On the twenty-ninth Buffalo was in town and Miriya was at the game. “Hey Miriya you bring anyone to Buffalo with us?” Sid asked while passing on his way to his stall.
“I didn`t know that I could, no one told me.” She said glaring at Jordan.
“Sorry baby, you should bring someone ‘cause I know you won`t want to spend New Years with just the team.”
“Well actually I wouldn`t mind spending New Years with just you guys, but I guess I could bring someone.”
“Okay, well call them no & see if they can go since we`re leaving tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Miriya got out her cell phone and called Cassie.
“Hey would you wanna go to the outdoor game with me & the team?”
“Um yea, but that doesn`t mean that I `m allowed, lemme go ask,” She put the phone down and went upstairs, when she got back. “Mommy said I can go, when are we leaving?”
“Tomorrow I think Jordan`s picking me up at six.”
“Yea, so get your stuff ready & we`ll pick you up after the game on our way home.”
“Okay, how long we gonna be there?”
“The game’s on New Years Day & we`re leaving right after it.”
“Okay sounds good, what all do I need to bring?”
“Clothes, lots of `em, remember OUTDOOR GAME.”
“Okay, well I`ll let you go since the game starts in like an hour.”
“Okay, see yea later.” She closed her phone and put her head on Jordan`s shoulder. “Cassie can come; we need to pick her up on the way back to my house.”
“Okay, you wanna take anyone else?”
“Maybe,” Miriya took her phone back out & texted Laura and Lauren.
Do you want to go to the outdoor game with me…get back to me ASAP.
About five minutes later it was time to go out for the pre-game skate, so Miriya & Michelle went out to their seats. During the first period she got two texts both said When are we leaving? she replied saying Tomorrow my house 6 am Both Laura & Lauren said that they were able to come. Miriya reminded them to Bring warm clothes.
The Pens ended up winning the game 3-1 and the Sabers weren`t very happy that to be playing them again. After interviews, showers, and autographs they went out to Jordan`s car and went to Cassie`s house. Miriya figured that she would be nice and help Cassie bring her stuff to the car.
“Hey Jordan how are you?” Cassie asked when she got into the backseat of the car.
“I`m good, tired, you?”
“Same, good game tonight.”
When they got to Miriya`s house Jordan helped Cassie carry her stuff up and into Miriya`s room.
“Well I`ll see you guys at six tomorrow morning. Bye Cassie.”
Miriya and Jordan went outside and down to his car. He put his arms around her and kissed her.
“I love you baby, I`ll see you tomorrow,” Miriya said.
“I love you too, six o’clock,” Jordan said as he let go off her and got into his car.
The next morning Miriya & Cassie got up at five and showered. Once they were both done Miriya grabbed a big bag to throw all her stuff in. She packed two pairs of jeans, two Penguins shirts, her Staal & Fata jersey, and all the rest of the stuff she would need for the road trip. She also made sure that she had her mp3 player & food for the bus ride.
At six Jordan pulled into the driveway and walked up to help Miriya and Cassie carry stuff down to the car. They waited for Laura and Lauren to get there, made sure that everything was in the trunk and headed to the arena. Once they got to the Mellon they got on the bus, Miriya of course sitting by Jordan. They left at seven and pulled into the parking lot at the hotel in Buffalo at two.
“Practice in one hour, so be back on the bus in half an hour,” Therrien said before anyone got off the bus.
Everyone took they stuff to their rooms and went back out to the bus again. They got to the arena; everyone suited up and headed out to the ice. Half way through practice Miriya was sitting on the bench and Jordan took a stick to the forehead.
He went off to the locker room to get stitches & Miriya went with him.
“Well you really look like a hockey player now,” She said with a smile.
“Yep, I sure do.”
After Jordan got his stitches he headed back out to the ice and finishes practice. When everyone was showered they headed back to the hotel.
Later that night Miriya, Jordan, Lauren, Laura, and Cassie went to the store to get stuff for the next day for their New Years Eve party. They got a bunch of chips, pop, and other junk. When they got back to the hotel everyone was in Jordan & Miriya`s room. Miriya was sitting on Jordan`s bed with him & everyone else was sitting on hers.
“Be right back,” Jordan said as he got up and walked over to the bathroom.
Lauren and Laura jumped onto Jordan`s bed & started tickling Miriya. She laid & squirmed. “Tickle Rape!” Laura yelled.
Just then Jordan came back into the bedroom. “Jordan help!” Miriya yelled even though he was three feet away from her, but she couldn`t help it she was laughing to hard.
“Okay guys, that`s enough.”
Laura and Lauren got off the bed and Jordan got on and starting tickling her. “Please baby, I hate being ticklish.”
He kissed her, “You know you don`t hate it, but since you said please I`ll stop.”
“Thank you,” She said sitting up.
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8 months ago
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