Lunch time on Friday finally came and Miriya was so glad that it was going to be the weekend. Not only was she glad that she didn’t have to be on recital that day, but most of all that she would get to go the Penguin’s game & be with her team that night.
“We’re meeting right outside of school right?” Michelle asked the second she got to the table with her baked potato and soup.
“Yep, then we`re going to catch the bus to my house so I can get ready, then Jordan`s picking us up around five.”
“I can`t believe I`m meeting the Penguins tonight, I`m so happy.”
“I`m glad you`re happy, I`m glad I get to see my baby tonight.”
“Didn`t you get to see him yesterday?”
“Yea, but that was when I was at work & I can`t kiss him when I`m at work.”
“So you kiss him when he`s at work?” Michelle asked with a laugh.
“Yeah, we like to make Sid jealous.”
“Aww, does Sid need some lovin`?”
“I guess so, Jordan made me promise not to make out with him or Geno or anyone else on the team.”
“Wow, I can`t wait to meet all the pretty Pens.”
After school Miriya & Michelle met outside school & walked to the bus stop, caught the bus and went to Miriya`s house. At five they met Jordan in the driveway and were off to the Mellon. “Jordan this is Michelle & Michelle you know Jordan.”
“Hey.” Michelle said with a huge smile.
“Hey, so you guys ready for a good game tonight?"
“Yeah, but I think the real question baby is, are you ready to beat your brother?” Miriya asked.
“Oh I`m ready, let`s just hope Eric’s ready.”
“I`m sure he is, so do I get to meet Eric today?”
“Maybe, probably after the game that is if you want to.”
“I do and if he`s anywhere near as sweet as you are I know I`ll love him.”
“Aww how cute, so when do I get to meet people?” Michelle asked from the backseat.
“As soon as we get to the locker room. Just promise you won’t freak out as soon as you get in there.” Miriya said looking to the backseat.
“Okay, I`ll try.”
About five minutes later they pulled into the player parking lot & just as they did Sid was getting out of his silver Range Rover. “Oh my God, it`s Sid.” Michelle said with a little squeak in her voice.
“Hey Sid, how are ya?” Miriya asked as he hugged her.
“I`m good you?”
“I`m good, you ready to kick some Canes ass?”
“Yep gotta make up for the season opener, and Jordan`s gotta get back at his brother. Bet he`s glad that it`s a home game otherwise his lucky charm wouldn`t be there for him.”
“Shut up Sid.” Jordan aid as he opened the door to the locker room.
“Hey guys, this is my friend Michelle be nice to her.” Miriya said standing on the bench at Jordan`s stall.
Jordan took Miriya into a side room that no one was in. “So Michelle has a thing for Sid?”
“Looks like it doesn’t it. Maybe something’ll happen between them.”
“So you need luck to beat your brother?”
“Yes I do.” Jordan said as he pushed her up against the wall. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He put his arms around her & kissed the tip of her nose.
Twenty minutes later they walked back into the locker room and Miriya had a new mark on her neck in addition to the two rope burns.
“Now I know that isn`t rope burn.” Michelle said with a laugh when Miriya walked up to her.
“No it`s not.” She said with a smile. “He needs luck.”
At about ten to seven the team was ready to go out for the pre-game skate.
“Bye baby I`ll see you during the first intermission. Break a leg, but not literally any of you cause I`d cry.”
“Bye, love you.”
“Love you too.” Miriya said as Jordan kissed her on the cheek and then she and Michelle went out to their seats.
“So you have fun talking to the guys?”
“Yeah, I mostly talked to Max, Colby, Whit, and Crush. I was too scared to talk to Fleury or Geno and way too scared to talk to Sid.”
“Aww don`t let them intimidate you. When we go back during to the first intermission talk to Geno then second intermission talk to Marc, then after the game after all the reporters leave talk to Sid. But you won`t have much time to talk to Sid cause they`re going on a road trip tonight. You have someone coming to pick you up from here, right?”
“Yeah do you have a ride?”
“Yeah, I`m going on the road trip with the team, since it`s only one day and then they`re coming back here. So I got outta work & I get to spend the night with my babies.”
“Oh, cool.”
When the pre-skate was over Miriya went and made a sign that said ‘Love my Pens…Lets go Pens!!!’ In the first the Pens scored two goals. Sykora scored the first & Staal got the second. When Jordan did score her made sure that he skated past the Cane’s bench and smiled at his brother then mouthed “Pay back.” As he skated away.
In the intermission Miriya & Michelle went to the locker room, Michelle went over to Geno`s stall and Miriya of course went over to Jordan who was talking to Sid.
“Thanks Sid and yes I`m playing in the second.” He said as he put his arm around Miriya. “Sorry I`m sweaty.”
“Don`t apologize, you played great and that goal was pretty amazing, and it`s sexy when you`re sweaty.” Miriya said with a smile as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Well thank you.” He said and then kissed her.
“Hey Jordan break it up.” Colby said with a smirk.
“Fine Colby.” Miriya said. “I`ll see you guys during the second intermission.
The second period ended in a 3-3 tie, the Pens third goal was scored by Jordan and this time his brother was on the ice for it.
“Hey Eric, how `bout that?”
“That only ties it up, you need one more.”
“Oh I`ll get it don`t you worry.”
In the second intermission Miriya again went to Jordan`s stall and Michelle went to talk to Marc-Andre. Everyone can guess what Miriya and Jordan were doing, Michelle slowly walked up to where Fleury was sitting in his bright yellow pads.
“Hey Michelle right?”
“Yeah, you`re doing good out there.”
“Thanks, definitely better than the first against them this year.”
Miriya and Michelle went back to their seats to watch the third. With ten minutes left Jordan got a hold of the puck & took off on a breakaway, he pulled a Sidney Crosby beating the entire team; he got to the crease and put it behind Cam Ward with a wrist shot.
“I love you Jordan.” Miriya said as she threw her hat over the glass.
Jordan skated up to the glass after he got out of the huddle. “I`m winning baby, I`m winning.” Then he went back to the bench & waited for all the hats to be cleared off the ice.
The Pens ended up winning the game 4-3 and after the game Jordan`s brother Eric came over the Pens locker room.
“Hey Eric, so Jordan`s beating you in the scoring race right?”
“Yeah but it`s only by one goal.” Eric said turning around looking really confused about who was talking to him.
“Hey, I'm Miriya."
“Oh you`re Miriya.” Eric said cutting her off. “Every time I`ve talked to Jordan in the last two weeks you`re all he talked about.”
“Really?” She said as she blushed a little.
On the other side of the locker room Sid was being interviewed just like Jordan. Michelle was waiting to talk to him, alone since Miriya was still talking to Eric who was skipping out on his interviews.
When Sid was done with his interviews he went straight to the showers and Michelle went over to talk to Miriya till he got back. But since Eric had left and Jordan had finished interviews before Sid, he was showered, sitting at his stall & making out with Miriya.
So Michelle went back over to Sid`s stall. She was looking at the name plates around his, and when she was looking at his, well more like staring at his she felt a tap on her shoulder & jumped about two inches off the ground. She slowly turned around.
“Hey, Michelle right?”
“Yeah, on my God, Sidney Crosby.”
“Yep that’s me. You don`t have to be scared, I`m a normal guy.”
So they talked for about twenty minutes then Michelle’s phone rang & her dad said that he was outside the arena. So Sid and Michelle exchanged numbers.
“Well maybe we can hangout sometime before a game or something. You should have talked to me earlier today.”
“I would’ve but I was too scared.”
“Well next time you won`t be.”
“See ya.”
“Bye.” He said as he gave her a hug.
Michelle started walking out of the locker room. “Bye Miriya see you at lunch on Monday.”
A few minutes later the equipment guys came around to making sure that everything was packed for the one game road trip. Then a couple of minutes later everyone headed out to the bus.
“Alright boys good game tonight, let`s do it again tomorrow against the Caps. Jordan nice work tonight.” Therrien said as the bus left the parking lot and headed to Washington.
“Well I`ve had a long week & I`m really tired. But great game, I`m so proud of you. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, I love you.”
“Love you too.” Jordan kissed her, then she put her head on his shoulder, turned on he MP3 player & fell asleep listening to bagpipes.
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