"Why hello there sexy," She said and put her head against his chest.
"How was shopping?"
"Good, it went well. Me and Michelle both got all our dresses, well we picked them all out."
"That`s good, I`m glad."
"Me too, I`ll see you in a little bit. I`m gonna go put my back up Pens stuff on so we can leave for the game soon."
"Oh yeah you`re not announcing since the game's on versus."
"Yep I get to use that ticket that I`ve been giving away all season, I`ll see you in a few."
An hour later at the arena Jordan lead Miriya to the side room. "Wow it`s been a long time since we've been here during a game," Miriya said as they walked in.
"It sure has," Jordan said pushing Miriya asked the wall. "Let`s make up for lost time."
"Sounds g...," She was cut off when Jordan`s soft lips closed down on her's.
Jordan pulled away from the warm passionate kiss, " I love you baby, more than anything."
"I love you too," She said then pushed her lips against his, his tongue grazed her bottom lip, she parted her lips and about fifteen minutes later they pulled away. They laced fingers and walked hand in hand back to the locker room.
Michelle walked into the locker room from the runway. "Miriya you`re not gonna be happy."
"They gave away your seat."
"What the hell, no way! I`m going and complaining."
"To who, the ticket people won`t do anything."
"I can`t believe this!"
"Baby what`s wrong?" Jordan asked coming from the other side of the locker room.
"They fucking gave away my seat," She said loud enough for the entire team to hear. "How the fuck can they do this, I`m Jordan Staal`s finance, I`ve had that seat for six years. Who the fuck do they think they are?" By this point Miriya was screaming in the middle of the locker room.
Jordan put his hands on her shoulder, "Baby calm down."
"I`m not gonna calm down, it`s not okay, they fucking gave away my seat."
Jordan slid his hands down from her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. "Baby we`ll find you somewhere to sit," He paused. "Hey coach, would she be able to sit in the box?"
"Yeah, I think Mario's the only one up there tonight."
"Baby would you be able to deal with that for tonight?"
"Yea I guess so, I`m still fuckin` pissed though."
"And you have every right to be, I`ll see you after the game since I know you don`t wanna come down during intermission."
"Okay, I`ll see you guys later."
Jordan gave her a hug, "Try to calm down a little."
"I`ll try, go get ready so you can make me happy buys," Miriya said, kissed Jordan on the cheek, and headed for the owner's box.
"Hi Mr. Lemieux," Miriya said when she opened the door.
"Hello Miriya, how many times have I told you to call me Mario, we`ve known each other for over six years now."
"I know I`m just trying to make up for hating you so much a long time ago."
"Yes, so I`ve heard, why did you hate me again?"
"Boo," Was heard from the crowd as the away team skated out onto the ice for the pre-game skate.
"I hated you because of trades and stuff when I was little, then in 06-07 the whole if it weren`t for you thing really hit me. I mean I had known that but it really hit me then. At that point all the hate went to Craig Patrick who I had already hated & even though he wasn`t in Pittsburgh anymore I still hated him. Then there was Mark Recchi who pissed me off so bad in the 07-08 season, I mean that man totally sucked. He couldn't hit an empty net from ten feet away, so yeah."
"Wow, that`s a lot of hate built up."
"Yeah, well my hate for the ticket people is still there from like seven years ago. You should have seen me downstairs tonight when they gave my seat away, I totally flipped."
"I can only imagine," Mario said with a smile.
"Yea I know I have anger management problems, but normally I`m pretty good about it, unless a ref really gets under my skin."
"It`s okay, everyone who has anything to do with hockey has some anger management issues, some are worse than others." He said with a laugh.
"Yep and Jordan`s normally good at calming me down."
"Yeah he does a good job of that, he keeps you sane, and you keep him playing hard an make him keep is mind in the game."
"Yep, I love spending time with the team, specially on road trips, it`s always a lot of fun."
Miriya and Mario talked for a while even after the game started, but both were paying very close attention to what was going on, on the ice. "I`m so glad I don`t have to watch this game on TV, I hate the Versus announcers, they`re so annoying."
"Yeah they are, so I`ve heard that you`re pretty good at announcing and that your internship is going well."
"Yeah, it`s a lot of fun, I just really hope that I get the job next season. I`ll be out of school and Jordan and I will be married, and if I get the job I`ll get to go to all the away games and actually announce during them."
"You sure are dedicated."
"Yes I am."
A few minutes later Jordan got the puck at center ice & went off on a breakaway. "Go Jordan, Go Jordan," Miriya screamed from the box. Jordan went to take a shot but was high sticked. "No!" Miriya screamed and stood up.
Jordan was helped up off the ice and over to the runway, Miriya was already on her way down to the locker room. She heard the announcement for the penalty but all she could really make out was, "A double minor for high-sticking."
"Oh great blood," She thought as she made her way to the locker room. When she walked in she saw Jordan holding a towel to his forehead just as the buzzer went off to end the first period.
"So much for not seeing you during the intermission," Jordan said with a laugh.
"Are you okay?" Miriya asked giving him a hug.
"Yeah, I`ll be fine. Just need stitches & I`ll be back out for the second."
"Okay, be careful out there baby," Miriya said & kissed his cheek. "Now I`ll see you after the game."
"Okay, bye baby," Jordan said and kissed Miriya.
Miriya went back up to the press box to watch the rest of the game. "Dating a hockey player's so hard," Miriya said with a smile.
"I wouldn`t know," Mario said with a laugh.
"Sometimes I worry about him, okay not sometimes I worry about him all the time," She said putting her head down.
"Whoo" and "Boo" were heard as both teams came out to the ice again.
The game ended with the Pens winning & Miriya headed down to the locker room. Jordan was still being interview so she head over to Colby's stall to kill some time. "Hey Army, good game."
"Thanks, your boy looks like a hockey player now."
"He already did, he had a scar from like five years ago."
"Yeah, but now he`ll have a new one," Colby said with a laugh.
"Did I ever tell you that you make me laugh?" Miriya asked.
"Yes you have, but it's alright. I`m a pretty cool guy, eh?"
"Yes you are and you`re one of my best friends."
"Really, I`m your best friend?"
"Well one of them," Miriya said with a smile.
"Well you`re one of my best friends too."
"Good to know, I`m gonna go talk to Jordan."
"Okay, talk to you later," He gave Miriya a hug then headed to the showers.
"Hey baby," Jordan said when Miriya got to his stall.
"Hey you big bad hockey player," She said with a smile.
Jordan kissed her cheek then went to the showers. About an hour and half later Miriya and Jordan got back to his house and were sitting on the living room couch. "I love how I`m never at my dorm on weekends, I never see my room mate."
"Does she even know your name?" Jordan asked with a laugh.
"Yes baby she knows my name."
"Do you know her name?"
"Yes baby, her name is Hannah, she`s a freshman. She`s from New Jersey and she`s majoring in sports management."
"Okay, it`s good that you know about your room mate."
"Right, eh?"
"You`re not allowed to hang out with Colby anymore," He said in a joking tone.
"Why not?"
"You just said eh."
"I been saying eh for years and you know I have."
"Fine at least you don`t say don`t ya know," He said with a laugh.
"And I say about, so I`m a little American with a little Canadian, Scottish, & Country,"
"How are you country?"
"I say y`all, not as much as I used to but still."
"Well no matter what you say, American or Canadian I love you."
"I love you too; did I ever tell you that?" Miriya said with a smile.
"You may have once or twice."
"You`re so weird baby, but pretty amazing."
"Pretty amazing eh?"
"Okay, I think you`re the one who needs to stop talking to Colby."
"Kinda hard since he`s on my team."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"And I`m the one who`s weird."
"Yes you are," She kissed him on the cheek then put her head down on his shoulder. He ran his finger along her cheek; she smiled and closed her eyes. He tilted her head towards him and kissed her, she couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
"You know after all these years it still feels like the first kiss every time," Jordan said after pulling away.
"It really does, I love the spark."
"Well I love you."
"And I love you t..." She couldn't get the rest of the word out before Jordan`s lips were back on hers.
When they finally pulled away Jordan turned on the TV. Miriya fell asleep on his lap while they were on the couch, so Jordan turned off the TV, carried her bridal style to the bed room and laid her gently on the bed. He kissed her lips gently & pulled away, when he did her eyes slowly opened.
"Go back to sleep baby."
"Ok, goodnight."
"Goodnight baby, I love you."
"Love you too." Jordan kissed her cheek and wrapped his arms around her. She put her head down on the soft fluffy pillow and was out like a light.
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8 months ago
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