The next few days went by as they normally would. Miriya went to school, went to work, came home, did homework, and went to bed. Every night that there was a Penguins game you could guarantee that she was listening to it.
Friday rolled around and she was sitting at work listening to the Pens play the Devils in New Jersey, when she wished that the day would just end. She had the radio in the store on playing the game and every once in awhile a fan would come in to listen for a while. Finally nine o’clock came to end a long day and a long week. She locked up the store and caught a bus home, listening to the Pens game the whole time.
When the game ended she made sure that everything was filled out on her score sheet & that she had one made for the next day & she fell asleep.
The next morning she woke up, showered, & sat down to watch the Pens game. A lot of screaming went on all of which was normally 'Get the puck out, drop the fuckin' puck, come on ref what the fuck was that?' and there was an occasional cheer for a Penguin’s goal.
The game ended at around three forty-five, it was good but very close game, the Pens did come out on top though. The game winner was scored by Sid at 19:45, that`s with fifteen seconds left in the third.
At four forty-five there was a knock on the basement door, but of course Miriya was in her room practicing her bagpipes, so she didn`t hear. Jordan walked up the steps to the front door & knocked, again no answer. For some reason no one but Miriya was home. He checked the door & it was unlocked, so he figured he would go in & just follow the bagpipes to find Miriya.
Miriya who was paying no attention to anything around her other than the tune she was trying to play, didn`t notice when someone came into her messy Penguins themed room. Finally she finished attempting to play Scots Wha Hae, looked up from her piping book & saw Jordan. “How long have you been in here?”
“Couple minutes, your piping sounded good.”
“No it didn't, but on to a happier topic, good game today.”
“Thanks, I only got one point though 'cause I didn`t get to hang out with my good luck charm before the game.”
“And who’s that?”
“You, I mean I hung out with you before the game last Saturday and got three points.”
Miriya blushed, and then calmed herself down and with a sigh said. “So of you want to see my hockey ‘museum’?”
“Sure why not.” He grabbed Miriya’s hand and she led him to the “museum” with all her prized hockey possessions.
“Wow, impressive.” Jordan said as he let go of her hand.
“Yea, I’m only a tad obsessed.” she said with a smile. “So you hungry?”
“Actually I am, do you wanna go get something, or I can make something.”
Well why don’t we make something together?”
“Sounds good to me.”
They both went upstairs to the kitchen and looked for something to make for dinner. They found some pasta in the cupboard and chicken in the freezer. Miriya put some water in a pot, let it start to boil, and then she put the pasta in. Jordan put two pieces of chicken into the skillet and let it cook. When the pasta was done they drained it, then cut up the chicken & put it over the pasta. They heated up some pasta sauce and put it over top of the pasta and chicken. They took the left over food and drinks downstairs with them.
They sat down on the couch after setting everything down.
“So do you wanna watch a movie?” Miriya asked getting up off the couch.
“Sure, what do you want to watch?”
"Miracle okay?”
“Yeah fine with me.”
Miriya put the movie in and set the remote down next to her before picking up her plate again.
“Miriya can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Well I really like you and I was wondering if you would want to go out with me?”
“Well Jordan let me think about that.” She paused. “Yes Jordan I will go out with you.” She said with a smile then put her head down on his shoulder. “Well we should probably eat before the food gets cold.”
“Good idea.” They ate and watched the movie. When they were done eating it was about half an hour into the movie. They paused the movie and cleaned up the dishes, and then they went back downstairs and unpaused the movie.
Jordan kissed her on the cheek then looked away with somewhat of an embarrassed smile. Miriya turned to face him and smiled, he turned & their lips met. They both smiled into the kiss and about a minute later they pulled away. Jordan put his left arm around her and pulled her closer then held her right hand with his.
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8 months ago
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