Friday July twelfth 2013 a bunch of girls were at Miriya`s still new house & all the guys were at Sid`s house. As you would expect at both parties there was alcohol & Michelle was pretty drunk by eleven-thirty.
"I swear Michelle if you`re drunk during your wedding."
"I won`t be, don`t worry," she said stumbling over to the couch to sit down.
"You better not be, do you know how pissed Sid would be?"
"Never mind, don`t worry just go sleep it off."
The next morning everyone who was still at Miriya`s woke up to get ready. Jordan came home to get his tux then went back to Sid`s house to hang out with the rest of the groom's men.
"So Michelle you nervous?" Miriya asked while the bride's maids were doing each other's hair & make-up.
"A little, I`ll probably be worse later."
Two-thirty came & it was time, everyone was ready & waiting inside of Epiphany church which sits directly in front of the arena. It was where Michelle's grandma got married do it was special for her to be getting married there. The flowers in the church were calilies, lilies, & hydrangeas. The groom's men walked out to the front of the church all smiling. It was the entire team & they all looked very handsome in their rented tuxes. The pants & jackets were black, gold vests, white shirts, & shiny black shoes. The bride's maids started down the aisle Dena, Zena, Nina, Sara, Jackie, Amy, & Sarah. Miriya & Sammy who were the maids of honor followed. All of the bride's maids had gold flowing dresses with embellished busts. Jordan & Sid were talking at the front of the church, Jordan being the best man was trying to keep Sid calm. Shea, Michelle's cousin the ring bearer & all her little girl cousins, the flower girls walked down the aisle. Shea looked like the rest of the guys in his little tux, & the flower girl's dresses were pale gold.
The organist started to play a soft Beethoven melody; Michelle stepped out into the church & started walking down the aisle with her dad. She looked beautiful; her make-up was natural with purple & golds that enhanced her eyes & skin. Her hair was in a soft up-do with crystal pins, a tiara, & a long vial. Her dress was gorgeous, a flowing white gown, it had a long train, lacy corset & thin lace straps.
"Daddy don`t let me go," Michelle said half-way down the aisle with tears of joy in her eyes.
"You`re the one who wanted to do this so suck it up."
"I know, I think I`m fine."
They got to the end of the aisle & her father handed her over to Sid.
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two hearts in holy matrimony."
It finally came time to say the vows & Sid started. "You`re eyes caught mine that special day. I never told you this but I was also really afraid to talk to you. You were wearing a black polo & jeans & I thought you were the best thing in the world. You got your dad to like me, I know that was though. We have gone through so much these past couple years. You called me every night you weren`t with me just to say goodnight. Your little blushing thing you do drives me crazy & every time you talk I fall deeper & deeper in love. You are my world, my everything, & my love, forever & ever. I promise this can`t help falling over & over in love with you."
Michelle smiled & another tear fell to her cheek. "I would watch on the ice & only dream if what you were like in person. I finally got that chance one day & totally freaked out. You laughed & smiled & at the moment I was yours. Our first hug, our first kiss, the first time I drove your car off the road," Everyone laughed. "When I see you my world lights up, I smile, my heart races, & I get the same feeling as I did when I first met you, minus the spazzing. You make my day better, my night softer, & my world go crazy. I love you more than I`ve ever loved anyone; it was love at first sight, & love forever. I promise to keep this feeling as long as I`m alive. So this is love what my heart has been waiting for." She smiled & stared into Sid`s brown eyes.
"Sidney do you take this women to be your wife, to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, in good times & in bad, in sickness & in health, for richer or poorer, `til death do your part?"
"I do," He said & smiled.
"Michelle do you take this man to be your husband, to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, in good times & in bad, in sickness & in health, for richer or poorer, `til death do your part?"
"I do," She smiled & yet another tear fell form her eye.
"You may kiss the bride."
Sid & Michelle leaned in & kissed, it was a short kiss so everyone in the church wasn`t grossed out. After the ceremony was over the bridal party walked to the back of the church, Michelle & Sid of course went first, then each bride's maid walked out with two groom's men. Jordan, Miriya, & Sammy were the only exception to that. Finally all of the guest filed out of the church & waited outside for the newly weds.
The door slowly opened & Sid & Michelle walked out hand in hand, with wide smiles. They talked with some people for a while then the bridal party & families went back inside for pictures. All the guests on the other hand were waiting at the reception in the arena; the families joined them after pictures. The "hall" was just as beautiful as the wedding itself was. The table clothes were black & gold, the seat covers were white with gold bows. There was a sign outside of the arena that said 'NO PRESS'. The cake sat on a side table, it was chocolate cake with chocolate mouse, & the icing was white with pale gold details.
"Ladies & gentlemen please join me in welcoming for the very first time Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Crosby!" The DJ said, then everyone clapped & Sid & Michelle walked in with smiles like never before.
After dinner ended & everyone had their fill Sid & Michelle went to the center of the dance floor & Inamorata by Dean Martin started to play. When that song ended Michelle's dad cut in & Unchained Melody by the Platters came on. The first two songs ended & some people crowded onto the dance floor. Both Miriya & Jordan who couldn't dance only went out on slow songs.
Eleven-thirty came & things started to slow down but there were still a lot people there. The entire team was still there & they were sitting around & talking since none of them could really dance. Sid picked Michelle up bridal style & ran out of the hall.
"What`s his hurry?" Miriya asked.
"What`s not his hurry?" Jordan replied.
Miriya slapped his arm, "Baby!"
Outside the arena Sid & Michelle headed back to Sid`s house to get their stuff. They walked out the front door & a black limo was waiting to take them to the airport. After security checks & baggage they made it to their gate with forty-five minutes until their boarding call. They walked down to a little store to grab something to eat.
After take-off Michelle laid her head down on Sid`s shoulder.
"Goodnight Mrs. Crosby, I love you," Sid said with a smile.
"I love you too Mr. Crosby, goodnight."
The next morning they woke up just before the plane landed. "Baby look out the window."
They looked out the window & the sun was just coming up. "It`s so beautiful."
After landing they left the airport & headed to their hotel in Florence to check in & drop off their stuff. Michelle sat down on the bed & within a few minutes was asleep; Sid covered her with the blanket & kissed her cheek. He left the room & went to a small market around the corner. When he returned to the room Michelle was still sleeping, she did wake-up about half an hour later to find Sid sitting next to her on the edge of the bed.
"Hey baby, did you have a good sleep?"
"I did. So what are we gonna do today?"
"Picnic on the beach, that`s if you want to."
"Sounds good to me."
The picnic went well; they had grapes, cheese, wine & chicken. When it was over they moved closer to shore. It was the Adriatic Sea & it was beautiful. Sunset came, it was warm & there was no one else on the beach. The water was clear blue & it was a perfect day. The water was lapping at their feet when he laid her down on the soft white sand. He kissed her & ran his hand up her body. Sand was all over her body but she didn`t care because his warm skin was against hers. He kissed down her chest & it happened perfectly.
A few days later Michelle was out of the hotel room shopping, but when she came back she just stood in the door way & laughed. Sidney was in his boxers & a sombrero dancing to 'Our Song' by Taylor Swift.
"Wow baby I leave you alone for an hour & this is what happens," She said still laughing.
He quickly turned around to the door & took the sombrero off. "Um hi baby."
"Hi you are so weird."
"So do we have anything planned for tonight?" Sid asked giving her a hug.
"Yes, but we don`t have to be there until six-thirty."
"Oh really?" He glanced at the clock then gently pushed onto the bed.
At six-thirty they got to the restaurant, the first restaurant since they had arrived in Italy. Once they were seated Sid picked up his menu, looked at it & looked at Michelle.
"I can`t read any of this, it`s all in Italian."
"It says..." Michelle read everything on the menu out loud first in Italian then in English.
"I didn`t know you could speak Italian."
"You never asked, I`m fluent in Italian & German."
"Wow!" Then the waiter came & took their orders.
Once they had eaten & paid they headed to the next part of the romantic evening. When they got to the museum it was all lit up & it was beautiful. After their private tour they headed back to the hotel for some more fun.
What Health Problems Do Scorpios Have
8 months ago
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