I was a bit inspired... The Pens played an amazing game against the Rangers today and in about an hour the Steelers take on the Ravens in the AFC Championship. With all of this happening I decided I would give you all one more treat today, a new chapter. I hope you all enjoy it, comments are greatly appreciatied. GO STEELERS!!!
It was the last game of the regular season, and as always it was on the road. After practice at the Verizon Center everyone went their separate ways around Washington. At around six the team met up for dinner and then it was back to the hotel. Sidney was in the shower and Michelle lay on the bed in a bra and pair Sid’s boxers. She was watching highlights from the Caps last game when Sid walked in and sat on the edge of the bed to get a good look at the opponent in the next day’s game.
He wore a pair of black RBK sweat pants since it was chilly, however no t-shirt. Michelle crawled up behind him and put her arms around his shoulders. She could tell that he was smiling and gently kissed his shoulder before starting to rub his back. “That feels so good,” he said turning around to face her. He brought her to him in a hug and kissed her cheek before looking down. “Are those my boxers?”
“No, Army’s,” she said somehow managing to keep a straight face. He gave her a questioning look and she started to laugh, “I`m just kidding.”
“Sure,” he said in a sarcastic tone.
“Well,” she said changing the subject, “Since you`re practically undressed,” she said with a sly smile.
He reached around to unhook her bra, his favorite, and worked his way down to the boxers. “Sure these aren’t his?”
“Pinky promise,” she replied, “Well sort of.”
He gave her the ‘you`re such an asshole” look but then kissed her after saying, “Still love you.”
She slid off his sweat pants and looked down to his boxers, they were black and white striped just like hers. “Baby does this prove that they aren’t his?” she asked with a laugh.
“Yea, I’m good now.” He pushed her down and straddled her hips as the pale moonlight shown in the window. It reflected off of his big brown eyes as he placed his hands on either side of her head. His muscles flexed with every movement and their matching boxers were now matching on the floor. After toe curling, lip biting, back arching fun Michelle lay asleep in Sid’s arms under the thin blanket.
Everyone got to the arena the next morning and were suiting up when Sid walked into the locker room. “Hey guys, how was your night?”
“Nowhere near as good as yours,” Bugsy said with a laugh.
“Oh, you guys heard that?”
“I think everyone hear it Sid,” Colby said. “Oh and tell Michelle I want my boxers back.”
“I`m kidding man, you know that I`m not going to sleep with her.”
“The thing is we were talking about that last night. She was laying in bed with my boxers on and I asked if they were mine. She said no yours. The funny thing is later I found out that they were really were mine because I was wearing matching ones.”
“Wow Sid, you sure do have an exciting love life,” Bugsy said.
Miriya walked into the locker room holding Christiano, “Sid take your son.”
“Thanks for watching him last night, me and Jordan are watching Scott and
Chris on Friday right?”
“Yep, girls night in.”
“Hey baby,” Jordan said putting his arms around her. “You know the skate doesn`t start for another twenty minutes.”
“Well I`ll see you guys on the ice in twenty minutes.”
The walked into the training room and Miriya got up on the table. “We should probably get out there before we get in trouble,” Jordan said bringing his lips from Miriya’s neck.
“I don`t want to,” she said and quickly placed her lips on his.
“Baby come on,” he said pulling away.
“Fine. I can`t wait for out week off,” a smile came to her face as they slid of the table. She fixed her hair and straightened put her shirt before they made their way up the runway.
“Wow you guys made it in time,” Army said with a laugh.
“You know Arms if it were up to me we’d still be in there.”
“We know,” Kris said skating up to her. He kissed her cheek as Therrien walked onto the bench.
“Alright boy, suicides.” After morning skate everyone headed back to the hotel for pre-game naps. Miriya got into bed next to Jordan and laid her head on his chest. When they woke up their fingers were laced and Miriya stared up at the ceiling not knowing if he was awake “I love you baby.”
“I love you too,” he said rolling over and kissing her. “I`m gonna go get Scotty now so Colbs can take his nap.”
“Tell him I really appreciate all that he does for us.”
“Okay, see ya in a few,” he kissed her cheek and walked to the next room.
“Thanks Army Miriya and I really appreciate all that you do for us. You`re always taking care of Scotty for us, I`m surprised he still knows that I`m his father.”
Colby laughed and kissed Scotty on the cheek. “See you later little guy, see ya Gronk.”
“Bye Colbs and thanks again.” He walked back in his room with his infant son in his arms.
“He looks just like you baby, I love it. I love both of you more than anything.”
“And we both love you too, but I think that someone needs fed.”
She took the little boy from her husband’s arms and smiled as her son ate and slept. At five everyone went to the Verizon Center and suited up, all of the guys in the locker room and Miriya in her favorite place, the commentator’s box. “What a block by Talbot on Alex the great, Malkin picks up the puck and is off on a two on oh with Crosby. Cross ice pass, he shoots and scores! Sidney Crosby from Evgeni Malkin and a huge secondary assist from Max Talbot who was out on the wrong line.”
“Staalsy it hurts when your star gets blocked but to have the other team go in on a two on oh hurts even more.”
“That’s all folks the Penguins are in third place in the league and are moving on to the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The Caps on the other hand have a nice vacation before next season,” she said when the game had ended. After she was done doing the closing segment she went down to the away locker room and up behind Jordan. With one arm she held Scotty and the other she wrapped around her tall husband’s waist.
He was still being interviewed but once he was finished answering the question he kissed Miriya and took his son into his arms. “Jordan tell me how has the birth of your son affected your game?”
“If it’s affected it at all it’s been for the better. He inspires me to play well so that he can see how fun it is as he grows up and play when he’s older. He and Miriya are my good luck charms; she has been since day one. I love them both more than anything,” he smiled and the camera went off.
“Thanks Gronk,” the reporter said and walked away.
“So glad we’re not leaving until tomorrow,” Jordan said with a smile.
“Me too, go shower. I love it when you’re sweaty but I really don`t feel like sleeping with someone who smells like they just played hockey.”
“But I did.”
“I know, that’s my point,” she said with a smile.
The team finished showering and headed back to the hotel. Scotty was sleeping soundly and Miriya carefully took him out, changed his diaper, and lay him gently in his crib. All he did was squirm a little and fell back into a deep sleep causing Miriya to smile. “He should be asleep for a couple of hours,” Miriya said walking away from the crib.
“That’s all I need,” he said with a smile. He stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around Miriya’s waist. Hours later Miriya lay asleep in Jordan’s arms, her head resting on his chest when Scott woke up. He didn`t cry, he just lay there and kicked his feet. The soft sound of the sheet rustling woke Miriya up. She quickly threw on some clothes and took the little baby from the crib. “Hey there sweetheart, it’s not time to be awake yet. You hungry?”
Because he was only one month old he obviously didn`t answer, but Miriya lifted her shirt and fed him.
The next day the team returned back to Pittsburgh and the after returning Miriya was off to the doctor’s for Scott’s three day late one month check up. “Well Mrs. Staal Scott seems to be doing fine, he’s very healthy. You and Jordan seem to be doing a great job with him, do you have any questions?”
“No, not right now at least.”
“Okay, well I`ll see you two back here in a month.”
“Thanks,” Miriya said grabbing the diaper bag and heading out to the car. “Okay so bring Jordan and Scotty?”
“Yea, six-thirty okay with you guys?”
“Yep we`ll be over then, see ya later,” she hung up and walked into the living room where Jordan was taking care of Scotty. “You two ready for tonight?”
“Yea, what time are we supposed to be there?”
“Six-thirty, so we’ve got time. And it’s Scott’s nap time,” she said with a sly grin.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” They gently lay Scott in his crib for his nap and they too went to their bed room for a “nap”.
Back at Sid and Michelle’s Christiano had just fallen asleep and the Crosby’s headed to their bedroom. Sid wrapped his arms around Michelle’s waist, picking her up, her arms were around his neck and hers legs wrapped around his waist. Her lips pressed hard against hips as they made their way to the bed.
Miriya and Jordan had already advanced past this point, they stood near the wall, and Miriya’s back pressed against it. All that covered her now was a thin layer that was her light blue bikini underwear and bra. Jordan stood in his blue and white plaid boxers, his hands pressed against the wall and his lips pressed firmly against Miriya’s. She smiled when she saw the boxers and pulled away, “You know I love those boxers?”
“Mmmhmm,” he said placing a gentle kiss on her neck, the start of his playoff beard rubbing against her collar bone.
“They’re so soft,” she said running her hand along the waist band.
Sid straddled Michelle’s hips, his boxers still separated them, but that’s about all. His hands were on either side of her head, his lips and hers fit perfectly together, and their smooth stomachs were almost touching.
Instead of going over to the bed Miriya and Jordan decided to save time by heading to the shower. “Too bad we have to pay this water bill,” Jordan said with a laugh.
“It’s okay,” Miriya said as Jordan’s strong arms pushed her against the wall.
“I love you,” Jordan said as they walked into the bedroom wrapped in towels.
“I love you too.”
In one arm Jordan held Scott and the other was wrapped around Miriya’s waist as they waited outside of the Crosby’s front door. Once the door opened they walked into the living room where Miriya put the diaper bag and port-a-crib on the floor by the couch. Jordan had taken Scott out of his car seat and had attempted to hand him to Miriya. “No babe he’s yours tonight,” she said and kissed both Jordan and Scott on the cheek. “See you boys later.” She walked into the kitchen where she found Michelle with a box of pizza and two can of grape pop. “You think that’s gonna last all night?”
“No, the rest of the food’s in my room.”
“Well I know that you and Sid were doing what Jordan and I were this afternoon, so please tell me you changed the sheets.”
“Yes Mir I changed the sheets,” she said with a laugh as they walked into the bedroom. They popped in a movie and started eating. “I love this movie so much,” Michelle said.
“Me too, I remember when it first came out and Geno loved it.”
“He still does.”
“Well you know what I mean.”
“Mir, we’re married and have kids. I remember back in high school when we would sit on the floor on the third floor with Lauren and have loads of fun. And I would reach my hand over, tap your boob, and yell ‘bajooga!’ And then you would get that angry face. This is a dream come true; me, you, two amazing husbands and two babies downstairs. But mmm Sid is so good,” she said with a wink.”
A few minutes later Jordan came upstairs to see both girls and the bed covered in popcorn. He smiled, but Michelle reached over and grabbed Miriya’s right boob yelling, “Bajooga!” Jordan started laughing as Sid came up the steps to see the girls a complete mess and Michelle’s hand on Miriya’s chest. “Michelle that’s mine, come on now.”
“Sorry Jordan,” she said walking her hand to Miriya’s stomach, picked up a piece of popcorn, and slowly popped it into her mouth.
“Wow,” was all Jordan and Sid could say.
“Boy, shouldn`t you be downstairs with the little boys?” Miriya asked looking at Jordan.
“Oh shit, I left them on the couch.”
“Jordan! They could roll off and die,” she said getting up from the bed.
Jordan stopped her and wrapped his arms lightly around her. “Baby I`m kidding, they’re both asleep in Scotty’s port-a-crib. I would never leave my son alone if he wasn’t going to be safe. You know me better than that.”
“Yea I know, you just really scared me,” she lifted her head from against Jordan’s chest. He ran his finger along her check and tilted her head up towards him. His lips pressed passionately against hers and his tongue crazed her lower lip. She parted her lips and granted him entrance. He ran his hand down her back and hers as always made their way around his neck.
“Wow you two move fast, but please don`t do it in my room,” Sid said with a laugh.
“Come on guys wasn’t it enough to do it this afternoon?” Michelle added.
They pulled away and he kissed the tip of her nose. A few minutes later Miriya and Michelle made their way downstairs and the guys stayed up in the bedroom.
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
that was an lol moment.
damn jondan and he's parenting skills.
haha. jk. (:
you actully got me in a mood to update. woo!
hahahhahaha best line ever: “Oh shit, I left them on the couch.”
bahahha i cracked up!
another great chapter!
aww I just love daddy Jordan!
You know, I'm kinda wondering if those 2 did sleep together and are keeping it a secret... Hmm... Good update! :)
Haha, I loved it. I can totally picture Sid pleading for the two lovebirds to not do it in his room.
Wonderful as always.
Please post more soon! :]
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