Saturday, June 7, 2008

Staal [A Jordan Staal Story] Nine

Monday at lunch time came after Penguins win against the Caps and a good road trip.

"So did Sid say anything about me this weekend?' Michelle asked.

"Not that I know of why?"

"Oh just wondering, so how was your weekend?"

"Good, I spent all of Saturday with the team, then yesterday I did homework."

"Well I`m sure the homework part wasn`t fun, but did you have dun on the road trip?"

"It was like going to a normal game, except to get there we had to drive for five hours. We got to Washington at like four Saturday morning then went to the hotel and slept till around eight then went to the morning skate. That was fun since I had never been to one. Everything other than that was normal, hanging out in the locker room, watching the game, keeping mine and Jordan`s relationship on the down low. After everyone was done with interviews and showers we got on the bus & headed home. I got back to my house at like three and went to bed."

"Oh sounds fun, the next home game's Wednesday right?"

"Yeah, I got an extra ticket you wanna go?"

"Yeah." She said with a smile.

Wednesday afternoon came and Miriya and Michelle met outside and caught Miriya`s bus and got ready for the game. After quickly eating dinner Miriya made sure that she had her Crosby hat this time and brought the sign she made last time. Jordan picked them up at five and they headed off to the arena.

Just like last time Sid got there at the same time they did, but unlike last time Michelle wasn`t too scared to talk to him.

"Hey Michelle." Sid said letting go of Miriya.

"Hey Sid, how are you?"

"I`m good, you?"

Once they got into the locker room Miriya and Jordan went to the empty room and Michelle went to Sid`s stall to talk to him.

"So Jordan anybody you have to worry about today?"

"Nope, not really. But I still need luck." He said with a smile.

"Okay, come here. Miriya pulled him closer & kissed him.

Out in the locker room Sid & Michelle were talking by his stall. "So I know we haven`t rally known each other long, but would you go out with me?"

"Yes Sid, I would love to go out with you." Michelle said smiling widely.

About five minutes later Jordan and Miriya came back into the locker room and Michelle ran over to them with a smile from ear to ear.

"Guys, Sid asked me out."

"Aww I`m happy for you." Miriya said letting go of Jordan and giving Michelle a hug.

The Pens went out and lost the game 4-3 in overtime. It was about to go to a shoot-out but Rangers center Marty Straka scored against his former team with one second left. Officials weren`t sure if the puck was in before the green light went off. So the goal was under review and on the reply in the war room in Toronto you could see that the red light did go off before the green.

Once the three stars were announced and everyone was back in the locker room Miriya went over to Fleury`s stall.

"Ya played a good game, not you`re fault we, I mean you guys lost. No one could have stopped that last shot. Marty has an amazing shot."

"He does and hey it was an overtime loss."

"That`s true, we still get a point out of it." Miriya said with a smile. "Well again good game." She gave him a hug then walked over to Jordan`s stall.

After all the reporters left he puller her onto his lap and kissed the tip of her nose. "Good game baby."

"Thanks, I`ll be back in a couple minutes." Jordan went and took a shower. After signing autographs for about an hour they finally left the parking lot & Jordan took Miriya home.

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