Miriya`s senior year went by quicker than she thought that it would and she was glad that she was getting out of the school that she had been in for four years. Finally the suffering was over and she would be moving on to the real world. Earlier in the year Miriya had managed to get out of going to semi for the fourth year in a row. But her friends did force her to go to prom and of course she went with Jordan.
June came and it was graduation day, finally done with high school. The ceremony went well I guess you could say.
"We`re finally done with high school," Michelle said with a smile after graduation.
"I know I`m so glad," Miriya said as Jordan and Sid walked up to them.
"Congratulations girls," They both said.
Sid put his arms around Michelle and kissed her, Jordan did the same with Miriya. "I love you, you big bad college kid," Jordan said to Miriya.
"I`m not in college yet."
"Well you`re not in high school anymore and you`ve been accepted to RMU for almost an entire year."
"I know I can`t wait to start there and hopefully I`ll get the job there and get the job with the team. You have no idea how happy that would make me," She said as they started to walk to the car.
"I know how happy it would make me. You would be on the road with the team all the time."
"I would but we have four year until that can happen."
"Yea but until then you can still go to all the home games and all the weekend road trips."
"Yeah and that makes me happy. I love the team so much and I`m glad that for the most part everyone has stayed together during the last three years."
"I`m glad too, we`re a good team."
"You guys really are, seriously I love the team so much."
"I know you do, we all know you do and we love you too. You`re the best fan any team could ask for."
"Aww thanks, I love you."
"I love you too," Jordan kissed her and of course as always it turned into making out.
Michelle and Sid who were also making out stopped before Miriya and Jordan and came over to ask if they were going to leave. "Yo Miriya I`m hungry, are we leaving anytime soon?"
Miriya slowly pulled away and turned to face Michelle and Sid. "Sure we can leave, sorry for making you wait."
They all got in the car and went to Eat `n Park to eat. The next day Jordan called Miriya, "Hello?" She said crying.
"Baby what`s wrong?" He asked sounding concerned.
"Nothing, I`m fine," She said trying to sound like she wasn`t crying.
"You`re not fine, you`re crying. I`m gonna come over and we can talk about it if you want and if you don`t wanna talk about it then you don`t have to. I`ll see you in a few, I love you."
"I love you too," Miriya said with a sniffle.
A few minutes later Jordan came into her room a d picked her up onto his lap. "Baby something is really wrong, you never cry unless the refs seriously piss you off. You don`t have to tell me what`s wrong, but I`m here if you need to talk." She put her head on his shoulder & he tightened his grip around her.
"Baby you know I love you right?" She managed to say through her tears.
"Of course I do and I love you more than anything."
"I still love James and I miss him, please don`t be mad at me."
"Well I know that you still love him and I would think that you would miss him. I could never be mad at you over something you can`t control. I know you love me and I love you more than anything in the world," He kissed the top of her head.
"I do love you Jordan, I really do."
"I know you do, calm down baby everything`ll be fine."
Miriya fell asleep in Jordan`s arms and woke up at midnight. "Baby what time is it?"
"About midnight, are you okay now?"
"Yeah I`m fine, I don`t know what that was about, it came out of nowhere."
"It`s fine, I understand. You know I`m here for you no matter what, right?"
"I do and I`m here for you too. You should go home you`ve been here since six."
"Well it`s late and you didn`t have dinner yet, so I`ll go make you something. Do you wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure I`ll go put something in." Miriya went out to the family room to pick a movie and Jordan went upstairs to make something to eat.
About ten minutes later Jordan came back downstairs. "Something smells good," Miriya said and Jordan handed her a plate with scrambled eggs & toast. "Thanks baby, but where the ketchup?"
"You are such a Pittsburgher," Jordan said with a laugh. "But I`ll go get it."
He came back downstairs and handed her the bottle of ketchup. "Thanks baby, you`ve done so much for me tonight."
"You`re welcome."
They put on the movie & Miriya ate her dinner. "Thanks again baby."
"You`re welcome what are boyfriends for?" Jordan asked with a smile.
"Well you`re the best boyfriend any girl could ask for."
"And you`re the best girlfriend any guy could ask for, but no one can have you, because you`re mine forever," Jordan said and kissed her cheek.
"You`re so sweet, how did I end up with you?"
"Well you`re sweet yourself, sometimes I don`t think that I deserve you."
"Aww you`re so sweet, I love you so much."
"And I love you too," Jordan said then kissed her. When they finally pulled away Jordan kissed the tip of Miriya`s nose & she smiled. "I love how you smile every time I kiss you."
"I can`t help it, I just get this feeling like electricity even just when you hug me."
"Well it makes me smile when you smile," He said then kissed her. When they pulled away it was about two-thirty and the movie was still on. "Well goodnight baby, I love you," Jordan said then kissed her cheek
"Goodnight, I love you too," Miriya said then put her head down on his chest and they both fell asleep on the couch.
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8 months ago
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