“Can you take care of everything for about an hour?” Dom the store manager of the store asked.
“Yea I should be fine, there`s like no one in the mall today.” Miriya said walking from in front of the autographed picture of Crosby to behind the register.
Just as Dom walked out of the store a tall person who looked to be about nineteen, wearing jeans, a black hoodie, and a backwards Penguins hat walked in. This was a normal look for someone walking into the sports collectibles store, but this time there was something different, something special about this costumer.
He looked around the front of the store at some of the pictures for a while before walking up to the counter. “Can I help you with anything?” Miriya asked not looking up from the picture of Jordan Staal on the counter.
“Yea, can you tell me how much that picture but autographed is going for?”
Miriya looked up with an embarrassed smile realizing who it was. “Um about $100 Mr. Staal.”
“Really & call me Jordan.”
“Well Jordan, could I get you to autograph this for me?”
“Sure anything for a fan.” Miriya pulled a sharpie out of the cup next to the register & handed it to Jordan.
“So who should I make this out to?”
“Thanks, would have never known how to spell it…sorry.”
“It`s ok I`m used to it, no one ever knows how to say it at first if they just look at it.”
“Again I`m sorry.” Just then he looked up from the picture & slid it across the counter to Miriya. To the Pens Biggest Fan Miriya. Love Jordan Staal.
Miriya blushed then put the picture under the counter. Jordan & Miriya talked for awhile until about five when he realized that he needed to go to be on time for the game that night.
“Well it was nice talking to you, but I have to go so I can get ready for the game.”
“Yea it was good talking to you.” By this time they weren`t standing by the counter anymore. They had walked around looking at stuff throughout the store and no one else had come into the store.
“Bye Jordan.”
“Bye Miriya.” Jordan said as he gave her a hug. Then he left the store and headed to the arena. Miriya on the other hand couldn`t wait til her shift was over.
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
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