The next morning Miriya woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating on the wooden coffee table at Jordan`s house.
"Hello?" She said half asleep and quietly so that she wouldn`t wake Jordan up.
"Hey Miriya it`s Michelle," You should just hear the smile in her voice.
"What can I do for ya?"
"Well I`m getting married, Sid purposed last night."
"Aww and I`m guessing you said yes since you`re so happy," Miriya said with a laugh.
"Yes I said yes, you know that I`ve been waiting for this since the day we started going out."
"Yes I know and I`m happy for you."
"Well I just wanted to let you know, so I`ll let you go back to sleep."
"Okay, bye," Miriya said then hung up.
Miriya put her head back on Jordan`s shoulder and yawned. "I`m guessing that was Michelle?" Jordan asked.
"Yes baby, she said yes, and I`m going back to sleep, goodnight."
At around ten-thirty Miriya woke up again but this time Jordan wasn`t on the couch. But she heard the crackle of something cooking & the smell of food. She stood up, stretched a little, fixed her hair, and went to the dinning room.
"Something smells good," Miriya said when she walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around Jordan.
"I figured I would make you something and we can spend some time together."
"Aww I love you baby," She looked at the table. "You`re trying to make me fat aren`t you?"
"If you think so then we can go to the arena and work out."
"Okay, sounds good to me."
They sat down at the table and started eating. Jordan had made pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, some cut up fruit, & there was orange juice."Okay where`s the box from the pancake mix I need to know what kind it is, it`s really good."
"You`re not going to find it, I made it from scratch."
"Aww my baby's a little cook," Miriya said with a smile and continued eating.
When they finished eating they changed out of their pajamas, headed out to Jordan`s car and went to the arena.
"So do you wanna skate or work out first?" Jordan asked when they walked into the locker room.
"Let`s skate and maybe scrimmage or something then we can go lift weights."
Both Miriya and Jordan put on a pair of shorts, skates, grabbed a pair of gloves, helmet, a few sticks, a couple of pucks from the freezer, and a water bottle, then went out to the ice & stretched. "I hate how you`re so much more flexible than I am and you`re a guy."
"Well I sorry baby," He said with a smile.
"So you wanna do some suicides to warm up?" Miriya asked when they were finished stretching.
"You know I hate those, but yea they`re good for warm-ups."
So they skated to the far goal line and did a few suicides, Miriya got back to the goal first, Jordan got there a few seconds later. "Slow poke, see I could make it in the NHL."
"You know what, just because you`re a better skater than me doesn`t mean anything. And I`m sure you could make it in the NHL."
"No seriously I think that I could make it."
"I believe you, you ready to take some shots?"
Miriya went to one blue line and Jordan went to the other, they both took five pucks with them, lined them, and worked on their slap shots. After working on that for a few minutes they went and worked on their snap and wrist shots against the boards.
"Hey Jordan you wanna work on some stick-handling?" She asked when she got sick of just shooting.
"Sure why not," Jordan said as he put a puck down at center ice.
"You want me to play D?" She asked skating up to Jordan.
"Sure why not since it`s your natural position."
Jordan went to "take the face-off" and Miriya was set to play D. Jordan started stick-handling down the ice and Miriya started back checking. At about the hash marks Miriya poke-checked, picked the biscuit off Jordan`s stick, and went off on a breakaway. Again at about the hash Jordan put his stick out and tripped Miriya from behind, but she managed to keep the puck, get a shot off, and it went in.
"She shoots and scores, Miriya Soergel with her tenth goal of the year, she sure looked like a young Sid Crosby there," She said with a smile.
"Okay miss cocky," Jordan said and poked her with his stick while she was still on the ice.
"You know if I wouldn`t have scored I would have gotten a penalty shot. And for being a center you don`t play very good defense."
"Yeah I know it would be a penalty shot and I`m sorry I`m not a natural defensemen like you."
"Yeah, but I`m a good two way player and I just proved that," She said with a smile.
"I`ve had enough of this, let`s go work out."
"Aww you tired of being beat by a girl?"
"You know what?"
"What baby, you know you can`t get mad at me," She said with an innocent smile.
Jordan smiled and they dropped their gloves, they backed up against the boards behind the net, and he kissed her. Ten minutes later they heard voices coming from the runway.
"Wouldn`t you know Miriya and Jordan making out on the ice," Geno said to Colby.
"She kick your ass again Gronk?" Colby asked.
"Yes I did," She said with a smile.
"Miriya and Jordan went to the workout room and started lifting weights. They started out with light stuff first then moved to different weight machines & added more weight. "Hey Jordan how sad is it that I weight half as much as you and can bench press as much as you?"
"It`s very sad, but I like it that you`re strong..."
"Stronger than you," She said with a smile.
"You know what, come here." Miriya walked over to Jordan who led her to the side room. "I love you baby," Jordan said and kissed the tip of her nose.
"I love you too," She kissed him and well half an hour they walked out to Jordan`s car.
"So you`re coming on the road trip this weekend right?" Jordan asked.
"Yep, you know I love when we play Buffalo, we`re a good team, they`re a good team, and it`s always fun to watch."
"Well I wouldn`t know what it`s like to watch, never had that experience," He said with a smile.
"Well I`m sure it`s fun to play them, right?"
"They`re not my favorite team to play against but it`s not like I can`t stand playing them."
"Who do you like to play against?"
"The Canes, good sibling rivalry going there, and I`ve always like playing against Eric."
"There anyone you don`t like playing?"
"Not really, I know there`s a lot of people that Sid doesn`t like playing `cause they`ve beat up on him over the years. But the Flyers aren`t my favorite team, they`re pretty near the bottom of my list."
"Well everyone knows how I feel about them, the instate rivalry kinda pisses me off a little."
"A little? Baby every time we play them you go crazy."
"I do not."
"When you were sixteen you wrote a review of a game against the Flyers called Fuck Philly. You go a little crazy, but it`s okay, you`re allowed to hate what ever team you want."
"Good, and I only hate the Flyers that`s it, I`m fine with all the other teams. I just tend to yell at the team we play because they`re not my team."
They pulled up to Miriya`s dorm & got out of the car. "I`ll see you tomorrow, do you have your internship during the game?"
"I think I do, since Saturday's an away game I have to work during the two home games this week. But I`ll be at the arena and I may get to come down before the game."
"Well I heard that you`re doing good and I know that you have what it takes to get the job."
"Well don`t jinx it, I really want the job."
"I know you do baby, you should go do your research for tomorrow`s game. I really think that if you get the job you should be the radio announcer with Bourquey. You both have the same style of announcing, you both like digging up facts on the opposing team and you `re both good at it. I love your announcing style it`s like a mix of Bourquey and Mike Lange."
"Yeah I like my style too."
"You radio or TV tomorrow?"
"Um I think I`m TV, I was radio last time. Maybe Dan`ll be nice and let me interview people between periods."
"Maybe, call down to FSN and maybe you can do the pre-game one too."
"Yeah, then I`ll have to run up to the booth, but I can deal with it. But I`m gonna go do my game research so I`ll come down from the booth at like five-thirty tomorrow. I have to get there earlier than the regular announcers since I`m still 'learning." She made air quotes. "But I`ll come down and see you."
"Okay, bye baby, I love you."
"I love you too." Jordan pulled her closer and she put her head against his chest. He held her for a few minutes then she looked up, he looked down at the same time, and their lips met.
"Bye baby," They both said as they pulled away. Jordan got back into his car and Miriya went into her room and did her research for the next day's game.
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
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