‘Buzz, Buzz’ Miriya`s phone was ringing on the nightstand next to her.
“Hello,” she said half asleep.
“Hey sorry to wake you.”
“Oh hey Elizabeth, what`s up?”
“Well I have two extra tickets for the symphony tonight, do you want them?”
“Sure, but you`re not gonna use `em?”
“Well I don`t really need them since I`m in the symphony.”
“Oh yea, sure I`ll take them.”
“Ok, it starts at eight I`ll leave the tickets at the box office for you. Then maybe afterwards we can go get something to eat.”
“Sounds good to me, I`ll see you tonight.”
She put the phone back down on the nightstand & lay back down. Jordan put his arm back around her & kissed her cheek.
“So what did you get us into for tonight?”
“Elizabeth had two tickets for the symphony tonight so we`re gonna go, then the four of us are gonna go get something to eat.”
“Four of us?”
“Elizabeth, Andy, you, & me.”
“Oh yea sorry it`s early, you know I can`t think when it`s early.”
“Yes baby I know, go back to sleep.”
An hour later Miriya woke up again, stretched, & walked out to the kitchen. Jordan was making breakfast, but had stopped scrambling the eggs when he felt Miriya`s arms around his waist.
“Good morning beautiful,” He said turning around to face her.
“Good morning, what`s so special about today that we get real breakfast & not pop tarts?” She asked with a laugh & laid her head on his chest.
“To celebrate that you officially live here.”
“Aww baby I love you, you`re so sweet.”
“Well so are you.”
She kissed his cheek, then left a gentle kiss on his soft lips. He of course kissed back & the eggs started to crackle so he pulled away.
“Hold on, wait till after breakfast,” He said with a laugh.
They sat down at the table & it was just like old time, there was tons of food, Pancakes, bacon, eggs, fresh fruit, & orange juice. Jordan poured himself a cup of coffee & looked over at Miriya who smiled.
“I would give you some coffee but I don`t want you falling asleep during the symphony tonight.”
“Ok, I think we should go down to the arena after this & work out, with how I eat I`m never going to fit into my dress.”
Jordan giggled, “Yes you will, but yea we can go down & work out.”
Once they finished eating there was only crumbs left & Miriya burped.
“Excuse me, I`m so fat.”
“No you`re not, but lemme do dishes then we`ll go down to the arena.”
“I love how you never make me do anything; you always cook, & do the dishes, & do laundry.”
“My mommy taught me well.”
“Yes she did, I`m gonna go get ready I`ll see you in a little bit.”
Miriya changed into a pair of Reebok shorts & a Pens t-shirt while Jordan did the dishes. They went to the arena & went to the weight room first, then went to skate. During their scrimmage after warming up they were behind the net digging for the puck. Miriya gave Jordan a few hip checks & tried digging the puck out with her feet. Jordan was digging with his stick & tripped Miriya; she went down barely missing the boards. She got up & gave Jordan a cross check to the back, Jordan lost the puck & Miriya was off on a breakaway.
“You know if a ref was here that would have been a penalty!” Jordan yelled while getting up, & Miriya was at center ice.
Out of nowhere Jordan got a burst of speed & he somehow ended up two strides behind her. With a quick flick of the stick under her skates she was sliding on her knees, but somehow managed to get the shot off. Jordan quickly skated over to Miriya who was at the boards trying to get up. He helped her up & pulled her into a hug.
“I`m sorry baby, I know that was totally uncalled for.”
“Really? That was my bad knee too, good job.”
“I said I was sorry,” He kissed her & pushed her against the boards.
“That made it a little better, but it still really hurts,” She said once she pulled away.
“Good let`s go home & ice your knee.”
Once they got home Miriya sat down on the couch & put her foot up on the coffee table. Jordan went to the kitchen & came out with a bag of ice.
“You`re so good to, except for when we`re out on the ice.”
“I know baby, but you`re not very nice out on the ice either.”
“I know, I don`t try to be. There`s no friends on the ice, you should know that.”
A few hours later Miriya came out into the living room wearing her work shoes, a pair of black dress pants & a dressy shirt. Jordan was sitting on the couch in a striped dress shirt & black dress pants. When she stepped into the room he walked over to her & gave her a hug.
“Hello there beautiful.”
“Hey handsome, I like that shirt.”
“Thanks it`s an old one, I like your outfit.”
“Thanks, I was gonna wear a skirt but with my knee twice it`s normal size & three different colors I figured pants were the way to go,” She said with a laugh.
“Three different colors, I wanna see!”
“Wow you`re such a little kid, but I love you.”
“And I love you too, now let me see your knee.”
She rolled up her pant leg a little past her knee carefully so not to hurt it more & it was in fact three different colors & was not only bruised but also a little swollen.
“Ewww it`s gross but cool.”
“Oh my God, I`m marrying a twelve year old.”
“Hey you said yes,” He said with a smile.
“I know I did & I`m glad. I`m a little kid too & love it.”
“Well I love you.”
“I love you too, but we need to go so we can make it downtown in time.”
They headed out to Miriya`s car & downtown, once they got to Heinz Hall after parking in the parking garage they went to the box office to get their tickets & went to their seats.
“Ok getting down here was painful & I can`t believe I`m saying this but you`re gonna have to drive home.”
“Wait you`re actually gonna let me drive your mustang, you`ve never let anyone drive your car.”
“I know but it really hurt to shift.”
“Ok baby, I`ll drive you car,” Jordan said with an evil grin.
“Do not blow out my transmission, I will hurt you & it`s your fault I can`t drive.”
“I`m sorry baby I really am & I`ll try not to blow out your transmission. But you haven`t blown it out yet so there`s no way I`ll blow it out tonight.”
“Hey I go the speed limit.”
“Sure you do.”
“I do & you know this is the only time you will ever drive my car.”
“Yes I know & I will cherish the experience.”
“You are such a little kid, you`re acting like you`ve never driven a mustang before.”
“I haven`t & you know the first time you got in your car you freaked out.”
Everything got quiet & the music started. Miriya & Jordan looked for Elizabeth & Andy who weren`t hard to find since they both played bass. The show was about an hour & a half long including intermission. After it was over they went & met Elizabeth & Andy by the stage door. They walked to the parking garage together then met up again in the Eat `n Park parking lot.
“So Jordan how was the drive over here?” Andy asked.
“I enjoyed myself,” He said with a smile.
Once they sat down at the table everyone ordered drinks then Miriya & Elizabeth went to the ladies room.
“So three months?” Andy asked.
“Just a little under that now.”
“You asked in Buffalo, at the Falls right?”
“Yea, the entire team was standing behind us, I think it made it better.”
“Was it nerve-racking before hand?”
“Yea a little `cause I didn`t know how I was gonna do it or how she would react. Why so many questions?” He paused for a second. “Wait are you going to?”
“Yea I have the ring already, I`m just waiting for the perfect time to do it.”
Just as Andy finished saying that Elizabeth & Miriya got back to the table. “Do what?” Elizabeth asked.
“To do laundry, I`ve been so busy lately I`m down to my last few shirts.”
“Oh ok.”
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
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i put a story up =]]
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