The next three weeks went by quickly & everyone got more nervous, especially Miriya. After dinner was over after the rehearsal dinner Miriya stopped Jordan on the way to his car.
“Baby have fun tonight, but please don`t get arrested again.”
“Ok baby sounds good, I`ll see you at four tomorrow afternoon. You have fun too.”
“I will, I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Jordan gave her a hug & kiss & they both headed off to their parties. Jordan got to Geno`s house with the rest of the guys& they had fun. Miriya got to Michelle’s house & all her friends, players girlfriends & wives were there.
“Hey Mir you wanna do shots?” Michelle asked.
“Sure why not.”
They did some shots of whiskey, vodka & tequila. After all that Miriya was stumbling around & having a good time. That`s when Laura brought out the Smirnoff. By eleven-thirty Miriya was passed out on the couch.
The next day Miriya woke up & everyone got ready. At a little before four everyone was ready & waiting at the church. It was St. Sebastian’s church, the church that Miriya went to when she was growing up. The flowers in the church were fresh red roses just like the bouquets. All of the usher had seated people & looked handsome, they were Miriya`s brother Thom, Brooks Orpik, Rob Scuderi, Max Talbot, Ryan Whitney, Erik Christensen, & Mark Eaton. All the grooms’ men walked out to the front of the church. Their tuxes were black & so were their vests, the shirts were white & the ties were dark blue. Eric, Colby, Chuck, Marc-Andre, Geno, Jared, Marc, & Ryan stood in front of the church & waited. Sid was Jordan`s best man & was keeping him calm.
The music started & the bride’s maids started down the aisle. They all looked very pretty in their sleeveless mid-shin, midnight blue dresses & black flats. Michelle, Sam, Amanda, Laura, Lauren, Vicky, Elizabeth & Laina walked down the aisle then it was time for Cassie, the maid of honor. Brittany Marc-Andre’s daughter had on a short sleeve, floor length, white dress; she had red rose petals in her basket & walked down with Adam who was Eric’s son. Finally it was time for Miriya to walk down the aisle with her had. Her dress was sleeveless, floor-length, was white & had no train. Her hair was in a twisted up-do; her make-up was light but looked good, light blue eye shadow, light eyeliner, & cleat lip gloss. When they got to the end of the aisle Miriya`s dad handed her over to Jordan.
It came time for the vows & Jordan started. "Miriya I knew from the first time I saw you tat you were going to play a special part in my life. You`re always there for me & you became part of the Penguins' family with me. You`ve sat on planes & buses for hours just so you can be with me, & waited up many nights just for me to call. You make me smile after a loss & after a win you make it even better. The second you walk into a room I don`t have to turn around to know it`s you, my heart starts racing. Asking you out on that day so long ago was the best thing I`ve ever done, it changed my life forever. We`ve had so many good times together with friends, family, & the team. I know I`ve talked about hockey a lot, but it`s what brought us together & what`s kept us together. It`s not just our careers it`s our life. And I promise to love you with all of my heart until the end of time."
"Jordan you changed my life the second you walked into BC that day. It was one of the best day's ever, I was meeting who I thought was one of the greatest people alive. You started out as my hero & as time went on we became closer & you`re my best friend. You`ve always been there for me, making me smile when I`m sad & holding me close while I`ve cried. I never thought that I would love anyone as much as I love you or have someone love me as much as you do. Then you brought me into the Penguins' family & it was more than I could ever ask for, I made so many friends & love ever single one of them. Hockey brought us together& nothing will tear us apart, hockey is what we live & breathe. You are the ice beneath my skates & you mean more than anything in the world to me. I have loved you for six years with all of my heart & I promise to love you the same & more until the end of time," she smiled.
"Do you Jordan take Miriya to be your wife, to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, in good times & in bad, in sickness & in health, for richer or poorer till death do your part?"
"I do."
"Do you Miriya take Jordan to be your husband, to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, in good times & in bad, in sickness & in health, for richer or poorer, till death do your part?"
"I do."
"By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband & wife, you may kiss the bride."
Jordan`s soft lips pressed against Miriya`s & they both smiled into the kiss.
Once the wedding was over all the guests head to the reception hall & everyone in the wedding & the close family of the bride & groom stayed at the church for pictures. Once the pictures were done the bridal party & family got on the trolley & went to Chadwick Reception Hall. The hall was lit with candles; the tables were arranged throughout the hall with paper table covers & crayons so that kids could draw. The bridal table was raised & had glasses with each person's name engraved. The three tier cake sat on a side table it was black & white & had been made by Miriya`s grandma. On another side table there were cookies made by Miriya`s family, chocolate covered strawberries, & a chocolate with lots of stuff to dip in.
"Ladies & gentlemen please join me in welcoming for the Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Staal," The DJ said as Jordan & Miriya walked in. Everyone stood & clapped, a big smile came to Miriya`s face as they walked to the center of the dance floor.
From this moment by Shania Twain came on. "Miriya I love you so much & I`ve waited so long for this day."
"I love you too, more than anything. When you first came to the team I only dreamed of meeting you & now I`m going to spend the rest of my life with you," She lifted her head from against his chest & her lips met with his with a passionate kiss.
Once the song was over they walked to their seats at the head table, but barley sat down before it was time to go to the buffet to get food. The food was great there was chicken, roast beef, potatoes, vegetables, salad & bread. Shortly after dinner started the "bartender" went around filling the adult's glasses with champagne & the minor's glasses with non-alcoholic champagne. Cassie & Sid walked over to the DJ's table & picked up the microphones. 'Ding, Ding, Ding' filled the room as spoons clinked against the glasses, Jordan & Miriya quickly kissed & looked towards Sid & Cassie for their speeches.
Sid looked at Miriya & Jordan & smiled. "Jordan & I have known each other for seven years. Now this isn't going to be one of those speeches where I talk about when Jordan was little & how we got in trouble together, if you want to hear about that Eric would be the guy to talk to," he paused & everyone looked up at Eric who sat two three seats from Jordan. "We were drafted a year apart & I can remember when he made the team right out of training camp how happy he was to be playing in the NHL, I think that today he may be happier than he was then. His first season was amazing & I think he did better than eve he thought he could. But then next season something changed & for the better," He paused for a brief second. "He walked into a sports store in the mall one day before a game & met a beautiful girl, who was & still is the team's biggest fan. Yes after she joined the "family" he still goofed off in the locker room, but really what hockey player doesn`t?" All of the players, Cassie, Michelle & Miriya laughed. "But he knew that once he hit the ice he had to go back to being a professional hockey player of he would have to answer to her." Miriya smiled. "She`s been there for the team no matter what win or loss, keeping us all in line. If it wasn`t for that day in the mall I would have never met my beautiful wife Michelle." He looked at Michelle & they both smiled. "Thank you Miriya for bringing her to that game. I wish you both the best of luck in the future even though I know you don`t need it."
"I`ve known Miriya for fourteen years. We`ve been through our ups & downs, but we`ve been there for each for as long as I can remember. I`m honored to say that she found someone new to share her love for hockey, friends & anything else that you can imagine. I`m so happy that you two found each other, I want to thank you for making my best friend in the entire world so happy. I also want to thank you for taking her off my hands & giving me a break for once, just kidding." She looked at Miriya & smiled. "Hey maybe now you can make that part from my one story true. Now you guys can actually go to the ho-ho, get chased by the po-pos, who said no no, go to the ho-ho then eat it." Jordan looked really confused; Miriya laughed & put her hand on his shoulder. "Anyways I wish you two the best of luck. And Miriya I`m glad you found someone who can handle you. Last but certainly not least, congratulations! Oh & just remember if you ever need a baby-sitter you know who you call...I love you guys."
After everyone was done eating Miriya & her dad walked out the middle of the dance floor & "I Loved Her First" by Heartland came on. About three-quarters of the way through the song Jordan put his hand on Miriya`s shoulder.
"May I cut in?"
"Of course," he gave Miriya a hug & went back to his table.
"Did I tell you that you look beautiful today?"
"You did but thank you, you`re looking good today too. Not that that`s different from any other day."
Later that night after the party died down they said good-bye to everyone then went back to their house & went to bed.
The next morning Miriya woke up to the sound she hadn`t heard in a while. It was the annoying 'Ring, Ring' of the alarm clock on her phone.
"Good morning Mrs. Staal," Jordan said kissed her cheek.
Miriya couldn't help but smile when she heard the name Mrs. Staal. "Good morning baby, what time is it?"
Jordan looked at the clock on the bedside table. "Three-thirty."
"Are you serious? We only got home an hour ago." "I know baby, but we need to get ready to go to the airport. That is if you still want to go."
"Me not want to go to Scotland, are you crazy?"
"No I`m not crazy." Miriya just stared at him for a minute. "Ok, I`m not crazy all the time."
"That`s what I was looking for."
Jordan wrapped his arms around her & kissed her. They both slowly rolled out of the bed after pulling away. Once they were both ready they headed out to the car & made sure that everything they needed was there.
"I love you so much baby," Jordan said on the way to the airport.
"I love you too, more than anything."
"Together forever."
Once they got to the airport they parked the car, unloaded the bags, & walked to the baggage check. After standing in line for longer than they expected to at five fifteen am they walked to security. The line at security was practically non-existent compared tot that of the baggage check & they made it through in under ten minutes.
"Breakfast?" Jordan asked. "'Cause you know that the stuff they give you on the plane isn't very good."
"Well actually when I went to Scotland the first time they food they gave us was actually pretty good."
"So I take it that we`re not gonna get something to eat before we leave?"
"I never said that, maybe something little."
They walked to a little convenience store & bought a pack of gum, two packs of brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts, & a bottle of cherry Pepsi to share.
Once they got on the plane & took off it was about seven am, they got an English breakfast at about eight.
"So what did you think of the food?" Miriya asked when Jordan had finished eating.
"Well I ate it all didn`t I?"
"That doesn`t really mean anything. You could have just been really hungry, that`s how I am sometimes. It doesn`t matter what you put in front of me, I`m so hungry that I`ll eat it."
"Well that wasn`t the case with me, I like the food, it was good."
"Good `cause that`s the kind of food you`re gonna be eating the whole time we`re in Scotland."
"Oh God, you`re not gonna make me eat anything weird are you?"
"Not anything that I haven`t tried already, ok?"
Jordan nodded his head, he yawned & laid his head down on Miriya`s shoulder. A stewardess came& took all the breakfast stuff, Miriya put the tray tables up & gently rested her head on Jordan`s.
"I love you Miriya."
"I love you too," Miriya said then they both fell asleep.
When they woke up it was lunch time; they ate lunch, & then decided to listen to music. Miriya took out her iPod, she handed one headphone to Jordan, & put the other in her ear. Once it finally turned on an old country song came on. Miriya mouthed the words, "Three words, two hearts," But was cut off when Jordan`s soft lips pressed against hers.
"One kiss," Jordan said after pulling away.
Miriya smiled & put her head on Jordan`s shoulder, "Ha-ha, you`re the pillow now."
"That`s fine by me," he said & put his arm around her.
A few hours later the plane landed at the airport in Glasgow, it was three pm in Pittsburgh, but eight pm in Glasgow. Finally after getting off the plane after a long eight hour flight they went to look for their bags. On their way to the baggage claim they saw a man holding a sign that said, 'Staal'.
"Hello you must be the Staals," The man said in a thick Scottish accent.
"Yes it`s nice to meet you Mr..." Miriya paused.
"Just call me Patrick."
"It`s nice to meet you Patrick."
"Well we should be getting your bags."
And with that they were off to get their bags. As you would expect it took a while to find the bags, but luckily nothing was missing. The ride from the airport to the hotel took an hour, but what they could see of the scenery was beautiful. After arriving at the hotel they unloaded their stuff, checked in, & went up to their room.
"Do you wanna unpack tonight?" Jordan asked laying his suitcase on the bed.
"Sure it`ll give us more time to do stuff tomorrow."
After everything was unpacked Miriya put her Penguins pajama pants on, brushed her teeth & crawled into bed.
"It`s only six-thirty at home," Jordan said.
"Yea well it`s eleven-thirty here & I`m tired."
"Ok baby, well goodnight," Jordan said & put her arm around her.
"I love you Jordan."
"I love you too," He said & his lips found hers.
Once they pulled away they fell asleep & slept peacefully. The next morning at about eight Miriya slowly opened her eyes & smiled remembering where she was.
"What are you doing up?" Jordan asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," Miriya said with a smile looking over to his side of the bed. "I had a good sleep did you?"
"I did, are you hungry, we could order something from room service."
"Sounds good to me."
They ordered food & waited for it to arrive. Once they had finished eating Miriya went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She put the tooth brush down on the sink & walked out into the bedroom where she found Jordan sitting on the bed.
"What`s up?" Miriya asked still standing in the door way.
"Oh nothing," he said with a smile & flashed the DO NOT DISTURB sign.
"Oh I like nothing," she said with a giggle.
Jordan opened the door, hung the sign on the outside handle, & quickly closed the door again. He put his arms around Miriya`s waist & pulled her close. She looked & he smiled that sweet seductive smile that just comes naturally.
"I never could resist that smile," Miriya said just before he kissed her. She smiled into the kiss & only pulled away for a brief second to slip Jordan`s shirt over his head. Their lips met again & this time it was more intense, Miriya ran her hand up & down Jordan`s bare back. Again they pulled away & Miriya`s shirt , penguin pants, & Jordan`s Reebok sweatpants fell to the floor.
Jordan stood in his blue & white plaid boxers & Miriya in her blue underwear & bra.
"I love you," He said & gently pushed her onto the bed. "More than anything."
"I love you too."
From there everything just went naturally. A good while later Miriya rested her head on Jordan`s chest & drew circles on his smooth stomach. Jordan was playing with her hair & they were both smiling like never before.
"Greatest time of my life," Miriya said with a smile & turned so she was facing Jordan.
"You & me both baby, you & me both."
"I`m gonna go shower then we can go explore the Royal Mile & stuff."
"Baby don`t leave me."
Miriya tired to get up but Jordan grabbed her hand. She turned around to face him again & he was giving her the puppy dog eyes.
"If there`s one thing that gets me more than your smile it`s when you do that."
He smiled & she sat back down on the bed. She leaned down & kissed him & ran her fingers through his blonde hair. She pulled away, ran her hand along his chest, kissed him on the cheek, & went to take a shower.
Once they were both down showering & they dressed they left the room hand in hand & to explore the beautiful land of Scotland. After watching the sunset they went back to their room, Miriya went to brush her hair & Jordan sat down on the bed.
"You my husband are the greatest man I know," Miriya said after sitting on his lap.
"You my wife never seize to amaze me," he smile.
Jordan slid further onto the bed & he kissed her. One thing led to another & next thing they knew it was the second best experience of the day. They both fell asleep, Miriya with her head resting on Jordan`s chest & he had his arm wrapped around her.
"Good morning beautiful," Jordan said then kissed her cheek.
"Good morning indeed," She said with a smile. "I`m gonna go shower , then maybe I can go pipe on a corner."
She kissed him on the cheek, ran her finger down his chest & went to take a shower. About a minute after the water was turned on Miriya felt a set of strong arms around her waist. He spun her around, pushed her against the wall & kissed her.
"So glad I`m not paying that water bill," Jordan said with a laugh.
"That`s more water than I`ve used in my life."
"I love you."
"I love you too, I`m gonna go put my piper uniform on & go find a corner."
"YAY bagpipes, but what about food?"
"We can grab something," she said buttoning up her dress shirt.
She had her entire uniform on within five minutes which is impressive for a piper uniform. Dress shirt, tie, Glengarry, spourin, kilt with kilt pin, piper socks, Gilles, & a sgian dubh (Scottish knife). Jordan took her hat & put it on.
"Baby you`re so cute," She said taking the hat off. "No on looks good in a Glengarry, you can`t even pull it off & that`s sad."
They left the hotel & found a good corner, Miriya had tuned up before leaving the hotel so she put her case down, opened it, & started playing. About an hour later she took the money from the case put in her spourin & put her pipes away.
"Now we can get food," she said shaking her spourin.
They went & got food then explored downtown Edinburgh some more.
The next day they decided to just hang out at the hotel & be boring. Miriya was at the desk in the hotel checking her e-mail on her laptop. ' - Mike Lange Retires.' She clicked the subject & opened the e-mail. 'Penguins announcer of 35 years announced his retirement earlier today, he will be missed by fans of all ages. Lange will be replaced by up & coming Pittsburgh native Miriya Staal...' There was more written but she was too excited to read anymore.
Just then the song that was playing on iTunes changed. Miriya started singing, "How bad do you want it? How bad do you need it?"
"Pretty bad," Jordan said with a sly smile.
She turned around to face him, "Baby, I got the job!"
"How do you know, you never got a call or anything."
"They probably called the house, but I still get those fan e-mails & just read it."
He read to himself at first then, "Will be replace by Pittsburgh native Miriya Staal, oh my God baby you got the job!"
"I know," She smiled & Jordan gave her a hug.
She looked up & their lips met. Next thing you know there`s clothes scattered across the floor & Jordan was asleep, his arm around Miriya, her head resting on his chest, she was still awake & smiling.
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8 months ago
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