No it`s not & you know it`s not. I`m so pissed off...I just need to punch something."
Jordan didn`t say a word but just pointed to his chest protector & Miriya started letting punches fly. After about ten punches Jordan grabbed Miriya`s hands & pulled her into a hug. She buried her face in his chest & let out another scream.
"Baby you need to stop, all this stress isn't good for the baby."
She lifted her head to reveal the tears that had started to fall from her bright blue eyes. "I know, but it`s just that was by far the worst officiating since the season finale against the Flyers in the '08 season. Somehow I managed to stay calm while calling the game," she said through her tears.
"I know baby, I know & just like that game it was all Devorski."
"I swear he needs to retire, he`s like what 100?" she asked without even the slightest smile. "He`s always had something against you boys, why?"
"Why do any refs have something against us?" Geno asked. "It`s alright, we`ll get `em next time."
Jordan took off his gear & gave Miriya a hug, "I`m gonna shower, do you think you`ll be ok until I get back?"
"Yea, I`ll be fine," she said wiping a tear from her eye.
Erin & Nik stood in the drive-way after coming back from the movie theatre. "Nik isn't there some way we can work this out?"
"I don`t know, I think we should take a break."
"But Nik we`ve only been together for three months," she said with tears forming in her eyes.
"I`m sorry," he said turning away.
Erin walked to the front door & rang the doorbell, Miriya who had been watching TV in the living room opened the door. Nik had gone around to he back door & into the kitchen.
"Hey Erin," she then noticed the tears in her eyes. "What`s wrong?" she asked bringing her into a hug.
"Nik," was all she could choke out before she couldn`t hold the tears back any longer.
"What happened?"
"He said that we should take a break & normally when guys say that it pretty much meant that the relationship is over."
"Erin don`t think that way, I think I heard him go in the back door which means he`s probably talking to Jordan about it." She said in the living room with Erin to try & calm her down. "Believe me I know how you feel, the guy I went out with before Jordan broke my heart. We went out for seven & a half months & he said he needed space. It killed me & to this day I still love him & Jordan knows that. But I see in your`s & Nik's relationship what I saw in the early months of mine & Jordan's. I don`t know if you`ve told each other yet, but I can tell that you love each other. And everyone fights, Jordan & I included, everything will turn out fine."
As soon as Nik walked into the kitchen he plopped down on one of the stools at the island. Jordan closed the refrigerator & sat down next to him, "What`s up Nik?"
"I just broke up with Erin, I just don`t think that I can handle hockey & hiding her form the press."
"Do you love hockey?"
"I know that I do, more than anything...anything except," he paused. "Erin."
"That was my next question, I know that you love hockey, & now I know that you love Erin. Tell her that you love her & work this all out. Believe me with the league & press it's so stressful & if it weren`t for Miriya I don`t think I would be as calm as I am all the time. You need someone to vent to about all that does on out on the ice. For me though Miriya sees it from the box & usually brings it up before I do. So go out to the living room & talk to Erin, if she`s not there just wait until tomorrow & talk to her."
"Alright thanks Gronk," he said & walked into the living room where he found Miriya, but no sign of Erin. "Miriya did Erin go home?"
"Yea, what happened between you two?"
"I was really stressed with the team & everything, but I discussed it with Jordan so it's all good."
Later that night Miriya crawled into bed next to Jordan & rested her head on his chest. "So what did you say to Nik?"
"That there`s no way you can survive in the league without someone by your side, & that you`re what keeps me sane."
"Aww I love you," she said before kissing him.
The next day Jordan had gone down to the arena to skate & Miriya went to the store. Nik was at home watching TV when he decided to call Erin.
"Could you please come over?" he asked.
"Yea, I`ll be over in ten minutes."
When she got there Nik opened the door & they both sat down on the couch. "Ok Erin look, last night I talked to Jordan & he told me that no one can survive the league without someone by their side. I want you by my side, I need you with me. Erin Jones, I love you."
"I love you too," she said moving closer to him. She put her arms around his neck & his lips found hers.
A few minutes later Miriya walked into the living room, Nik & Erin who were still making out on the couch didn`t notice. She stood behind the couch laughed saying, "I take it you two are back together.
They both pulled away with smiles on their faces & all they could say was, "Yea."
Michelle's curly brown hair lapped against the sweaty skin on her back, the golden highlights were visible because of the light in the basement. Her stomach didn`t fit in her work-out clothes anymore so her stomach stuck out between her red sport bra & black & white Adidas shorts. She pulled her hair up with bobby pins & sat down on the couch to rest her tired body. She had been so tired lately, she put her hand on her stomach. Her skin looked glossy; she put her feet up on the couch & drifted off to sleep.
She woke up about two hours later & went upstairs to get something to eat. Still in her sports bra & shorts she walked past the nursery. 'Hmm why is the door shut?" she thought to herself.
She opened the door to find Sid, Jordan & Colby all sitting in the corner. This is where they had been all day, & Michelle started to tear up when the door was opened fully. The room was light green with a darker shade for trim. Both the white crib & changing table were perfectly placed; the room in general was perfect.
Colby whistled," Damn!"
Michelle laughed as she wiped the tear from her eye.
"This is for you baby, you`ve been so stressed & exhausted," Sid smiled. "You deserve this & you`re the best mom & wife ever." He pulled her into a hug & kissed her.
Colby interrupted by saying, "Michelle you do so much, you`re the best friend anyone could have, well besides Miriya, I love you!"
By this time Michelle couldn`t control herself anymore, that`s when Geno & Kris came in with a stool & mobile. "Yo Sid where you want this?" Kris asked.
Once everything was in place Michelle gave everyone a hug, "Thank you all so much, you have no idea how much this means to me."
Earlier in the season some 'really good' player was placed on Waivers & the Guins has some space left under the salary cap so they claimed him. His name was Thom Neely & for some reason his name was 'Hoss'. Miriya however had never liked him for as long as he had been in the league, which was about fifteen years. She just had this feeling about his, he was violent on the ice & not the way that Brooksy, Bugsy, or Georges were. They did it because it was in the job description, he found joy in it.
Michelle walked into the locker room to get something she had left there the game before. Hoss happened to be there too & he was drunk. She didn`t want to have anything to do with him, she had talked to him before but it was something she didn`t want to do again.
"What the hell are you doing here, you don`t belong here."
"Yes I do, I`ve been here longer than you & I`m only looking for something I left here," she said tying to remain calm.
She had a burning hatred for this man & he had been known for abuse. No one knew why he had been signed. He walked over & circled her, she got scared & tried to call Sid.
"Callin' the bitch?" he yelled as the phone rang. He pushed her into the stall & she screamed just as the line connected. When he has pushed her the phone fell to the floor.
"Michelle?" Sid asked calmly at first but there was no answer, "Michelle?"
Hoss hit her hard this time & she hit the side of the locker. She let out a blood curdling scream.
"I`m coming Michelle," he yelled into the phone.
Hoss back-handed her as Sid ran in to see Michelle pinned against the stall with his foot.
Sid picked up Marc's stick & yelled, "Get the fuck off my wife NOW!" he held the stick to his throat. "You fucker can`t you see that she`s pregnant," he said trying to retain his anger. "You could have really hurt her & killed my baby," he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "You have no idea how tempted I am to kill you right now. But I can control my anger & I love my job way too much to do anything that stupid," he looked at Michelle who sat at the stall with a bloody nose.
Just then Therrien & a bunch of security guards walked in & grabbed Thom by the arm. "We`re gonna have a talk with the commissioner about you," Therrien said as they lead Hoss out of the locker room.
Sid walked over to Michelle & put his arm around her, "Baby are you ok?"
"Yea, I wasn`t scared for myself, I was scared for the baby," she said still shaking.
Just then the paramedics came in & they rushed Michelle to the hospital. Sid told Jordan & told him to tell Miriya what happened. Miriya told Kris & before long it had spread to the entire team. Everyone was worried, & Michelle lay in bed waiting for the doctor to come back.
"I`m sure you`ll be glad to know that both you & the baby are fine." The doctor said as Sid squeezed Michelle's hand & they both smiled.
They headed to the arena for practice & found the entire team, Miriya & Cassie sitting on the bench.
"Michelle!" Tanger said standing & giving her a hug.
Colby stood up & wrapped his arms tightly around her. "Are you, is the baby... ok?"
"Yes Army we`re both ok."
"Good 'cause I`d be really upset if our first baby was hurt," he said rubbing her stomach. Sid`s jaw dropped but he couldn`t help but smile.
** Thom Neely is a completely fictional character who was created for this story by the author.**
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
you're stories make me smile. =]
they're greatt.
loving the banner yo.!
That was so cute that they built a nursery for the baby! :)
And I can only imagine Sid's rage when he walked in to find his pregnant wife being assaulted!
So is Sid and Michelle having a boy? I'm guessing by green walls??
Wow I can totally picture Sid's face when he saw what that evil, evil man was doing to his poor innocent, pregnant wife. It will be interesting when they all have their babies. I could totally imagine a little baby Sid and a little baby Jordan. =]
Awesome chapter as always and I can't wait for more.
your story is amazing. and it is sooooo cute. i cant wait for more :)
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