So I decided that since today was a special day I could take a break from my busy life of AP English to post a chapter. For those of you who don`t know the importance of today, it is the one year anniversary of when I started writing this story. YAY!!! But I hope you like the chapter & comments are greatly appreciated.
It was late in the spring so about mid-May, even before Miriya & her boys had won the Cup. The door bell rang & Elizabeth ran to answer the door while putting her shoes on. She quickly made sure that her hair & dress weren`t messy, & opened the door.
“Hey baby,” she said as Andy walked in & put his arms around her.
“Hey,” he said then kissed her. “You ready to go get dinner?”
They headed out to the car, Elizabeth got in easily, & Andy on the other hand ducked to get in, but as always hit his head off the top of the car. Elizabeth tried to hide the fact that she was laughing.
“Ok, now we`re really gonna leave.”
Elizabeth laughed & they pulled out of the drive-way. They finally found a place to park after arriving at South Side Works & walked to the little Irish Pub.
“Miriya`s been trying to get me to come here for years,” Elizabeth said. “This is her favorite restaurant.”
“Welcome to Claddagh, just the two of you tonight?” the hostess asked.
They went to their table & enjoyed their food, then went to take a ride on the incline. Once they had started going up the hill Andy took his arm from around Elizabeth & held her hand. He slyly took a box from his pocket & got down on one knee.
“Elizabeth I love you more than anything & have for as long as I`ve known you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Elizabeth will you marry me?”
“Yes Andy,” she said with a smile. “I will marry you.”
He kissed her, held her close, then slid the ring on her finger; that`s when Elizabeth woke up. She rolled over in bed & smiled when she saw Andy asleep next to her. It was early October 2014 & Elizabeth & Andy had waited to pick a date for the wedding until that years Penguins schedule came out. That way they could have it & the rehearsal dinner on a weekend when there were no Pens games, so that Miriya & Jordan could be there. Just a week after the home opener the Guins had Thursday through Sunday off & that`s the weekend when the wedding was.
“Morning baby,” Andy said when he woke up.
“Good morning,” she said as he kissed her cheek. “You ready for the rehearsal dinner?”
Later that day Elizabeth put on a pair of dress pants & a dressy shirt, Andy put on a pair of khaki & dress shirt, & they were off to the church. The rehearsal went well & just before people left to go to the dinner part the priest caught up with Andy & Elizabeth.
“Ok guys remember after you leave the restaurant you`re not allowed to see or talk to each other until the ceremony tomorrow.”
“Yes father, are you sure you don`t want to come to dinner?” Elizabeth asked.
“No, but you two have fun,” he said & laughed.
“Oh don`t worry we will,” Andy said putting his arm around her.
They left the church parking lot & a few minutes later got to where dinner was being served… Chuck E Cheese. Everyone at & enjoyed talking for a while, but then the little kid in some of them came out.
“Rematch?” Jordan asked with a smile.
Miriya didn`t say a word, she just got up & ran to the air hockey table.
Elizabeth went to the entrance of the climby, tubey thing & started to crawl & quickly. Andy was following her, went about ten feet, & then got stuck. All Elizabeth could do was laugh & crawled so that she was about ten feet from him. She laughed & teased him for a while but then he got unstuck & got a hold of her.
The next day everyone woke up & got ready for the big day. Elizabeth had light make-up & her hair was curled & up. Everyone was waiting at the church, & then the music started. The grooms’ men were standing in the front of the church in their black tuxes, the shirts were white & they had burgundy ties. The brides’ maids came down the aisle in their long, sleeveless, burgundy dresses. Then came the flower girl in her floor length, short sleeve, white dress & the ring bearer who was dressed like the grooms’ men. Andy waited anxiously in the front while everyone stood & Elizabeth started down the aisle. She looked beautiful in her long, white, sleeveless gown.
“I do,” he said.
“By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband & wife, you may kiss the bride.”
Andy’s lips found hers for a short, passionate kiss, when they pulled away they were smiling wider than ever before. They stayed for pictures while all the guests headed off to the reception. It was at the same place as Cassie`s; Blueberry Hill Park. The setting was much like Miriya`s except the table clothes were cloth & the cake that sat on a side table was a little different. It was made by Elizabeth’s aunt, Miriya`s grandma, & was beautiful, three tier with black icing & white flowers scattered over the cake.
“Ladies & gentlemen please join my in welcoming for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Andy Fishell,” the Dj said.
Everyone clapped as the Elizabeth & Andy walked in hand in hand. After the first dance as husband & wife they made their way to the buffet to get food & everyone followed. Miriya & Elizabeth danced to bring back memories from wedding that they had gone to when they were younger.
“Congratulations again,” Miriya said giving Elizabeth hug before she left.
Later that night they stepped onto the plane & took their seats. Andy was automatically excited about the leg room & the little TVs on the back of the seats in front on him.
“This is incredible,” Andy said stretching out his long legs in front of him as Elizabeth caressed his thigh.
The older couple next to them looked on with a blank stare. “If only we were young & foolish again,” the older women said to her husband.
“I`m so happy we`re finally married,” Elizabeth said winking at Andy. She leaned up to kiss him, “Andy you`re so tall,” she said leaning in & & lips met his. He kissed her deeply & passionately, well as deeply & passionately as you can on a plane. When they pulled away Elizabeth looked down at her ring.
“You like it my love?” he asked in a whisper, his lips gently touching her ear.
“Absolutely in love with you & this ring,” she said now looking into his eyes.
Hours later the plane landed in London, they got their luggage, & went to the hotel. They walked up the staircase & Andy looked down, his tall frame & at Elizabeth. They arrived at their room; Andy turned to Elizabeth, put his hands on her hips, & said, “Wait here.”
He picked up the luggage, opened the door, & put their stuff down. He took the little hanging pillow off the door & faced the “Shh…” side out. She smiled & he grabbed her hand, picked her up, ran into the room, & kicked the door shut behind them. He lay on the bed & caressed the side of her body; her kissed her & slid her black tank top over her head. She threw his pants across the room & her`s soon followed. It happened, just like she thought it would.
About three hours later they decided to get dressed & head out to get to know the city. They stopped at a side vendor by the river to get something small to snack on. They walked hand in hand up & down the little strip of vendors then crossed a bridge & ended up at a little park. After sitting down on the bench Andy put his arm around Elizabeth.
“Do you remember when we first met?” she asked.
“Stand partners in orchestra, how could I forget? We could never agree on a height for the stand,” he said with a smile. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said & rested her head against his chest.
They stayed at the park for a little while longer then went back to the hotel & got into their rental car, which Andy had a hard time with. They drove around for a while searching for places to go, things to do, & places to get out of the rain. After a while they went to get a quick drink at the hotel bar.
“I`m so excited! I`ve been to Europe before, but never London,” she said running her finger along the rim of her wine glass. Andy threw back his good ol` Ying Ling just like he would back home.
“I`m glad, tomorrow I wanna take a look at the palace if that`s ok,” he said.
“Yea sure,” she replied tilting her head to the side, letting her hair brush over her bare shoulder.
Andy eyed her blue halter & moved back to her face. He raised his eyes with a smirk & motioned to the upstairs.
The next day they decided to go to Buckingham Palace, they toured the palace then walked out the front door hand in hand. “You wanna try?” Andy asked.
“Sure, I`ve always wanted to,” Elizabeth said with a laugh.
They walked up to the beefeaters (those are the palace guards in the funny hats) & tried to make them laugh. After trying & being unsuccessful they started walking the other way when a Double Decker bus passed.
A smile came to Elizabeth’s face, “We should ride one.”
“Ok,” Andy said & they ran for the bus stop.
They walked up the steps to the top & it was a closed top bus, but it was still cool. They sat down near the front & Andy put his arm around her. She put her head on his shoulder, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A few days later they woke & showered. Elizabeth was sitting on the bed & Andy sat down next to her.
“So Michelle got us these as part of our wedding gift?” Andy questioned looking at the pair of Manchester United tickets he held in his hand.
“Yep,” she replied.
After they were done getting ready they went out to the car & drove to the stadium.
“She knows neither of us like soccer right?” Andy asked.
“Yes, but she`s trying to be nice & expose us to new things.”
Manchester won & it was an exciting game, Elizabeth & Andy walked out with smiles on their faces.
“That guy getting kicked in the face was pretty sweet,” Andy said.
“Especially when he ran off the field because he was bleeding.”
For the next couple of days they spent their time around London & at the hotel. “You ready to leave?” Andy asked in his deep voice?”
“Yea just give me a minute,” she replied from the bathroom. She walked out in a green sundress & white strappy heels. He looked at her & admired her figure. She walked over to him & ran her hand down his freshly shaven cheek. On her tip toes she gave him a quick kiss & took his hand. Everything was ready & packed in the car; Elizabeth stepped into the car & felt a rain drop on her leg. She thought noting of it & continued to get herself situated. A few more rain drops hit the windshield when they arrived at the first intersection. Before they knew it dozens of rain drops fell from sky & pounded on the little English car.
“I don`t think we can have our picnic,” she said kind of upset.
Andy looked out the window & sparked an idea. “Not just yet, I thought of something, I think you`ll like it.” Andy said turning the car around & into the hotel parking lot. He gathered everything up & ran with Elizabeth for their room. “Sit here,” he instructed patting the large bed.
She sat down & watched Andy scurry around the room. He lay the blanket they were going to use on the floor & set the wicker basket to the side. She quickly realized what he was trying to do & flashed him a bright smile.
He poured the wine & placed all the food out in a beautiful array. He walked over to her & held out his hand, she took it & he led her over to the makeshift picnic. It was romantic & they both knew it. She sat down & the bottom of her dress shifted up revealing her thigh. After they were done eating she realized that almost her full thigh was revealed. She tried to brush her skirt back down when his hand found hers. She looked up & he rose to his knees, crawled closer to her, & ran his hand up her back. He slipped his hand further up the dress & felt her silky stomach. Gradually he unzipped her dress & she unbuttoned his shirt. Before they knew it the dress was sprawled across the floor with his clothes. They on the other hand were on the bed enjoying themselves.
Sadly their honeymoon came to an end, but their fun did not. Elizabeth walked back towards the bathroom & a few minutes later Andy followed. They returned to their seats & the girl next to them gave them a weird look, “You two were gone for a while.” Neither Andy or Elizabeth could say anything; they just sat there & smiled.
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
Everyone's getting married like they are having babies lol
Yea, sorry about that. This chapter is about my cousin though & she made me put the wedding in.
I loved this chapter! Today it was funny because in English we were told to write a story so I took complete advantage of the writing time that I was given, good thing because I'm swamped in homework again. Oh and Sid looks amazing in anything he wears! Except crocs, I don't like those...
Anyway, I love this whole story and can't wait for more, the wedding and honeymoons are so cute. =]
Oh gosh, this was beautiful. I enjoyed it greatly. Of course, now in orchestra, I'll have even more on my mind......
And you captured so many things perfectly, and while it sort of creeped me out that you knew exactly what I find incredibly sexy in him, it was wonderful. Thank you, dear cousin!
Nice site where we got more information from this site. Really it is very nice site.well, keep up it.
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