The next day even though it was New Years Eve there was practice. They were working on stuff for the next day's big game, they worked on power plays and penalty kills and just like all year they did well. When practice ended everyone went to the locker room, but before anyone could shower Therrien went to the middle of the room.
"Okay boys I want you to have fun tonight but please don`t get too drunk. Remember you have to be here at eleven tomorrow, I want you one time & not hung over."
After everyone was showered some people headed back to the hotel and some went to hang out around Buffalo. Miriya and Jordan walked outside to look at the falls. Jordan put his arm around her & she put her head on against his chest.
"They`re beautiful," She said looking off at the Niagara River.
"Just like you."
Miriya smiled & looked up at him.
"It`s true, " He said & put both arms around her & brought her closer.
"Well you`re my handsome hockey player and I love you."
"I love you too," He kissed her. They spent about ten more minutes at the falls ad headed back to the hotel. "I think I`m gonna take a nap," He said with a yawn.
"But you don`t have a game today," Miriya said.
I know but I won`t be able to take a nap before the game tomorrow, so I`ll take it today, He lay down on the bed and Miriya lay down next to him.
"I`m tired too, so see ya later," She kissed him and they both fell asleep.
At two Miriya woke up and Jordan was still asleep, Miriya figured that she would be nice and let him stay asleep. When he woke up at two-thirty Miriya was reading a book on the bed next to him.
"Hey baby, how long have you been up?" He asked after kissing her on the cheek.
"About half an hour, but it`s okay I got some reading done and I figured I`d be nice and let you sleep."
"Well thank you. So are you hungry?'
"Yes I am what do wanna eat?"
"I don`t know," They both got off the bed and went off in search of food.
Since it was almost three and they would be going out for dinner at seven they went and got some little stuff to hold them over. At about six-thirty they left the hotel to go the restaurant where they had reservations, it as Red Lobster. Laura and Sid got lobster, Lauren got crab cakes, and Jordan, Miriya, Cassie, & Colby got steak. After everyone was done eating they went back to the hotel and put in a movie to start their party. Miriya and Jordan`s New Years part was the best, well there was some cool people there.
Of course Jordan, Miriya, Cassie, Laura, and Lauren were there, but Brooks, Crush, Rob, Bugsy, Max, Colby, Marc, Geno, Sid were there the whole time. But the rest of the team stopped in throughout the night. When they got back to the hotel they had put in POTC 3, but once people started coming into the room they turned it off, listened to rock and metal, ate junk food, and talked.
At a little before midnight they turned on the news and right before midnight. "TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"
"Happy New Year baby, I love you," Jordan said.
"Happy New Year, I love you too," Miriya replied then Jordan kissed her.
At around one am everyone had left & gone back to their own rooms. Miriya changed into her pajamas and got into bed next to Miriya. He put his arm around her, kissed her, and they fell asleep.
Later that morning Miriya and Jordan got up and got ready for the game. Miriya grabbed her bag of stuff and headed out to the bus. Once the entire team was on the bus they headed to the Buffalo Bills stadium where the outdoor rink was set up. As usual Miriya and Jordan found an empty room & well made-out. An hour before game time they went back to the locker room and got ready.
Jordan put on his uniform and was glad they had the new jerseys this year. Miriya also got ready, she had on her converse, Penguins pajama pants, penguin sweat pants underneath, penguin socks, penguins t-shirt, hoodie, jersey, and winter hat.
Right before the girls went out to their seats Miriya gave Jordan a kiss. "Good luck baby," She said then put on her gloves and winter coat.
"Oh my God, Miriya owns a winter coat!" Lauren said with a laugh.
"Yes I actually do and I figure that since I`m going to be outside for a long time I should probably bring it."
The girls got to their seats and both teams came out for the pre-game skate, already some fans were cold. During the first both Sabers & Penguins scored. During the first intermission they decided to not go to the locker room, but all went to get hot chocolate. When they got back to their seats it was right before the teams came out again for the second period. During the second the Pens scored & the Sabers were held pointless. During the second Laura who was only wearing a hoodie was shivering.
"Cold Laura?" Miriya asked.
"Just a little."
"Well I`m really hot, take my coat," Miriya unzipped her coat.
"Ya sure?"
"Yep, I`m hot," She took off her coat & gave it to Laura.
During the third there was a lot of action, Jordan got tripped on the way to the net and got a penalty shot which went it, Laraque got in a fight, Sid scored on a breakaway, and Fleury made some amazing saves. The Sabers did score one goal in the third, but the Pens went and pulled off the win 4-2.
When the buzzer went off to end the game Pens fans throughout the arena stood and cheered. It was a great game & Miriya was so glad that she got to go. After the stars were announced Miriya, Cassie, Laura, and Lauren went to the locker room and waited for all the interviews to be over & all the reporters to leave. But because it was the outdoor game there were more reporters than usual and they all had a lot of questions.
When all the reporters did leave all the players got showered and the equipment managers went around and made sure that all of the equipment was packed. Just like every other away game they excepted some people to be waiting for autographs, but when they walked outside there were way more people than anyone thought. Instead of the normal half hour to sign stuff it took an hour and a half for the whole team to get on the bus.
The bus left the stadium parking lot at six pm; they stopped for dinner and made it back to the Mellon at one am. Miriya was glad that her`s and her friend's parents were letting then skip school the next day. Jordan took everyone home and dropped Miriya off last.
"Goodnight baby, thanks for coming on the road trip with e, it wouldn`t have been the same without you."
"You`re welcome, I had a great time & I`ll see you tomorrow," Miriya said while yawning.
"Okay, see you at five tomorrow, get some sleep."
"You too, bye baby. I love you."
"I love you too," Jordan said then gave her a hug and kissed her. He walked back down to his car and went home.
Miriya went inside, threw her stuff on the floor, turned on her music, flopped on her bed, and fell asleep.
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8 months ago
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