The end of the regular season came & there were just three days until the playoffs started. Miriya as always had been busy over the past month. School was going well & she would be graduating from Robert Morris University in one month with a degree in communications. She had taken sports management classes all four years with hopes that if she didn`t get the announcing job she might be able to get another job with the Penguins. As if communications classes for four years wasn`t enough she had an entire year of announcing under her belt, both TV & radio from her internship. With no extra time on her hands with school, internship, Jordan & the Penguins she hadn`t had a job since the summer before this school year started. And as if one backup plan wasn`t enough had also taken journalism classes so that if her first two plans fell through she could get a job at a local paper as a sports writer.
It was a Sunday afternoon in mid-April & Miriya was actually in her dorm room & actually studying for her upcoming finals. She was sitting at her computer trying to concentrate when the door slowly opened.
“Jordan you don`t have to be quiet, I can concentrate with noise,” She said but didn`t look up from her text book.
“How’d you know it was me?”
“Baby I can just sense when you walk into a room.”
“Aww, baby you’ve been working since you came home last night, you deserve a break. Come here.”
“But baby my finals are tomorrow & Tuesday, I need to study.”
“Baby you`re smart & you`ll do fine on your finals.”
“Are you sure baby?”
“Would I lie to you?”
“No, but I still think that I need to study.”
“Please come give me a hug,” He said & gave the puppy dog pout.
“You know I can`t resist that look,” She said standing up & walking over to him.
He wrapped his arms around her, she rested her head on his chest & he kissed the top of her head. She looked up with an innocent smile.
“Oh you`re not innocent at all,” He said with a smile.
“Well neither are you.”
“No one ever said that I was,” He said still laughing. “And to prove it.” He kissed her the pushed her onto the bed. Their lips were only apart for the brief second it took for them to fall onto the bed.
“I love you,” Jordan said after ending the intense passionate kiss.
“I love you too,” she said & kissed him on the cheek.
“I`ve loved you from the moment I met you.”
“Are you telling me you believe in love at first sight?”
“I didn`t until that day.”
Miriya smiled & looked up into Jordan`s eyes, they were beautiful & shined with the passion of their love. She lay her head down on his chest & listened to the calming steady heartbeat. With not a care in the world they both fell asleep on the small bed in Miriya`s dorm.
BANG! Both Miriya & Jordan woke up & looked around the room.
“Sorry about that guys, I didn`t mean to wake you up.”
“It`s ok Hannah,” She looked at the clock on her night stand. “It`s five.”
“Do you wanna go get some dinner baby?” Jordan asked.
“Sure, Cracker Barrel?”
“Sounds good to me, Hannah you wanna come with us?”
“Um, I don`t wanna intrude.”
“It`s fine we spend most of the day together & we never get to hang out.”
“And she`s a senior who`s graduating in a month, so you should spend time together,” Jordan added.
“Ok, do I have time to shower first?”
“Yea it`s cool, I have to change,” Miriya who was still in her pajamas said.
“Ok, see you in a few,” She said before walking into the bathroom.
Miriya grabbed a t-shirt, pair of jeans, & socks & changed. She redid her hair, since it was messy from sleeping & sat down on the bed next to Jordan. He put his arm around her & pulled her closer.
“Did you have a good sleep baby?” He asked then kissed her on the cheek.
“I did, I haven`t gotten much sleep lately with school & games & studying & stuff.”
“I`m sorry baby, you do too much. You’ve practically triple majored.”
“But I really only have one.”
“I know but you’ve been working hard in all of your classes, you announce all the home games, then you go home & write a review of the game.”
“I`m just trying to get practice with all the stuff I could get a job in.”
“I know, but you push yourself too hard, but soon you won`t have to deal with it all. You`ll be done with school & you`ll have a job & all you`ll have to worry about it work & the team.”
“I can`t wait,” She said then kissed him.
“Ok guys I`m ready are you?” Hannah asked as soon as she walked out of the bathroom. “Oh sorry guys, first I wake you up, then I interrupt your whatever.”
“No don`t worry about it, we`re used to people yelling at us to break it up,” Jordan said as they got up off the bed.
A month passed, it was mid-May & Miriya had just graduated. The Pens made it past the first round of the playoffs “& it was round two, the series was tied at three & it was going to game seven. Everyone was nervous to play the game that would determine whether or not they would move on. Since Buffalo had home ice advantage the game was there at HOLY SHIT…NIAGARA FALLS!!!
“Good luck tonight boys, I love you all, especially you,” She said walking up to Jordan. “Don`t get hurt, play hard, & don`t concentrate on winning just play your hardest, that goes for all of you.”
“Thanks baby,” He gave her a hug & short kiss. “I`ll see you after the game.”
“Ok, byes boys, bye baby,” She said then walked out to her seat with Cassie & Michelle.
The Pens went out & played hard, at the end of the third it was tied at two. Marc-Andre was playing amazingly in goal, as a whole the team was playing their hardest. The first overtime was scoreless even though both teams had their chances. But with thirty seconds left in the second overtime Sheldon Brookbank who was traded to the Sabers at the trade deadline netted his first goal of the post season. Both teams skated to center ice for the handshake, after everyone was done hugging & talking they went to the locker room.
As usual after a playoff loss the mood was pretty heavy. Heads were hung, there wasn`t a smile in sight, & it was the same as the last six years.
“You played well boys, it`s another year of experience under our, your belts. You had a good chance of taking this game; I mean it was double overtime. You’ve gotten better every year & I think that next year is our, your year. But seriously don`t quote me on that.”
The team let out a giggle & even smiled a little. “What would you guys do without her?” Michelle asked with a laugh.
“We’d be even more miserable than we already are after losses,” Sid said & gave Michelle a hug.
That’s when a big swarm of reporters came in to get the post game reactions from the team. After a while the reporters finally left & the team got showered.
“Baby you wanna go for a walk?” Jordan asked.
They started to walk out of the locker room & Jordan put his arm around her & pulled her closer. They walked around the side of the arena & up to the fence.
“The Falls are so pretty at night.”
“Well they`re not as beautiful as you.”
“Flattery is not the way to a girl’s heart,” She said with a smile. “But you`re not too bad looking yourself.”
“Hey, & I found my way to your heart a long time ago.”
“Yes you did baby, yes you did,” She smiled.
She was standing in front of him, both of them were facing the Falls, she leaned her head back against Jordan`s chest.
“I love you,” She said.
He slid his hands from around her waist up to her shoulders & spun her around. “Well I love you too.”
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