HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!! I would just like to wish the Steelers luck in the Super Bowl today. Kick some Cards ass!!!
The team sat silently for a moment before Colby spoke up, "Staalsy, we'd love for you to be coach. One question though, could we call you coach Staalsy?" Everyone laughed at this and looked questioningly at Colby. "No I`m being serious, could we call you coach Staalsy?"
"I`ll have to think about it Colbs."
"Okay coach."
"I`m not your coach yet. You have to finish off this playoff stint under Therrien and then you will be mine."
Later that night the boys showed up at the arena a little nervous of what could happen that night. However they pushed all thoughts of losing far from their minds when the sound of the crowd hit them as they went out for the pre-game skate.
"Well this is it until October folks, the Guins lose in five games to the Toronto Maple Leafs. You have to wonder if Therrien will be back for another season of if there will be a new face on the home bench next year."
"We'll find out soon enough Bourquey, goodnight ladies and gentlemen."
Once they were off the air Phil turned to Miriya, "So you gonna take it?"
"Yep, the guys want to call me coach Staalsy," she couldn't help but laugh at this. "All I have to do is tell Ray and the job is pretty much mine."
"Congrats Staalsy, you work so hard for this team. You made an amazing announcer and I`m sure you`ll make a great coach too, you've got the skills."
"Thanks Bourquey, these past two years have been great. I`ve loved working with you, but now I`ll be down there," she gestured towards the ice. "And not up here. I should go tell Ray I`m gonna take the job." She walked into the locker room just as reporters were walking out and general manager Ray Shero was walking in. Therrien who normally came in to talk to the boys at this point was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Mike?"
"He's cleaning out his office. I overhead the boys talking about you being coach and figured you were gonna take the job."
"He's not gonna wait until locker clean out day?"
"I guess not, hey guys!" The room fell silent again. "Meet next years coach."
Everyone's eyes lit up and smiles were on all of their faces. It was the happiest they had ever been after losing a playoff series. They could all feel that something good was going to happen in the coming season.
With Saturday came the day most dreaded by all hockey players, locker clean out day. It meant the season was over and you needed to find something to do until September. The room was empty within an hour, but the guys slapped on the skates for one last 'practice'. Cassie watched Scott and Christiano on the bench while Miriya and Michelle skated with the team.
It had only been a month since Scott was born but Miriya almost had her figure back. She had been working hard to slim down and gain more muscle, not that she needed it. Michelle had also been working to gain her figure back and just like Miriya seemed to be achieving her goal. Now Cassie on the other hand was seven months pregnant and seemed to be quite content sitting on the bench keeping an eye on the babies.
"I love thunder storms," Sid said as the rain poured down later that night.
"Mmhmm," Michelle said just before the thunder clashed. The sound made her jump closer to Sid.
He couldn't help but laugh as he tightened his grip around her. "I remember when I found out you were afraid of thunder."
"I don't, can you tell me?"
It was the first summer they were together, 2008, and it rained a lot that summer. Miriya and Jordan were still in Canada so Michelle was with Sid a lot. They were at his place of residence, otherwise known as Mario Lemieux`s house. They were watching a movie in the basement since their plans of a bike ride were ruined by the rain. Sid had grabbed a blanket and candles just in case.
"Megatron, that's what they call him," both Shia LeBeouf and Michelle said as the thunder clashed.
She jumped and Sid brought her closer. "I take it you're afraid of thunder?"
"Just a little," she jumped again as the storm moved closer. The TV went black and so did the room with another clash of thunder. With a stick of a match the room was filled with light again, along with the smell of fresh peaches.
"Okay I remember that day," she rested her head on his shoulder. Another clash of thunder came and of course she jumped.
At the Staal house Miriya and Jordan sat on the couch watching the storm through the kitchen door. Nik was playing with Scott on the floor. Outside the storm moved closer and as it did the thunder crashed louder. One crash seemed as though it was right above the house and Scott started to cry.
"Aww Scotty it's okay, come here sweetie," Miriya said getting up from the couch and taking Scott from Nik's arms.
The rest of April and May past, most of the team had stayed in Pittsburgh so they wouldn't have to come back for Miriya's birthday party or the birth of Cassie and Geno's first baby. As with every pregnancy no one knew exactly when the baby was going to be born, but she was due on June seventeenth, Miriya's mom's birthday. Just as Miriya and Michelle, Cassie wanted to be surprised when she had the baby, so she never found out the sex.
June came, and with it Miriya and Michelle were in the best shape of their lives. They went down to the arena to work-out every other day while Sid and Jordan watched the kids. On days they weren't working-out they watched the kids as Sid and Jordan took advantage of having the arena weight room.
After leaving the arena Miriya decided to stop at Giant Eagle in Waterworks to pick-up some groceries on the way home. Again she was looking at chips when she backed into someone. "I`m so sorry, this is the second time this has happened," she said turning around. "And both times I've known the people."
A smile came to the person's face. "Miriya Staal, the Penguins' announcer Miriya Staal?"
"Well Penguins' coach now, but how are you Ryan, I haven't seen you since that summer at Guyasuta."
"I know, I`ve been good, you?"
"Good, we really need to catch up, it's been too long."
"We should, when are you free?"
"I'm free tomorrow if you wanna come over for dinner."
"Okay, I`ll see you then." he gave her a hug and they both finished their shopping.
Miriya walked through the front door to find more people tan were there when she left. Then she remembered that it was movie night with "the guys". Only four of them were really guys, Sid, Geno, Nik and Jordan, unless Colby and Mel stopped by. Cassie, Michelle, and Erin were also there. They didn't get to have these much during the season because there was either a game or they were on the road and couldn't decide whose room to do it in.
Everyone showed up this time and they all waited for the pizza guy to arrive with their dinner. Once all of the pizza was gone and the little kids put to bed in Scott's room it was time to pick a movie.
"What about Transformers?" Michelle asked.
"We watched that last week," Erin replied.
"We really need to find a better way to do this so we don't have to shit here and try to decide every week," Nik said.
"It's a good point, but we're only doing this two more times before training camp. Nik you're going back to Germany for a while and everyone has vacations and stuff planned. But when we do all decide to get back together during camp we'll come up with something," Miriya said from the couch in between Jordan and Colby.
"How about Lord of the Rings?" Mel asked out of nowhere.
"Which one?" Jordan asked.
"Not the third one, I want to get some sleep tonight," Cassie said.
"Which one is the second one?" Colby asked.
"Two Towers," Sid said from the floor. "What about that one?"
"Sounds good to me," Geno said getting up and going to the movie shelf.
They started the movie at about eight-thirty; Miriya and Cassie who loved the movie when it first came out couldn't help but say every line. That's how it was every weeks, someone would say every line, and if not every line there would be an occasional chime in for a really good one.
At about nine-fifteen a little face appeared at the end of the hallway. "Jamie aren't you supposed to be asleep?" Colby asked with a smile from the couch.
"I`m not sleepy," no one in the room could help but smile at how cute the five year old was. "Can I watch the movie with you?"
"Sweetie this movie is kind of scary, I don`t want you to get nightmares."
"Don`t worry mommy I won't get scared."
"Come on Mel, he'll probably fall asleep anyway."
"No I won't daddy, but thank you for letting me watch the movie." He climbed onto Colby's lap and within ten minutes he was asleep.
"I`ll be right back," Army said carefully getting up off of the couch.
"Colbs, just put him on my bed so he doesn't have to sleep on the floor in Scott's room."
"Thanks Staalsy."
The next day Miriya made dinner as Jordan took care of Scott. At around six there was a knock on the door and Miriya quickly made sure that everything was ready before opening it. "Ryan," she said giving him a hug. "You remember Jordan and this is my son Scott," she said taking Scott from Jordan's arms so he could shake hands with Ryan.
"Nice to see you again Ryan."
"You too Jordan. You guys remember Debra and this is our daughter Jess."
"Miriya, it's been a while."
"It has, how old is Jess?"
"She just turned three last week, Scott's so cute how old is he?"
"He`ll be three months tomorrow."
"Oh yea baby that reminds me, he rolled over for the first time yesterday."
"Well you look good for only having him three months ago," Ryan said.
Miriya smiled and said, "Well dinner's ready if you guys are hungry."
Almost all of the team was at Miriya and Jordan's house for her twenty-fourth birthday party. As always they had caked before opening presents.
"Happy… oh shit."
Everyone stopped singing at looked over at Cassie who stood at the side of the table.
"Geno you're gonna be a daddy real soon," she said grabbing her stomach. A smile came to his face as they started towards the door.
"You guys go ahead, we'll call the hospital and tell them you're on your way. We'll meet you there."
"Thanks Staalsy," Geno said helping Cassie out the door.
Nik went to the door to help out, "I`m gonna go with them. I`ll see you there."
They made it out to the car and were off to the hospital. The rest of the team wasn't too far behind and filled the labor and delivery floor's waiting room.
"I`m glad we had the party early," Miriya said resting her head on Jordan's shoulder. It was about one and the party has started at noon. All they had really done was eat and talk, well more like mess around than talk. But that's about all the team was good for other than playing hockey that is. Really the team was full of jokesters so it was hard to ever have a dull moment with them.
In the waiting room the guys played cards and watched TV, Cassie's room however was a little more exciting. Her contractions were getting closer together and Geno's hand was getting redder with each one. "I`m sorry if I` hurting your hand," she said after a contraction past.
"It's fine baby, I`m here for you," he brushed a strand of hair from her face and kissed her cheek.
She smiled and another contraction came. The burse came about half-way through to check up on Cassie. She quickly walked back to the door and called for a doctor.
"I think it's time to start pushing," he said when he came into the room.
After fifteen minutes of intense pushing a little Malkin came into the world. The team filled in, but Miriya was the first to hold the baby, after Cassie and Geno that is.
Nathan James Malkin was born on Miriya's birthday June eighteenth, at three oh one pm. He had chocolate brown eyes like both of his parents a bit of brown peach fuzz. He was seventeen inches and five pounds three ounces. Neither of his parents had ever been happier.
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
awhh =] im so happy for geno and cassie.
and god miriya, stop running into people!
that's rude dont cha know?! haha.
and im excited to see how coaching goes. =]
Oh I wanted her to have a girl :(
Coaching will be a new adventure :D
So, I just read this WHOLE entire story. It took a little over an hour, but I finally did it :)
And let me just say, I am SO glad I did. I love how you have gone into the future with Staalsy's life, I haven't read any other stories that have done that. It's pretty unique.
I can't wait to see how the coaching goes! :) Geno and Cassie sound really cute together too...
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