Monday morning Miriya got up, got ready, and went to school. She was her normal tired self, but she was happier than normal & her friends could tell.
"You`re happy today." Miriya`s friend Lauren said as she walked up to their hang out spot on the third floor. "Why?"
"Oh, I got a new boyfriend." She said with a smile.
"Who?" Both Laura & Lauren asked.
"Jordan who?" Lauren asked.
"Jordan Staal." Miriya said with an evil grin.
"I hate you, you stole my boyfriend." Lauren said.
"I`m sorry Lauren, but you'll get to meet him someday." It was about that time when the bell rang and Miriya had to haul her heavy book bag up to the eighth floor.
After sitting through honors English, honors algebra 2, and honors French 4 it was the halfway point of the day, it was finally lunch time. In the cafeteria her friend Sam walked up to her and gave her a big hug.
"How are you?" Sam asked still holding her.
"Happy..." Miriya said looking up.
"Another important day to write down." He said smiling.
"Funny, but no really I am happy."
"Why, does it have anything to do with James?"
"No, it doesn`t, I have a new boyfriend." An even bigger smile came to her face.
"Oh really, who?"
"Jordan Staal."
"Yes, but don`t tell anyone, we`re trying to keep it on the down low, only my best friends are allowed to know."
"Okay, I promise I won`t tell anyone."
"Okay good, see ya later."
Sam finally let go of her and they went to their separate tables. Once everyone was at the table, all four of them.
"So, how was your weekend?" Michelle asked.
"Good, I got a new boyfriend."
"Really, who?"
"I can only tell you guys if you promise not to tell anyone."
"Promise." Jasmine said as she opened her pop tarts.
"Promise, who is it?" Michelle asked. "Do you have a picture?"
"I don`t have a picture with me, but you all know him." She paused. "Emily promise not to tell anyone?"
"Who is he?" Michelle asked again.
"Jordan Staal." She whispered just so the people at her table could hear.
"No way." Michelle paused. "You are not dating Jordan Staal."
"Shh and yes I am. I can`t really prove it to you at the moment but it`s true. He came into the store I work in last Saturday before the game and we started talking. Then be came back on Sunday but I didn`t have work, so he left me a note. Then when I was at work on Monday he came in & he hung out and he gave me a ride home. Then this weekend we hung out after the game and we made dinner and then he asked me out and we fell asleep on the couch watching Miracle."
"Aww that cute. I wanna meet him."
"Well give us a little time; we've only been going out for two days. But you will get to meet him. Maybe I`ll take you to a game with me and you can meet him & the rest of the team."
"That would be great. Can I go out with Fleury?"
"Um one he`s just a little too old for you and two he has a girlfriend, sorry."
"Man, can I at least meet Fleury and get his autograph?"
"Yea, I`m sure you`d be able to do that. But I get to meet the team first."
"Fine, next time you see Jordan tell him I say hi."
"Okay, I`ll tell him tonight, I think he`s coming to see me at work."
Later that day after school Miriya was at work at about seven-thirty when Jordan walked in & was on the phone.
"Okay Eric sure, whatever. Bye." He hung up the phone and walked up to the counter." Hey baby, sorry that was Eric with another scoring challenge."
"It`s cool, but I thought that you were always having a scoring challenge?"
"We are, but instead of an all year one, not it`s who has the most points by Christmas, the all-star break, then the end of the regular season."
"Oh sounds fun, he`s winning right?"
"Yeah shut up, I can come back and beat him."
Miriya walked out from behind the counter and up to Jordan. "Competitive are we? Well I like that in a man."
"Well you`re pretty competitive too." He said with a smile.
"Yes I am."
"So there`s a game tomorrow & I was wondering if you could get out of work to go and maybe meet some people?"
"I`m sure Dom would be cool with it, but I`d have to tell him about us so he knows why I need to take off."
"Okay, you can tell him as long as you make him promise not to tell."
"Okay, that`s what I`ve done for everyone else. I know we need to keep it on the down low because of publicity reasons, but what happens when I`m in the locker room & the press sees us together when they come to interview you?"
"We just won`t be really close in the locker room and if they ask who you are then we say you`re a friend and you are so it`s not a lie. And I know that you hate liars."
Miriya picked up her phone & called the store manager. "Hello?" Dom said.
"Hey, it`s Miriya. I was wondering if I could take off work tomorrow? Now before you say no let me tell you why I need to take off."
"Last Saturday you left me her for a while, as soon as you walked out someone else walked in. Now it wasn`t just some ordinary costumer, no it was Jordan Staal. He stayed & we talked until about when he had to leave to get ready for the game. Then he came back Sunday looking for me but of course I wasn`t working, so yea. Now you don`t need to know the other details but, but I can only tell you the reason I need off as long as you keep it on the down low."
"Okay, I promise now you better tell me if you want the night off."
"Okay, so this past Saturday like two days ago, after the Penguins game I hung out with Jordan and now we`re going out. So as the girlfriend of a player I can get into the locker room without any questions asked, well except for by the press. So there`s a game tomorrow night and Jordan asked me to go, but I`m working so yea, that`s why I need off."
"Well I guess if you`re Jordan Staal`s girlfriend I can give you the night off to go to the game."
"Thank you so much."
"You`re welcome, now get back to work and finish your shift for tonight."
"Bye." Miriya hung up the phone & hugged Jordan.
"He said I can have off." She said with a smile.
"Good, now you get to meet the rest of the team, promise me you won't like make out with Sid."
"Well if I have too." She paused & he gave her the puppy dog face. "I was joking baby. I wouldn`t do that, well if I wasn`t going out with you I would. But I promise I won`t make out with Sid.
"Good." He said and put his arm back around her.
"What about Geno or Fleury?" She asked jokingly and he gave her somewhat of an evil glare. "I`m kidding, calm down."
"They hung out for the rest of the night and when Miriya`s shift was over Jordan gave her a ride home.
"I love you."
"I love you too Jordan." She said just before his lips touched hers.
A few minutes later when they pulled away Miriya opened the door while still in Jordan`s arms. "Bye baby, I gotta do homework, but I`ll see you tomorrow. Oh wait what time do I need to be at the arena?"
"I`ll pick you up here at five-ish."
"Okay, that means I need to take the same bus that I would take to work, so that I can get home & change in time."
"Whatever you need to do baby, I love you."
"Love you too, bye."
"Bye Jordan said as he turned to walk down the steps. Miriya went inside to do her homework, then fell asleep thinking of the entire Penguins team, but mostly Jordan.
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
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