There and a half years had past, the Pens had been successful but still hadn`t managed to bring the cup back to da burgh. Michelle and Sid were still going out and both had stayed in Pittsburgh. Michelle for college and Sid being in the last year of his contract. Though late last year he signed a five year extension and was glad to still be leading the Cup bound team. Most of the team had stayed together though Sydor, Sykora, Ruutu, Gonchar, and Roberts had all retired throughout the last few years. Marc-Andre, Brooks, Ryan, Scudsy, Geno, and of course Jordan were still on the team with Whitney, Talbot, Armstrong and Christensen. Last year Geno learned to speak almost perfect English and he started dating Cassie. Miriya was a junior at Robert Morris and had an internship with the Penguins. She was majoring in communications with minors in journalism and sports management. She was always busy with school and her internship, but she always found time for her two true loves Jordan and the Penguins.
It was early January and the Pens were doing well. Michelle was at the game and Miriya didn`t have her internship that night so she was down in the locker room.
“Hey Miriya can I talk to you for a minute?” Sid asked.
“Yeah sure,” Miriya said as she walked to Sid`s stall. “What`s up?”
“We`re still good for tomorrow right”
“Yep, you want her here at six right?”
“Yea, but I told her to meet me at Applebee’s at eight.”
“Okay well here she comes, hey Michelle.”
“Hey Miriya, hey Sid.”
“Hey baby,” Sid said & kissed her.
“I`ll leave you two alone,” Miriya said and walked over to Jordan`s stall. “Hey sexy.”
“Hey there beautiful,” Jordan said and kissed her.
“Jordan let`s go, pre-skates in ten minutes,” Geno said tapping him on the back.
“Alright Geno, see ya later Miriya.”
The Pens went out and played great. Of course after the game the usual interviews, showers, and autograph took place. “Michelle we`re going paint-balling tomorrow right?”
“Yep, do you have work tomorrow?”
“Nope, somehow I managed to get out of it.”
“y, do you wanna get lunch tomorrow then go paint-balling?”
“Yea sure, do you wanna meet me at my dorm then go to like Cracker Barrel or something in Robinson then when we`re done eating we can go paintball?”
“Okay, sounds good to me. So I`ll meet you at RMU at eleven-thirty-ish?”
“Yeah sounds good see ya then,” Miriya said then walked to her silver mustang which was parked next to Jordan`s car. “Bye baby, I love you.”
“I love you too, let me know how everything goes tomorrow.”
“Well I`m gonna see you tomorrow afterwards so I`ll tell you then. What time are we meeting for dinner again?”
“My house, seven okay?”
“Yep it`s cool with me, I`ll see ya there sexy.”
“Okay, bye beautiful,” Jordan said then kissed her.
They both got in their cars and went their separate ways, Jordan to his house an d Miriya to her dorm at RMU. Since Miriya had a longer drive by the time she got back to her dorm there was an IM awaiting her on her computer.Hey baby, just wanted to say goodnight…I love you.
I love you too, goodnight Jordan
The next morning Miriya woke up showered, put on a pair of jeans, a Penguins’ shirt, hat, converse, and waited for Michelle to get there. When she did they ended up going to Cracker Barrel & eating a lot.
“I`m so fat,” Miriya said with a smile.”
“No you`re not, you weigh the same as you did in high school.”
“Well I should be fat, I eat so much.”
“Yeah but you exercise so you burn it off and you only gain in muscle.”
“I know, you ready to go paintball?”
“Yep, it`s just going to be the two of us?” Michelle asked as they walked to the care after paying the bill.
“Well as of now yes, but when we get there we`ll see if there`s a group that`ll let us join, otherwise it`ll be boring.”
“Yeah that`s true.” They both got in the car & drove to the paintball range in North Hills.
They played paintball until about five-thirty then walked out to the car. “Well that was fun,” Michelle said.
“Yeah fun & painful, when I get to Jordan`s tonight I`m gonna borrow some ice.”
“Wish I could do the same, but I have to meet Sid as eight.”
“Oh yea that`s right, do you wanna go skate at the arena for a while?”
“Will I have time to do that and meet Sid on time?”
“You should it`s only five-thirty now and you can shower there when we`re done.”
“Alright, let`s go skate for awhile,” She said & got into the driver`s seat and they went to the arena.
They got to the arena and went into the locker room to change so they could skate for awhile.
“Do you hear music?” Michelle asked when they walked into the locker room.
“I hear something,” Miriya said and followed Michelle to one of the side rooms.
In the candlelit room there was a table set for two with red rose petals scattered over it ad in the background there was soft music playing. The person who was sitting at the table stood up and walked towards the two girls in the doorway, he was wearing a black suit and sliver tie.
“Hi Michelle.”
“Hello Sidney,” She said with a smile.
“Well I`ll leave you two alone,” Miriya said as Sid put his arms around Michelle and kissed her.
Miriya left the locker room & as soon as she walked out of the arena there was a car waiting for her. She got in and kissed Jordan. “Hey baby, how are you?”
“Good, you?”
“Um, in pain & more than usual, paintballing hurts.”
“That it does, you gonna need some ice when we get home?” Jordan asked as they headed off towards Jordan`s house.
“Yeah ice sounds good,” She said with a laugh.
“So how’s it going in there?”
“Good I would think, when I left they were making out. There`s like a one in a million chance she`ll say no.”
“Well that`s good.” When they got to Jordan`s house Miriya went to the kitchen to get ice. “So what do you want me to make for dinner?” Jordan asked as Miriya sat down on the couch.
“Something simple, whatever you wanna make me.”
“How `bout grilled cheese & tomato soup?”
“Sounds good to me,” Miriya said with a smile and Jordan went back to the kitchen to make dinner.
Back at the arena Sid and Michelle had sat down to eat the dinner Sid had prepared. The atmosphere was perfect, scented candles blinked and filled the room with light. The food looked, smelled, and tasted amazing. The salad was fresh & had lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and cheese sprinkled on top. They also had steak that was cooked perfectly and mashed red potatoes, skins still on, and cheese on top.
After they finished eating they went out & sat on the bench.“So many memories here and at the Mellon,” Sid said once they sat down.
“I remember the first time I met you. I got out of Jordan`s car and totally freaked out when I saw you. Then for the rest of the night I had to try to not be scared. And after the game…”
“You were standing at my stall and staring at my name plate,” Sid said with a smile.
“Yeah,” Michelle said andblushed.
“If it weren`t for Miriya I don`t think that we would be together. I`m glad you came to the game that night.”
“I`m glad too.”
“I knew from the day that you walked into the locker room for the first time that there was something special about you. Michelle I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you,” He paused & took a little box out of his jacket pocket & slowly opened it. “Will you marry me?”
Tears came to Michelle’s eyes and she smiled. “Yes Sidney Patrick I will marry you.”
Sid breathed a sigh of relief and wiped a tear from Michelle’s cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” She said just before Sidney`s lips found hers. It was a short kiss, but not too short. When they pulled away Sid slid the ring on her finger and she smiled.
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8 months ago
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